First time I have seen this request.

Submissions close on 04th January 2024.

The usual token offering to the taxpayers who pay these public servants salaries. The usual modus operandi, legislation or similar, done during the Festive Season - so the employees' can claim they did ask for input from members of the Public, their Employers - the Taxpayers, who are very busy with their own year end activities and visiting family members and friends.

The People are NOT here to be treated as though we are being given a kindness, what contempt! these people are employed to do a job - paid for by the Taxpayers to do it.

How can one trust these employees , they are the overseers who have sat by for years and watched this mess get to the levels it has.

STOP insulting our intelligence.

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We just happened to run across the press release while trying to get more info on filing charges for research misconduct. This time it does seem they are really trying to get all ideas out of the public, no matter even if alternative.

There are only a few views on each video and the whole announcement. They extended the deadline probably because there was so little input. We are going to hustle and get them a comment by the deadline because its actually a VERY important public participation request that will affect future generations rights & government accountability in human research.

We do get what you are saying and why don't they advertise these public requests? No wonder no one knew - who the hell other than IOJ is trolling and looking up the Office of Research Integrity website to even find the open call to comment? Last we saw there were only 110 comments for such an important topic!

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My impression is that The People want to see the removal of The WHO, UN etc., esp., as WHO is funded largely by a so called Foundation, who are "calling the shots"

with NO regard for what The People want or need re their health. And the blatant procurement role that this organisation gives itself so as to increase the favoured Corporations and persons with vested interests-offshore Bank accounts and other methods of money accumulation. I smell a money laundering scam-

The unprofessional behaviours of WHO and their role in the PLandemic and so many other negatives leaves people with negative experiences of this unelected and very secretive and with their short term behaviours......

I take on board your reasons requesting us spending precious time on writing etc., and shall cogitate further

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Its a total laundering scam! You got it - Agreed: the blatant procurement role that this organisation gives itself so as to increase the favoured Corporations and persons with vested interests-offshore Bank accounts and other methods of money accumulation. I smell a money laundering scam-

We need to get over 50% of dissenters in the last meeting Jan 12 before WHA and get everyone to comment on all topics in the consultation. Its both spoken and written comments. WELL worth our time to build the final record air tight before going to court to Sue The WHO!!! When WHO sends us the invite and doc to study we will share! Thanks for taking on board our reasons - its critical to exiting and stopping many issues and financing they want - they are trying to push it all through a year early!!! Its the general program of work 14 for financing sand horrible policies but we can still stop it if we outnumber cheerleaders with dissenters! Thanks : ). Agree with all you said!

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They have been killing us, on purpose, for decades...... https://sagehana.substack.com/p/the-1969-day-tapes-predicted-the

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unbearably long. Obviously the time limit to six years is a joke. The FDA wanted 75 Years to release information which would have regulation moot 10 fold over. Every one can recognize the misconduct that HHS was and is engaged in currently. Yet who are the officers to enforce this regulation? none other then the ones writing it anyhow., Where is the is a criminal offense or life time bans from holding government positions. I suggest IOJ come up with a guideline draft that can be copied and sent to the criminal politicians suggesting edits that have some substance to solve the issues at hand over the non enforcement of a regulation that is clearly being violated and has been routinely violated by Anthony Fauci, and many in the FDA and CDC.

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Throwing us a bone by allowing us to comment will change nothing. Commenting only serves to legitimize the existence of government agencies. If you feel compelled to comment, tell them you are an autonomous person, that you have no need for any of their control bullshit and that you will vote for anyone who seeks to make them go away.

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Ignorance and power is a combustible mix. Laws of justice go bye bye when lies and corruption wear the clothing of truth. History is shaped by ideas of good and evil.

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"(b) Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion."

Very curious statement since virtually ALL IN THREE YEARS TIME WAS/IS BASED UPON OPINION of so-called 'Experts' to the point being it's now impossible to ascertain facts from Narrative Propaganda or Editorializing or Commentary in MSM News and the Courts. Exactly who determines 'honest error' and 'differences of opinion'?

Category has no operationalization which allows too much latitude and no boundaries applicable in 'Language/Semantic Warfare' where crime is camouflaged benign or non-existent.

Furthermore, the Unelected Officers of the Executive Agencies have, through statements as this,


This document and others similar is MURDERING THE CONSTITUTION by TREASONOUS OFFICERS installed into Govt. with fraudulent/cheat elections.

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