Sorry for the loss of parents. My father in law was murdered aged 92 in a UK NHS hospital. Midazolam and Morphine. Evil

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It's crazy! The more we look into it - iatrogenic harm and death is a HUGE problem... Sorry for your loss as well! Truly evil and then they HIDE it all rather than stop it and make things right... grrrr

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Speaking out about only covid vaccines does not even come close to going far enough!

All vaccines are a scam since about 1795!

There is no reason to vaccinate when they cannot even find one virus!

There is no virus!

There is no real test!

There is no contagion!

Wise Traditions Podcast Episode 491

Blowing The Lid Off Virology (Or Bird Flu Part 2)

with Jamie Andrews


Sidestepping the whole truth is gatekeeping and gaslighting.

We are awake to the Virology fraud now!

Love, Truth, Justice and Freedom!

Suggesting reading!

"Virus Mania"

"Dissolving Illusions"

"What Really Makes You Ill"

"The Final Pandemic"

"The Contagion Myth"

"Can You Catch a Cold?"

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Gonna have to agree Doug! The covid vax is the worst though - so rapid to kill..

& WHERE is the virus, eh hem???? Can't find it - It's like those weapons of mass destruction George Bush Jr was looking for but never found...

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Looks like we found those weapons of mass destruction!

They're in the vile!

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the VILE VIALS!!!!!!

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Not enough is written about the kill program in hospitals ,when entering with a cold or flu .Many or most are still alive after the poison shots,so far ,but in hospitals the kill protocol with remdesivir and ventilators combined with brutal inhuman treatment is close to 100% lethal .Ask any nurse who quit or was fired for not murdering the patients .They have a horror story for you . My brother was murdered that way in six days .

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It really was a new protocol and they were paid to kill! Sorry to hear!

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OMG, so sad! My condolences!

You're right, not enough is written and the protocol crimes are horrendous.

In some hospitals, as many as 30% never made it out alive!

Hospitals turned into gas chambers!

Here is a recent Tweet that I shared!


Andrea Lynn


As a nurse, my old employer called me crazy for questioning COVID hospital protocols and took me off the schedule.

Friends and fellow nurses labeled me crazy when I tried to warn them about the dangers of the COVID “vaccines”.

Now, my own family is calling me crazy for pointing out the deception surrounding their favorite political figures.

It’s both alarming and tragic to see how deeply so many remain under such powerful mind control.

The truth is right in front of us, but years of MSM programming have blinded most people to it.

The word is slowly getting out!

The depth of evil is unfathomable!

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The word IS getting out - Thanks for sharing - looks like a TON of people resonate with your post and message! Keep sharing truth far and wide and we will break through!

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I've lived here in Costa Rica for over 30 years now, and was deeply involved in the Info War against the PLANdemic as a veteran Truth Warrior and professional published writer and blogger (and book editor). If you need any bilingual assistance, let me know. T.me/sol1soul 📲

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Thanks! We actually could use some help - will reach out : )

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I am so sorry, I lost both in laws within 6 weeks of each other, and aunt and uncle and my mom’s memory has been destroyed by these poisons. Recently many deaths of peers in their middle age. I am so angry and so unforgiving. I am struggling with “ forgive those who do you harm” when I want them to suffer as so many have suffered. God forgive me, I know vengeance is not mine.

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It seems a lot of it is time released - For my parents to die 11 days apart - and you lost in laws within 6 weeks of each other....

Our vengeance is to hunt them down for prosecution and take our sweet time building the very best case we can to take them down - and - make better laws. Karma is coming to them all in this life or in the beyond - they will answer to what they have done!

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Yes thank you IOJ, if not in this world then in the next but I appreciate that you fight for justice here and now!

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... condolences lady Xylie, our hearts go out to you... 🙏➕🙏...thanks for sharing these moving details!...droppin into church soon, will light candles... God be with you!... 🙏➕🙏...

