Let's get a few things straight Mr.Schwab. Firstly, the WEF is a self -elected bunch of greedy narcissists who have absolutely no mandate to act or speak on behalf of humanity. Secondly, while I agree there is certainly an ecological crisis, you and your cabal's agenda has nothing to do with the wellbeing of planet and people. You, the Davos crowd, are one of the main drivers of the planetary crises we face. Having been an environmentalist and proponent of natural health and agriculture for decades, I dispute that any of the WEF's proposals are conducive to human wellbeing. We real environmentalists have been offering solutions in agriculture, human health and the environment for decades yet have been ignored and suppressed. Let you, Mr. Gates and the rest of the Davos "elites" be the first to ditch your jet-setting lifestyles before forcing the rest of us into changes with which we do not agree.

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You speak on behalf of many people Carol!!!

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EXCELLENT comment, Carol!!!

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Well said!

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Dear "friend" ?? No friend of Ours! He is too blind and dumb to words that have substance! Let's stop and the converse to the Truth. Anybody that is part of the Elite group are Evil and let's all Mock and Shame , rather than even giving them credit, time, and most obvious - money!!

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Understood. Our purpose of using the common diplomatic greeting of "dear friend" is to be able to appear unbiased when we sue later.... Or get a response and open dialogue to see if we can all get some info.

We cant take any paper to court unless it appears neutral. If we mock and shame them we wont get answers. We expect they wont reply and then we can sue. STRATEGY ; )

Agreed! NEVER support them with money. Take your business elsewhere. Learn their members and avoid supporting their growth.

We understand you warning people, mocking them and complaining they are a cancer on the Earth. Its just a legal letter and they require diplomacy! Thanks!

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Klaus learned a new word - fragmentation. I’m sure he and his ilk know all about that since that is exactly what they’ve done to our world by design.

I noted that YouTube shut off comments for the Davos videos. Guess they’re afraid of a little controversy.

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We noticed they turned off comments too. So Klaus wants PARTIAL inclusion.. and partial exclusion apparently. Afraid of criticism like all narcissists. Did you notice Klaus used the word fragmentation as a way to fragment people into the most critical fragmentation: groups of "proactive (they mean themselves) and observers who even get CONFRONTATIONAL (us)"...

It's terrible! Still at it - fragmenting the world by design! Sigh!

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Powerful - pass it on today!

Gain of Function Felony Lawsuit with intent of Murder and Racketeering Trudeau and Fauci


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Mr Swabb, youre organisation often uses the term inclusiveness. Does this mean global population by consent of the people and if so how was this achieved from behind closed doors and censorship?

What outcomes would you expect if you were to abandon censorship for three or four months after which a global ballot were to take place ( total inclusiveness) requesting authority over the population?

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Mr Swabb, in the interest of openness and global inclusion ( inclusiveness being one of the slogans often used within your organisation) what outcomes would you expect to see if for example global censorship was to be dropped for a short period say three to four months afterwards a census globally of course as to what your authority is and how was it legally ordained by the population and should it be allowed ?

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Who is the "Thomas" whose spirit is so important? Malthus?

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Link Not working -

“Sign the demand for Klaus Schwab & the WEF to answer the questions from the open letter.”


Thank you for your work !!

Abundance & Blissings for all your doing 🙏

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