Sep 16Liked by Interest of Justice

According to our Constitution, that bill is entirely unnecessary. No one, but NO ONE, in this country or any other, especially not traitors to our Constitution, has the authority to bypass the Constitution. ALL treaties, Constitutionally, MUST CONFORM to our Constitution, which means NO ONE has the authority to sign away American sovereignty. Enforce the Constitution, don't change it, don't ignore it, ENFORCE IT!

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Sep 15Liked by Interest of Justice

This is a scary bill. I have a question. Aren't treaties supposed to be with one nation to another nation? How does one legally make a treaty with non state entities?

I'm going to link to a short video which I believe shows the corruption we are dealing with in the US. https://rumble.com/v5egdr9-he-was-about-to-expose-them-all-and-they-raided-his-home-redacted-news.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Ironically, Redacted praises this bill but the video I linked to shows why it is a very bad idea.

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By international law treaties can be made either bilateral or multilateral and between States and/or International Organizations (IO's): )- Usually it's nation to nation, but all those UN treaties are done between countries and the UN, WIPO and many other treaties exist with IO's.

In fact the IO's bring the countries the treaties and Pacts and just see if they want to take the deal. We are taking a ton of diplomacy classes (5 certificates so far) in the hopes that we can properly negotiate in order to get our own treaties signed between us and the countries.

Can't wait to see - we have not seen anyone other than us not praise this crazy bill! Thanks!

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This is a good strategy! (I am unable to like posts on substack, sorry.)

Yes, it is worrisome. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land by Congress has abrogated it many times over, along with the executive and judiciary, as we have seen clearly thanks to the covid measures. These people make unconstitutional agreements, orders, "laws", etc. at will. This bill will not restrain them by clearly stating the Constitution is primary to all things that members of the government may give their blessing to.

Unless that restraint is iron clad, and put in writing with a real enforcement mechanism (criminal penalties) then the president will make an unlawful "treaty" and the Senate will bless the "unlawful" treaty because they will be given a lot of money to do just that.

We the people will need to refuse consent, file lawsuits and if possible have states nullify the treaty. We should implement your diplomatic strategy as well.

What is coming is going to take intelligence and courage to face down. I just don't see it another way, at least in the US. However, good for Costa Rica, who did take another pathway!!!!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Interest of Justice

The UN-WHO changed the definition of "pandemic" and the USA-CDC changed the definitions of "vaccine" and "vaccinations."

The names of bills and treaties in congress and state legislatures and propositions on ballots in elections are designed to be useful for agendas and plans.

The word "pandemic" in this bill and treaty is designed to deceive. A pandemic, if there is such a thing, requires a discreetly defined disease.


Sasha Latypova


Due Diligence and Art


If anyone tells you pandemics are real - please laugh at them. Here is the exact planning mechanism, both overt and covert. Pandemics are planned by the governments, and any “health freedom expert” today claiming these are real disease outbreaks is part of the limited hangout, the cover-up after the fact (they might not even know that they are). The cover-up narratives are fully pre-planned by the same military-criminal cartels who run these mass murder/ mass looting exercises.: SNIP



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