It makes no sense to call for Nuremberg hearings. The Nuremberg trials were a fallacy created by the globalists between 1945 & 1949. One reason there are so many problems is because they didn't jail or "whatever" those nazis that committed atrocious crimes. Rather they brought them to the united states to do horrific experiments on Americans. If you intend on having the same type of hearings, you fall back into the same old same old which means never getting rid of those that have committed atrocious crimes against humanity which btw has been going on with these globalist for centuries.

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This is a hearing to rat them out for experimentation and for violating Nuremberg Code. Interestingly Nuremberg Code is law here but its a slap on the wrist - the deal is however, ONCE WE PROVE NUREMBERG morality code is violated it also proves the CRIME of Serious Undue Experimentation - 10 years in prison. This is only the FIRST hearing of many to determine IF it's even an experiment, or too harmful to use.... So far they refuse to apply crimes or Nuremberg Code to the products by LYING it's not an experiment. Its a HUGE deal but its the step BEFORE criminal Hearing - Its a preliminary private Admin hearing to get to the truth so we can decide what it is and what must be done by law - please pray!! This is VERY different than the sham hearings and operation paperclip type programs will NOT be tolerated to start up out of the wreckage of this horror!

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Nah,,, Russia (and China) just sit iddle during palestine genocide, no closing of israhell embassy nor get out of UN or UNSC,,, as for kill vacc in jection both sputnik v and sinopharm has ingridients same as pfizer et all,,, and no stopping to force injection of bioweapon,,, same old same old,,, it looks different but it doesnt,,, yes there is fight in ukraine and help syria as well but its limited war, Putin can crush ukraine in no time but he didnt, he ahould protect syria from istahell and he didnt,,, same with china,,, everybody buasy with making money,,, doesnt matter if your neighboor get slaughtered

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Unfortunately, this is the truth..

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Good points!

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Putin is 100% on board with the globalist technocrat genocidal total slavery agenda.

Please check out Edward Slavsquat's substack: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/

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AGREED sadly....and that coming from a Putin admirer!!!

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I will believe Putin when he nukes the next WEF meeting in Davos and the next WHO meeting in Geneva.

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have ca$h donation for you. Is there someone/somewhere in SI town? Rise up and out my friend...it's daylight in the swamp.

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I think what Putin means is that the global Zio-fascists are BEYOND the NWO/OWO, and now they're on to their next step, exterminating most of us as rapidly as plausible [sic(k!)], already begun as never before. (They've been poisoning and murdering us for decades, but now they're pulling out all the stops and carrying out the coup d'gras, mass-genocide all over the world. Their master, Satan, wants us all dead, so they too want us all dead. Remember, Putin speaks in doublespeak, too; so, he's really saying the opposite of what he said, at least some of the time. He's a globalist along with them. He's not a stupid guy, except in his servitude to Satan like all of the global fascists, and he's following his fellow-globalist's script, playing his part without deviation, while making it look like the opposite.)

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Russia would not survive as a globalist-run state, fascist or otherwise, especially when most nations of the world have already capitulated and relinquished their sovereignty; the real globalists such as China would eliminate Putin and any Russian independence as soon as they see an opening showing weakness.

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The latest CCP map shows Russian land back as part of communist China.


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so has anyone read the BRICS AGENDA yet? it is TOTALLY IN LINE WITH THE NEW WORLD ORDER...it just ahs a different name: there is the INCLUSION of the WHO as an absolute authority for starters. Not to mention underlining the climate change (which is a scam) etc etc etc etc. All of the New World Order has ALL JUST ENTERED THROUGH THE BACK DOOR WHILE THE REST OF THE WORLD WAS ENTRAPPED WITH THAT DUMB AMERICAN ELECTION....

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Its never about health or peace ! It’s all about control over life and dead and all around it…

So what you think who really win this game?

In the end, the banks are always wins...