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Huge hugs! Thank you - I really appreciate the candles and light!

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... sorry, reposted comment textbox was open...once you express grief, light pours in simultaneously, and afterwards... inconsolable grief is the impulse while tears 'appear' to convey the current...my retrospective experience Xylie!... 🙏➕🙏...

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As I have watched many of my so called normie friends die and others currently dying from a plethra of cancers, strokes and heart attacks I understand your frustraction and I know the pain your are going through.

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There are so many victims of this. It's immeasurable!

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Too many losses Chief Wolf!

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Is there a chance to send money through “buy me a Koffee”

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Thanks! we were actually thinking of setting that up as an extra option - is it KOFI?

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Read what happened to me in the hospital - the world has gone insane. https://open.substack.com/pub/aztec8888/p/links-the-hospital?r=prmxc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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CR sucks like that!

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I am sending you my condolences. My family has suffered in a similar fashion and I am afraid to answer the phone now.

In 2020, my father died in a nursing home. He had vascular dementia and contracted pneumonia. Instead of keeping him isolated til he got better, my mother said she visited him and they had put him in the cafeteria where everyone else was - knowing that a nurse there had been diagnosed with Covid19. He died alone because no one at the time could visit their relatives. The death certificate says both pneumonia and Covid19. The whole incident sounded very suspicious. I think they just got rid of him. 85 years. Did not smoke, did not drink. Exercised and ate good food.

My mother died a few months later from ovarian cancer. She did not get proper treatment because everything was put on hold in the hospitals because of Covid19. Her cancer spread fast. She died alone where they had parked her hospital bed in a hallway. 82 years old. Did not smoke, did not drink. Exercised and ate good food.

Within the same months in 2020, my mother´s two sisters died; Rosa-breast cancer, Brenda-Covid19 (within two days!), My younger cousin Xavier-sudden heart attack, Alfred my uncle-in-law-stroke.

In 2021, my aunt Camilla died of a heart attack.

This year, 2024 my uncle Marvin died - suddenly and another younger cousin died of ovarian cancer. Both within two weeks of illness. Both had the vax. Both extremely healthy before getting ill.

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Unbelievable how they did this to so many people. The dying alone thing is just evil

- Also Renee, we have you on our list to contact this week or weekend - We still really need your help! We have literally been too busy to even stop to get help! It's time to expand and we are figuring out all the ways people can help. It will be great to team up and finish this! : )

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I am available if I can help in any way. I live in Quebradas, Perez Zeledon very close to you.

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Thanks again! Looking forward : )

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TRAGIC: Pharmacist Commits Suicide over Devastating Covid ‘Vaccine’ Injury https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/tragic-pharmacist-commits-suicide

Man dies after surgeons remove wrong body part — Alarming trend of surgery errors

skyrocketing https://studyfinds.org/surgery-errors-skyrocketing/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Jeeze Louise.... Never trusting the Doctors again!

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I am so sorry for your losses 😢 I’ve heard it so many times. I want to travel, I want to go to such and such concert, I want to meet my grand baby.

My favorite thing is to go to small venues and see vintage rock groups from my youth. When these venues started their restriction to a vaxed only audience, I wrote them off. Before I did that though. I sent a loud & clear message to them through their websites.

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Thanks Tess - Even some band members were coerced and now dead.. look at Tayler Hawkins the drummer for Foo Fighters - young, healthy & suddenly dead as a doornail... Eric Clapton injured, etc... Ice Cube was a bad ass and turned down millions because he refused the jab -

Say it loud and clear - screw off with your poison you damn psychos!!!!

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My father in-law was murdered in hospital under covid ''protocols''

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It was "new & deranged hospital protocols" intended to kill as Dr. Yeadon calls it. Sorry to hear! There are so many stories of this - it was purely the protocol!

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My condolences to all.

Lost my mom August 2020 while in nursing home rehab in upstate NY. Gov Cuomo shut down access to visit March 2020.

