Your dogging of big pharma is great. You're asking the wrong questions. Big pharma is now big military industrial complex. The vac is a weapon, as is "COVID". Synthetic aerosol spike, morgellons and a shot of more nanotech to put them to work. War has been declared and we are the enemy, Just ask the CCP-DOD.

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It just shows what a coward and liar he is. He didn't even try to defend because he knows there is nothing to defend. Its all been lies.

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All lies & fraud. He was so smug that he's above answering. Its total coward move to run away repeating have a nice day. Not even an attempt at feigned righteous indigence to pretend the questions are outrageous.

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Bourla is vile, putrid, rank and needs to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. He is a murderer. Full stop. And to think he is a veterinarian. What a disgrace to that profession. He disgusts me and I hope someday I have the great honor to piss and defecate on his grave.

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We appreciate you speaking your mind. We are not too fond of Albert Bourla or his company either lol

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I hate him and all the other WEF lower life forms. They are despicable and need to be punished in this life or the next.

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