Factsheet - The IMF and the Sustainable Development Goals https://www.imf.org/en/About/Factsheets/Sheets/2016/08/01/16/46/Sustainable-Development-Goals

We must innovate out of COVID to reach the 2030 global goals | World Economic Forum https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/03/harness-pace-of-innovation-during-pandemic-to-meet-sdgs/

World Bank Group and The 2030 Agenda https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/sdgs-2030-agenda

WEF, the United Nations and SDGs https://www.wef.org/advocacy/global-programs/wef-the-united-nations-and-sdgs/



Liberals Get the Bullet Too

Eugenics Are Here: Genedrives, The Final Revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuM4GWs_1A0




No brainwashing for presidents!



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ITU (J-FET) - VIDEOS International Telecommunications Union-United Nations A.I. "For Good" 2030 




AI for Good is a year-round digital platform where AI innovators and problem owners learn, build and connect to identify practical AI solutions to advance the UN SDGs.

The goal of AI for Good is to identify practical applications of AI to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and scale those solutions for global impact. It’s the leading action-oriented, global & inclusive United Nations platform on AI.

AI for Good is organized by ITU in partnership with 40 UN Sister Agencies and co-convened with Switzerland. https://aiforgood.itu.int/about-ai-for-good/#:~:text=The%20goal%20of%20AI%20for,United%20Nations%20platform%20on%20AI.

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Oh yeah if we are all ruled by oligarchs than the oligarchs declared peace with vaccination for our health and human kind

Welcome to candy shop…

The AI powered Metaverse using holographic type communication, not only in Health Care but for education & tourism too. Seems Ian F Akyildiz wants to lock everyone up in a virtual/Metaverse game. AI for good or a panopticon digital prison?!

Cyberphysical systems (CPSs) are perceived as the pivotal enabler for a new era of real-time Internet-based communication and collaboration among value-chain participants, e.g., devices, systems, organizations, and humans

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Yupp opportunity the loveliest word of the globalist and new world order oligarchs…

Come on are you kidding me?

4 years after fighting against all of this we are now welcome this???

Donald J. Trump
(2017) President Trump Signs Bill Overturning Internet Privacy Protections

2018 ‘Warp speed’ technology must be ‘force for good’ UN chief tells web leaders - 2021-2022 Donal J Trump 'Warp Speed' 'Vaccines'

2018 ‘Warp speed’ technology must be ‘force for good’ UN chief tells web leaders | UN News https://news.un.org/en/story/2018/11/1024982
2019 "President Trump: 5G is a race we will win"
2021 Former President Donald Trump said that if not for his COVID-19 vaccine effort, Operation Warp Speed, 100 million people might have died from the bug, saying he’s “very proud” of his efforts to get Americans jabbed.

(2019) Battelle-Led Team Wins DARPA Award to Develop Injectable, Bi-Directional Brain Computer Interface
COLUMBUS, Ohio (May 20, 2019)
(2019) An Energy Balance Clustering Routing Protocol for Intra-Body Wireless Nanosensor Networks CORONA - NIH PMC
(VIDEO) https://rumble.com/v4d2cq0-february-12-2024.html
(2019) Electrochemical biosensor for CRISPR/Cas13a powered miRNA diagnostics | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8956561

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Wonderfull true words, lovely speech of a brilliant human. the dreadfully one world ended before it came to a real even worse drama. Thank him for his strength and patience against these permanent provocation..

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Until they rename it!

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If Vladimir Putin is saying, 'We’re seeing a bright future for mankind as we take back our mother earth and our higher consciousness as humans. ' he is spouting Anti-pope Francis speak, and Putin is more far gone than our USA.

That is "New Age" One World Death and Slavery System for All DragonSpeak.


Jesus is the One Who is Truth and the Only One Who offers us a bright eternal future.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.

John 10:10


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I'd trust Putin's words over Francis any day; he is the only one the demonic globalist cartel have to fear at this point in time; we'll have to wait and see if Trump is really up to the task while the Deep State continues to run America.

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Nonsense. He loves only art and culture. He never follows stupid provocation, He gives land away to everyone who wants to do ecological dynamic farming☘️🍀🤩🍀☘️🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

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Whoa.... mother earth and man's conscience??? You mean God's Creations! God made NO MISTAKES, HE created the Heavens and the Earth, Man and Women, and Only through Him, Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth and the Way to Salvation!!

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