Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice

The Bible and the Constitution

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people mourn.”


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Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice

Thank you! We are definitely mourning! The evil is so obvious with these group of power/ financial hungry imbeciles.

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I'm not defending the gargantuan faux pas. It was the head of an already dead whale. If these people gave a crap about marine life, MAYBE they'd try to protect pink dolphins being raped almost to the point of extinction in Pakistan.

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It was the head of an already dead whale lol. Maybe he was taking it to study or something fascinating but benign and they act like he wanted it for a trophy head on his wall haha - it really is the lamest attack we have ever heard and interestingly a few people wrote us that we are hateful - OMG we are NOT endorsing it haha - just sharing the odd news of the depravity of the leftists attacks nowadays!

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Yeah. Can you imagine how stinky that thing must have been? He must have REALLY wanted it.

Maybe he was going to make scrimshaw from the teeth. Yes, truly depraved. My job now is to start looking around (again) for Maya (Harris) West's very Marxist-esque handbook in pdf download that called for taking to the streets in what sounded like a violent fashion should Donald Trump win the election back in either 2016 or 2020 - I can't recall which. It has been scrubbed from the net. I think I have a screen grab of Kamela Harris' gen-u-wine paid membership card with the Communist party. Time to get down.

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Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice

LIKE to see th media intnsely cover Kamala's prostituting herself to Wille Brown for career and political success... seems much much worse and serious than the effects mentioned about RFK

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And Robert F Kennedy Jnr was saving the TAXPAYERS money by rmoving it. And their olfactory system, removing a fly families perpetuator and.-------

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Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice

It's bad enough trying to keep a good presidential candidate alive,and wade through the pile of s... They leave us to proceed with. RIDICULOUS!!!! 😜

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lol It's the level of attacks and the great lengths the other side will go to to try to tip the scale on this election. Its obscene lol

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whats real scary is that this "story" will clinch it for some left wing nutjobs.....

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It was posted on a green environmental site and we have a feeling it works to influence the environmental movement - so yes agreed! Left win nut jobs would love to run with this... Really - over a decade old? The investigation comes just after endorsing Trump... Its this base type level of attacks we need to watch for!

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Nio, it more a judgement of what they think of the intelligence etc., of The Prople.

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The hypocrisy of these people totally amazes me.

All the clips of rioting across the country that was incited from just about everyone in the current administration are here for the entire world to see,and our former president has been on trial for inciting nothing, I could go on and on. Do you think they are that delusional or that stupid to make us believe anything they say??

Where are their fact checkers? All this has gotten to be ridiculously one sided.

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Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice

They beclown themselves.

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Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice

What a bunch of jacka**es! Yeah, this isn’t politically motivated 🙄

So insulting that these tricks are so overused and we are supposed to give credence to them.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

It's over a decade old and it comes up NOW???? His own daughter was talking about the event in a magazine - it was never secret and somehow THIS is all they got? Its lame!

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What a bunch of nonsense bringing this to the attention of people! Get a Life. There are far more important issues in this World that need to be addressed!

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UM Hello - the second he endorses Trump this investigation comes out? To us this IS news - because it shows the ATTACKS... Plus it's just bizarre and we find it interesting. We can post what we like haha - you do NOT have to sub and you don't get to tell us what to post.

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Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice

Interesting how "dirt" surfaces when a former team member changes sides.

I saw him in another article a few months ago posing shirtless, and I thought it was an AI photoshop.

The guy is in great shape.

If ever a member of Trump's team that would wring out some true oil from these "Snakes", this is the guy to do it.

Btw, posting what topic you want is what's called Free Speech.

Someone needs a dose of George Carlin.

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It is interesting how old dirt or dripping Whale fluids surface near a heated election... Leftists: either way we will smear the hell out of you with whatever dirt or Whale fluids we can dig up on you. Haha AI shirtless - The dude caught a RATTLESNAKE - that's pretty studly. How low can the detractors get to try to make him seem un-environmental to the environmentalist crowd...

Someone does need a dose of George Carlin, as if we can please all of the readers all of the time! What's interesting to us may be offensive to others... so be it! It takes all kinds to make up this world : )

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Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice


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Oh please!!!! We have them trying to kill us!!!

Butt, they want us to shift focus on a dead whale and a dead bears corps. SAVAGE!!!! 🤣

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

They do want us to take away his morality by making him look unenvironmental. Why we posted he IS an environmentalist.

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Sep 18Liked by Interest of Justice

the lefties losing it certainly want this distraction! study the board and play the game!!

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That's what we are saying! We study this - it's looking like the opposition has to really reach to try to attack these two - Trump & Kennedy... And its important to have levity as well - to us this is so far out it lightens our mood from constantly dealing with such serious stuff like crimes against humanity. If this is all they got then the leftists are OUT in Nov!

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I would say we need to get rid of left wing and right wing fascists, which would men both major party candidates.

Trump is responsible for the mass murder of OWS. He suppressed those who spoke up to include doctors who had their credentials stripped for telling the truth.

I have difficulty understanding how a mass murderer who supported censorship is going to free the people. I am horrified that anyone supports a candidate who engaged in either of these actions. It is a sad statement about how desperate people are that they believe in Kamala or Trump.

I know it is difficult for people to think realistically about candidates right now because everyone is scared to death about the world situation. But to my mind, we aren't going to find a solution by electing any person who engaged in or currently engages in mass murder or censorship. Both major candidates have done so.

Bobby has done a lot of truly strange things. Significantly, he is pro mandates if the government thinks something is proven "safe and effective". Please consider scrolling down the memes and looking at the video where you will hear Trump and Bobby in their own words, not mine. https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/meme-tastic-monday

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The man is a MASTER FALCONER and erveryday walks in the eoods with hisi dogs and Falcon and practices. He won the cCase for your HUDSON (I think) River case and started a system of caretakers for thatPolluted rivers and their care, and in various parts of the World others copied that.

What he has done for your community proves his genuine committment to contributing to the POSITIVE not negative in life. And so much more - AMericans are indeed fortunate to have him offering his services to the Country. Many men that age would be sitting back and golfing all day etc.,

Yes, his body is in better condtion/fitness than many 20 year olds.

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