Tedros turned WHO into a weapon of pseudo scientific dictatorship which prejudices the org. He loses immunity, does not pass go, can turn himself in or get arrested the hard way. Sign & share NOW!!!!
The WHO is simultaneously discredited and held liable - and the member states are forced to withdraw from the WHO. It would start a series of actions to force nations to make policy changes to address all the issues so it cant happen again. Most importantly, the wrongdoers will be assessed and addressed and cessation and reparations are owed by law. Its the starting place for MANY remedies! Keep the faith. Thanks for taking the time to understand this important action! We will try to explain the details and laws and how that leads to certain remedies. Its important to clarify more so people understand! This is actually the evil WHO's WORST NIGHTMARE - that includes all their Pharma funders and regulators!!!!
It is great to take actions. Even if the enemy has installed its puppets to head up most or all countries and organizations world wide? Every challenge and failure is a learning opportunity? By trying things, we learn about enemy vulnerabilities, and can adapt, and improve accordingly? Sophisticated decades long enemy conditioning of the masses to get to the compliant inactive non innovative state we currently see is a significant and unprecedented challenge we face. All who take the initiative to take innovative corrective actions should be supported with gratitude. Thank you Interest Of Justice. You, and others, may want to take a look at Solution Seeking. We are somewhat stale right now as we reassess what has happened there and where to go next. Enemy infiltration and sabotage has probably occurred.
A crude attempt to summarize all known classes of solutions and rate them is given in the Addendum here. It is in need of a rewrite and we are working on that. Note that the MANY SOLUTIONS solution comes out as the best category of solutions.
One idea that, if it went viral, might turn the tide, is presented here. It is simple, but the derivation is complex, looking at how to get around the enemy's conditioning of the masses through things like weaponized language, divide and conquer, trigger words, people being harmed physically and mentally, etc.
Hello Doreen. It is a great question. Constructive skepticism and discussion should be welcomed by all who seek to improve the future of humanity? My opinion is that we won't know what changes until the conditions are achieved and we look to see, but we can made educated guesses, and assign probabilities. That is how we used to handle predictions in the engineering complex system simulations and development projects I worked on. We always ran at least 9 predictive simulations, and planned for the most likely, worked to avoid the worst possible, and worked towards the best possible. The simplest possible description of this process is described in the link below. Please also see my other comment to Interest of Justice in this thread. Thank you.
One important change will take place. Since 1947, small children have been taught that the United Nations is up there with God and goodness, therefore it is an article of faith whenever the WHO tells the world anything. The prosecution of Tedros will be the first small tear in the fabric of lies created so successfully by Nelson Rockefeller when he designed this NWO weapon (1933-1936). Citzens will then commence to question varius aspects of UN behaviour, thereby eroding the central plank of the globalist PR agenda. The key to success of prosecution will be passing that knowledge to every person we know.
How else can we get a critical mass of people questioning not only the UN, but the entire societal structure, ASAP? It is not easy? The enemy has succeeded in conditioning humanity in many ways that make this kind of thing extremely challenging? Nothing Einstein ever did was as urgent, complex, and/or challenging as what we are trying to do? It all adds up? If we can get a critical mass doing real things to turn the tide?
This thread is great! Yes! What we need to do is an empowerment initiative with the step by step strategy understandable for the masses to digest. The remedy is a step by step remedy so you have us thinking how to explain it best - the masses are needed in this fight!
Love this comment from Tony below as well: "Likewise, if we contact everyone we know and focus, not on the WHO, but on Tedros, who is fabulously unlikeable, we can bring him down, have him prosecuted and imprisoned, and then smear his filth over the entire WHO.
Once that is completed, we can smear the UN... WB, WTO, IMF, and all the other phony agencies. This methodology incorporates the best of strategic thinking, icluding that of Sun Tzu."
Thats it... Lets all work on this because there is a small window during WHA while all member states are together to get them in a legal bind and force terminate Tedros... from there it all comes together for humanity step by step and falls apart for the evil ones!
I love it. Thank you. I am eager to learn more and figure out how I, and others, might help. It is extremely frustrating for me to see so many great seeming initiatives fail over the past several years. Let's make this one succeed? Thanks again.
I see you are a realist, Larry. I have learned to be patient... to take one small step at a time, and to focus entirely on that step until it is time to move on to step two. Suddenly, I find the entire impossible project has been completed. Likewise, if we contact everyone we know and focus, not on the WHO, but on Tedros, who is fabulously unlikeable, we can bring him down, have him prosecuted and imprisoned, and then smear his filth over the entire WHO.
