Sep 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Glad you were able to get this out for the people in Canada. I told Lisa that here in the US we already have One Health offices and no bill was passed to make that happen. Right here in the state of Tennessee our state health department and our state agriculture department are implementing One Health and I am sure they are getting federal money to do it.....in fact I know they are. Our government at every level is willing to sell out their people for money and thinking if they play along like good boys and girls they will get a seat at the table. I guess they never heard of what happens to "useful idiots." Not a one of them will have a seat at the globalist table. They will all find themselves sitting at the table of Satan in HELL.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

The HHS OGA is the worst - ran by Loyce Pace and ALL of the suck ups in there are WHO shills - They have all sorts of one health and climate nonsense in their global health security schemes with 70 countries under the globalist banner of UN/WHO! https://globalhealthsecurityagenda.org/. The roundtable of the Knights of Darkness will indeed get their eventual rightful seats at the table of Satan in Hell! Absolutely for sure! Fully agree about the useful idiots and their delusions of being part of the club. The club they think they are part of will eventually CLUB them over the head, as in all commie regimes...

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Sep 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Isn’t that the truth?! That’s what I want to scream at the liberals here in the US. It sounds good to you until it’s used against you!

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Sep 14Liked by Interest of Justice


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Pray, Prep and Repent is all good BUT God does not want us sitting around execting him to fight our battles. We are his warriors on earth and it is our job to fulfill his commands and fight for this country that he gave to us. DO nothing and nothing will change. Geeez when are the people of Canada going to remove Trudeau???

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Sep 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Too much corruption. Everything is a FN fraud and a lie!

Wake up, there are hundreds of paid Doctors running with the scam.

Many have been spewing off false narratives to distract from the truth.

There is no new disease!

There is no isolated virus!

There is no real test!

Weston A. Price Foundation podcast reveals the lies.


Too many Canadians being murdered and injured. This has to stop now.

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!


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Agree with every word Doug!

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Sep 14Liked by Interest of Justice

I need to let you know that although I filled out the whole form for making a donation, I was shown the 404 message instead of the transaction is complete message. This happened the last time I attempted a donation, but that time I had no time to let you know, sorry. I will see about another way, perhaps. As you may remember, this is a recurring situation with me and donations. So frustrating...

In any case, thanks so much as always for your deeply dedicated work for all of us!

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OK it's fixed! We see your donation did come through! THANK YOU so much - Let's keep going! We also have a big update we are preparing! Stay tuned - Thanks for being a super supporter of this critical mission Bhavana! Sending love and blessings - IOJ

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Thank you as usual Bhavana! Checking the 404 now - So glad you told us! That has got to explain why not a single donation has come in - usually there is at least one or two as a tip for the efforts ; ) Will post here when fixed - we appreciate the much needed support so much! - IOJ

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Sep 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Instead of using the word protest, may I suggest using the word rebut?

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We rebut, refute, deny, protest, object and REJECT ; ) Every presumption must be rebutted or it stands as true - we rebut all of it!

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Sep 14Liked by Interest of Justice

See "The Great Transition" Depopulation Economics at https://www.greattransition.org/gti-forum/population-patomaki. North American populations will be reduced quicker due to higher consumption. Bioweapons are safe and effective for them and fantastic for their investments. War is unlikely since it destroys their totalitarian infrastructure and control tools.

Also see The Planetary Health Roadmap https://www.planetaryhealthalliance.org/roadmap along with the world self-appointed messiah's Netflix series. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/09/09/bill-gates-on-what-keeps-him-up-at-night-war-another-pandemic.html. Both cover "The Great Transition".

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Got em bookmarked for reading tonight! Looking forward : ) Thanks Jen!

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Sep 14Liked by Interest of Justice

BIG thanks BIG REMINDER Bill C-293 represents a critical juncture for Canada. This legislation is not just about pandemic preparedness; it’s about consolidating power and potentially institutionalizing a new era of governmental control that could undermine our rights and freedoms. The strategies outlined in this bill reflect a broader, troubling trend towards authoritarianism, justified by a distorted narrative of public health crises.

The time to act is NOW. This isn’t the time to be complacent nor compliant !! We must resist the passage of Bill C-293 with every means at our disposal. Contact your Senators, raise awareness in your communities, and stay vigilant. Our rights, freedoms, and the very fabric of our society are at stake. Wake up, Canada—understand what’s happening, and take a stand before it’s too late. The future of our nation depends on our collective action to defend our liberties and ensure that we do not fall victim to further tyranny.

Immediate Action Needed https://open.substack.com/pub/avatara10/p/urgent-bill-c-293-threatens-your?r=2c9oc2&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Sep 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Just read! Yikes!

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...agreed!...ur a faster reader than i am, i have to read ur article properly later...keep up ur extraordinary standards!...

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Recently, I offended the author of this substack and many readers by expressing my opinion that petitioning (begging) government bodies to either cease some action or alternatively to perform some action., is useless and pathetic: I have not changed that view and I have now recognized a perfect example as evidence for that Judgment.

The on going atrocity and genocide in Gaza is all the evidence that any rational person would ever need! Our governments (?) do not serve the wishes or demands of the people. I think that over a billion humans have expressed their horror and disgust, yet there are no Western governments motivated enough to even stop supplying weapons and ammunition to the murderous Israelis and their program of exterminating the Palestinian People?

Quite the contrary, these "Democratic" governments have arrested and jailed many citizens for protesting the inhumane treatment of Palestinians. So please, never again believe that 'Your' Government will do anything for You in response to civil and polite pleading.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Author

Begging is beneath us. We subtly or overtly demand.

You do realize there is a constitutional RIGHT to petition your government for redress right? In Costa Rica if we do not use petition in the title we are not owed a response.... Also, stopping a war by petition is not going to have any impact. - IT'S WAR - HELLO ... However, a petition or demand with real reasons for a Bill about to pass - it's worked many times. It worked on the first IHR with 50k demands & us speaking to them in a hearing 5 days prior to the vote stopped 12 of 13 IHR amendments and we have multiple wins using forms and multiple emails to bitch... Cant convince us it's begging or useless, or comparable to writing in to stop a full out international crisis WAR! - OVERSTOOD on what you think of the term of art 'petition', but it does not always mean begging to the King - W the people are the sovereign - we are the boss - they are public servant. They work for us - we HAVE to communicate our wishes or they can't do as we wish!!!!! PS: Not offended - friends with Karl Lentz and many others who spoke up on this for years... in the end we think they are overreacting bigly

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I do not single out IOJ or condemn you. In fact I chose your substack for the first posting of this because I expected this 'Reasoned response', without banning or blocking. IOJ has done, and is doing good work. But, my complaint is with the Petition Process and people's expectation that they are fulfilling their civic responsibilities with the sole action of signing a petition: That is weak and foolish. So long as there are no consequences for government authorities and there are infact often considerable personal benefits for ignoring the wishes of the citizens; then there will be few instances when the government will support the peoples' wishes rather than those of powerful and wealthy vested interests.

Also, you are Wrong: Palestine is not a War and has not been so for many years. The situation in Palestine is a Massacre! Deeming this a War assumes some equivalence of forces with either side having some chance of winning. Gaza could never win on its own any more than Ukraine could ever have prevailed against Russia without the direct intervention of the United States. No Palestinians ever voted in support of their annexation and depopulation by Israel!

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Did anyone click on each day of the Senate calendar Sept 16 through Sept 19? https://sencanada.ca/en/calendar/

I did not see Bill C-293 mentioned. Did I miss it?

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