Not sure if she caught covid or died from lack of human contact or loneliness.

He just went before Congress to explain himself.

Putting sick patients in with others in facilities shows a poor lack of judgement.

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Oh wow, your mom was in one of the infamous NY nursing homes? Sigh... The whole thing just stinks to high heaven. We are also sorry to hear about your mother. It's not right that we have to seriously wonder if they died of loneliness. We can't let another round happen and it looks like they are getting ready for round 2 - Gates said it will get our attention this time...

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There is a nursing home in Hell that we need to send Gates into.

Thank you for caring.

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My last remaining direct uncle who I argued with to not get the vax - his kidneys are failing and he is very ill. He had 3 vax because he wanted to travel with his wife.

Meanwhile, I did not get the vax - I do not have anything wrong nor take any medications. I am 68. My 82 year old cousin is alive and well - no vax.

My 85 year old father-in-law is alive and well - no vax

Why has so many become absolute sheep? Within the next 20 years the population will be decimated from the excess death, wars, and plummeting birth rates.

We who are still healthy and well need to be the witnesses and document everything.

BTW: in the absolute coverup - no autopsy was done - cremation is promoted.

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Absolutely agree: We who are still healthy and well need to be the witnesses and document everything. BTW: in the absolute coverup - no autopsy was done - cremation is promoted & CR government will NOT explain why no autopsies, even after court order to answer! Shady

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I support the fight and it is absolutely a war on humanity itself, but please do not lose sight of the fact that covid was and still is a slow acting bioweapon. Mike is wrong about that. There is more than enough evidence about the development, spread and the impact it has had on health for both unvxd and vxd. I appreciate that probably it is a extra battle you don't want.

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We get why you are convinced of this. We are holding out for the judges to determine after all evidence, but it really seems not spread, only injected. Flu stopped testing and allegedly circulating. We think it was flu rebranded with some pockets of direct bioweapon attacks mixed with globally spread propaganda - We are not convinced the whole thing was a lab leak and transmissible. In fact, we think China is a scapegoat and TOLD WHO it wasn't transmissible based on studying 500,000 people!

There are so many things we want to find out and prove, but you are right, it's just too much in this case at least, and would hinder the case to stop the shots by taking FOREVER -You are awesome for saying I appreciate that probably it is a extra battle you don't want. - We would love to know for sure but its a really tough one to know either way.

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I just know too many people who became ill and not with flu in 2020. I accept that the resulting medical effects were variable and not consistant. I can trace from Dec 2019 who I caught it from on three separate occasions (no Vx). It was much slower transmission than we were led to believe, people even now are only just catching it for the first or second time. The variety of adverse and unusual effects support that it was both designed and novel (I will now sound completely mad but effects include things like hair going curly / or straight and people being able to imagine in colour when they couldn't before, teeth randomly falling out). I agree they used the flu numbers and many other tricks to make deaths seem higher.

I think that it has been planned for so long that when Obama banned GOF it gave them an excuse to go to China to do the work knowing that at some point in the future they would blame them.

The big concern I have about saying covid was either not real or not harmful is that the long term damage, particularly to those who have had the Vx AND covid is not being considered (other than by a handful of people) and there is growing evidence that this is a bad combination. Prion disease is also a real concern.

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

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I've been antivaxx ever since nearly dying from pneumonia due a mandatory flu shot as a 17 year old minor in college in 1971.

Mom was living in an assisted care facility. My next older brother had guardianship and control of her estate. He and his wife took the jabs. The assisted care facility mandated the jabs. Of course, my brother did nothing. She died 3 months later. Lost a nephew and 5 friends to the jabs. Lost a close friend to the profitable hospital remdesivir/ventilator protocols. Many more have died from those protocols than has been reported. The story of Alexis Lorenze is all about deadly hospital protocols. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/alexis-lorenze-the-poster-child-for

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It's so incredibly sad and pervasive.

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