Once that is completed, we can smear the UN... WB, WTO, IMF, and all the other phony agencies. This methodology incorporates the best of strategic thinking, icluding that of Sun Tzu.
Concomitantly, every American can support the Tom Renz and Naomi Wolf campaign to support Missouri Bill 1169, and to attack the lobbyists opposing the bill, which makes mRNA content of food mandatory. As few people will now jab, food is Plan B, and this is how to defeat it.
Keep up the great work, Larry. It's aappreciated, even over here in Australia.
Thanks for your reply Tony. We are all doing our best and it all adds up. Great point about one step at a time. I hope we don't run out of time. Sorry, but I do not feel like time is on our side. Yes, anxiety and rushing things is not good, there are balances to be maintained. In my engineering simulation development career we persisted and did things the world's leading experts said were impossible, so I will persist, and continue to seek innovative new ways of solving this.
For sure, Larry, we are running out of time. Our problem is, everyone is action-shy. They would rather believe that we can appeal to the empathy, compassion, and conscience of psychopaths, somehow. This defies the very definition of psychopathy. I anticipate that it will be suddenly awoken working class that will rise up and close the globalists down, but this won't happen until the deaths of their children interrupt beer, football and TV.
Exactly! In the unanswered charges they are accused of violating the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and Nuremberg code, Declaration of Helsinki, etc, etc, etc, etc. Not many people know of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights! Thank you for sharing! We need an educated populace!
Momentum! Its the beginning of an avalanche of goodness and rule of law to bury and displace the evil deceptions hijacking our world! They are NOT expecting this. Its their worst nightmare! A seed was just planted and it WILL GROW into the next great pillar of RULE OF LAW! Be free!
Let's suppose everything in your claim is accurate and true. If Tedros is arrested, tried, convicted and incarcerated, what changes?
The WHO is simultaneously discredited and held liable - and the member states are forced to withdraw from the WHO. It would start a series of actions to force nations to make policy changes to address all the issues so it cant happen again. Most importantly, the wrongdoers will be assessed and addressed and cessation and reparations are owed by law. Its the starting place for MANY remedies! Keep the faith. Thanks for taking the time to understand this important action! We will try to explain the details and laws and how that leads to certain remedies. Its important to clarify more so people understand! This is actually the evil WHO's WORST NIGHTMARE - that includes all their Pharma funders and regulators!!!!
"The WHO is simultaneously discredited and held liable"
That's what needs to happen with the current U.S. 'government'.
110% agreed! Working on it!
My understanding is that NO one present at this meeting is putting up ANY resistance. Might just be that we are toast.
It is great to take actions. Even if the enemy has installed its puppets to head up most or all countries and organizations world wide? Every challenge and failure is a learning opportunity? By trying things, we learn about enemy vulnerabilities, and can adapt, and improve accordingly? Sophisticated decades long enemy conditioning of the masses to get to the compliant inactive non innovative state we currently see is a significant and unprecedented challenge we face. All who take the initiative to take innovative corrective actions should be supported with gratitude. Thank you Interest Of Justice. You, and others, may want to take a look at Solution Seeking. We are somewhat stale right now as we reassess what has happened there and where to go next. Enemy infiltration and sabotage has probably occurred.
About page.
A crude attempt to summarize all known classes of solutions and rate them is given in the Addendum here. It is in need of a rewrite and we are working on that. Note that the MANY SOLUTIONS solution comes out as the best category of solutions.
One idea that, if it went viral, might turn the tide, is presented here. It is simple, but the derivation is complex, looking at how to get around the enemy's conditioning of the masses through things like weaponized language, divide and conquer, trigger words, people being harmed physically and mentally, etc.
Hello Doreen. It is a great question. Constructive skepticism and discussion should be welcomed by all who seek to improve the future of humanity? My opinion is that we won't know what changes until the conditions are achieved and we look to see, but we can made educated guesses, and assign probabilities. That is how we used to handle predictions in the engineering complex system simulations and development projects I worked on. We always ran at least 9 predictive simulations, and planned for the most likely, worked to avoid the worst possible, and worked towards the best possible. The simplest possible description of this process is described in the link below. Please also see my other comment to Interest of Justice in this thread. Thank you.
One important change will take place. Since 1947, small children have been taught that the United Nations is up there with God and goodness, therefore it is an article of faith whenever the WHO tells the world anything. The prosecution of Tedros will be the first small tear in the fabric of lies created so successfully by Nelson Rockefeller when he designed this NWO weapon (1933-1936). Citzens will then commence to question varius aspects of UN behaviour, thereby eroding the central plank of the globalist PR agenda. The key to success of prosecution will be passing that knowledge to every person we know.
Good point. Thanks.
How else can we get a critical mass of people questioning not only the UN, but the entire societal structure, ASAP? It is not easy? The enemy has succeeded in conditioning humanity in many ways that make this kind of thing extremely challenging? Nothing Einstein ever did was as urgent, complex, and/or challenging as what we are trying to do? It all adds up? If we can get a critical mass doing real things to turn the tide?
This thread is great! Yes! What we need to do is an empowerment initiative with the step by step strategy understandable for the masses to digest. The remedy is a step by step remedy so you have us thinking how to explain it best - the masses are needed in this fight!
Love this comment from Tony below as well: "Likewise, if we contact everyone we know and focus, not on the WHO, but on Tedros, who is fabulously unlikeable, we can bring him down, have him prosecuted and imprisoned, and then smear his filth over the entire WHO.
Once that is completed, we can smear the UN... WB, WTO, IMF, and all the other phony agencies. This methodology incorporates the best of strategic thinking, icluding that of Sun Tzu."
Thats it... Lets all work on this because there is a small window during WHA while all member states are together to get them in a legal bind and force terminate Tedros... from there it all comes together for humanity step by step and falls apart for the evil ones!
I love it. Thank you. I am eager to learn more and figure out how I, and others, might help. It is extremely frustrating for me to see so many great seeming initiatives fail over the past several years. Let's make this one succeed? Thanks again.
I see you are a realist, Larry. I have learned to be patient... to take one small step at a time, and to focus entirely on that step until it is time to move on to step two. Suddenly, I find the entire impossible project has been completed. Likewise, if we contact everyone we know and focus, not on the WHO, but on Tedros, who is fabulously unlikeable, we can bring him down, have him prosecuted and imprisoned, and then smear his filth over the entire WHO.
Once that is completed, we can smear the UN... WB, WTO, IMF, and all the other phony agencies. This methodology incorporates the best of strategic thinking, icluding that of Sun Tzu.
Concomitantly, every American can support the Tom Renz and Naomi Wolf campaign to support Missouri Bill 1169, and to attack the lobbyists opposing the bill, which makes mRNA content of food mandatory. As few people will now jab, food is Plan B, and this is how to defeat it.
Keep up the great work, Larry. It's aappreciated, even over here in Australia.
Thanks for your reply Tony. We are all doing our best and it all adds up. Great point about one step at a time. I hope we don't run out of time. Sorry, but I do not feel like time is on our side. Yes, anxiety and rushing things is not good, there are balances to be maintained. In my engineering simulation development career we persisted and did things the world's leading experts said were impossible, so I will persist, and continue to seek innovative new ways of solving this.
For sure, Larry, we are running out of time. Our problem is, everyone is action-shy. They would rather believe that we can appeal to the empathy, compassion, and conscience of psychopaths, somehow. This defies the very definition of psychopathy. I anticipate that it will be suddenly awoken working class that will rise up and close the globalists down, but this won't happen until the deaths of their children interrupt beer, football and TV.
That's a heavy price to pay for procrastonation.
Great ideas and very important , it was obvious to me long ago food in multiple ways would be the main weapon.
very good point indeed.
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Date and place of adoption: 19 October 2005 - Paris, France. Article 6 Consent https://www.unesco.org/en/legal-affairs/universal-declaration-bioethics-and-human-rights?hub=66535
Exactly! In the unanswered charges they are accused of violating the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and Nuremberg code, Declaration of Helsinki, etc, etc, etc, etc. Not many people know of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights! Thank you for sharing! We need an educated populace!
Thanks. Signed. Cross posted to Solution Seeking Substack.
Thank you Larry! Sharing is caring! Its a real solution and we need to act NOW!
You're welcome. Thanks for all you do.
Our future generations, we must fight for them. Thank u Larry
This is a BIG locomotive that slowly starts to pull good and clever people forward! Thank you IOJ!! It will take a while but it surely is a start!
Momentum! Its the beginning of an avalanche of goodness and rule of law to bury and displace the evil deceptions hijacking our world! They are NOT expecting this. Its their worst nightmare! A seed was just planted and it WILL GROW into the next great pillar of RULE OF LAW! Be free!
I love this!
Thanks everyone for your comments and links. "What do you perceive to be the 'root' of every problem facing humans today world-wide?"
I think the only way for justice of the WHO and it’s masters the banking family cartel is for lynching by angry citizens.
oskar virag