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Good point. Thanks.

How else can we get a critical mass of people questioning not only the UN, but the entire societal structure, ASAP? It is not easy? The enemy has succeeded in conditioning humanity in many ways that make this kind of thing extremely challenging? Nothing Einstein ever did was as urgent, complex, and/or challenging as what we are trying to do? It all adds up? If we can get a critical mass doing real things to turn the tide?

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This thread is great! Yes! What we need to do is an empowerment initiative with the step by step strategy understandable for the masses to digest. The remedy is a step by step remedy so you have us thinking how to explain it best - the masses are needed in this fight!

Love this comment from Tony below as well: "Likewise, if we contact everyone we know and focus, not on the WHO, but on Tedros, who is fabulously unlikeable, we can bring him down, have him prosecuted and imprisoned, and then smear his filth over the entire WHO.

Once that is completed, we can smear the UN... WB, WTO, IMF, and all the other phony agencies. This methodology incorporates the best of strategic thinking, icluding that of Sun Tzu."

Thats it... Lets all work on this because there is a small window during WHA while all member states are together to get them in a legal bind and force terminate Tedros... from there it all comes together for humanity step by step and falls apart for the evil ones!

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I love it. Thank you. I am eager to learn more and figure out how I, and others, might help. It is extremely frustrating for me to see so many great seeming initiatives fail over the past several years. Let's make this one succeed? Thanks again.

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I see you are a realist, Larry. I have learned to be patient... to take one small step at a time, and to focus entirely on that step until it is time to move on to step two. Suddenly, I find the entire impossible project has been completed. Likewise, if we contact everyone we know and focus, not on the WHO, but on Tedros, who is fabulously unlikeable, we can bring him down, have him prosecuted and imprisoned, and then smear his filth over the entire WHO.

Once that is completed, we can smear the UN... WB, WTO, IMF, and all the other phony agencies. This methodology incorporates the best of strategic thinking, icluding that of Sun Tzu.

Concomitantly, every American can support the Tom Renz and Naomi Wolf campaign to support Missouri Bill 1169, and to attack the lobbyists opposing the bill, which makes mRNA content of food mandatory. As few people will now jab, food is Plan B, and this is how to defeat it.

Keep up the great work, Larry. It's aappreciated, even over here in Australia.

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Thanks for your reply Tony. We are all doing our best and it all adds up. Great point about one step at a time. I hope we don't run out of time. Sorry, but I do not feel like time is on our side. Yes, anxiety and rushing things is not good, there are balances to be maintained. In my engineering simulation development career we persisted and did things the world's leading experts said were impossible, so I will persist, and continue to seek innovative new ways of solving this.

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For sure, Larry, we are running out of time. Our problem is, everyone is action-shy. They would rather believe that we can appeal to the empathy, compassion, and conscience of psychopaths, somehow. This defies the very definition of psychopathy. I anticipate that it will be suddenly awoken working class that will rise up and close the globalists down, but this won't happen until the deaths of their children interrupt beer, football and TV.

That's a heavy price to pay for procrastonation.

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Excellent comment. What you have discussed is one factor. Unfortunately, only with things get worse, might a critical mass be finally moved to real actions. However, there are other factors. Some of those factors are touched upon in the articles below. Our enemy is clever, cowardly, and predatory. I am not certain that a critical mass of the population is capable of the actions required anymore. Our enemy has been using covert means to harm people for decades, and is escalating that harm.



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Ha ha, once again, no argument from me, Larry. What will everntually make its way to the surface of public awareness is the reality that all vaccinations injured victims, some immediately but all by eroding mental function and immune response, among many others. Then there are malnutrition and food toxicity, and we have not yet got to environmentl poisoning.

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As an engineer who spent far too much time around microwave communications systems, I know first hand how the documented brain damage and physical damage effected me. The sites I provided supply details and the details are important. I have seen so many great attempts to turn the tide fail, and incomplete understanding of the real state of the masses is one of many reasons for those failures. One should continue to try. How many times did Edison try before succeeding in inventing the light bulb. I really wish that we had more experts in these fields helping us in creating our solutions that are viable given the real state of people these days, but we do our best. I admire what I see as your confidence but I admit I do not share it. I think that the devil is in the details that people now avoid. The enemy has also succeeded in making most far too busy to put in the time that might be required. I consider it an honor to put my signature to worthy attempts and try things that balance and do not distract me from seeking solutions. If somebody does indeed come up with the silver bullet(s) that turn the tide that is great. We are attempting to discover more of these possible silver bullets in Solution Seeking.

Below is a crude attempt at quantitatively analyzing and categorizing all known solutions. It is in need of a rewrite. I note how Substack has not deleted it from the About page that should be summarizing all articles. We have experienced what appears to be significant Substack sabotague.


The above article is now absent from the Archive page below.


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Here is a start...


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Thanks James. I have read the article. My analysis is that Tedros is simply another cowardly sellout puppet selected by our enemy to head The WHO. I have further concluded that our enemy has installed similar puppets to head most or all countries and organizations world wide, while ensuring that these kinds of puppets are the majority in the medical, engineering, accounting, legal, and other professions. As such, I believe that if Tedros was somehow unable to perform his duties as puppet, the enemy would simply select another well vetted sellout coward who is more than capable of doing everything the enemy requires of it. I seek to use Occam's razor type of analysis to simplify the analysis as much as possible in ways that might lead to innovative solutions. The purpose of this is to understand the complex system and understand what systemic changes could be made. One idea that has arisen from this analysis is the need to go after these puppets PERSONALLY as well, not only through the organizations they hide behind, but to launch personal lawsuits, discover and publish the locations of their personal residences, pay them personal visits, etc. EG. Charge Tedros personally for murder, manslaughter, fraud, and as many other crimes as possible, if that cannot be done, launch civil suits against him personally, it was done with OJ Simpson. I am always very interested in any exceptions or other errors in my generalizations, as those are learning opportunities and signal a need to adapt. Therefore, I hope you will advise me on whether you think the generalized model I have provided here is deficient. Thanks again for all you do.

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Whoa there, Larry.

You are the first person I have encountered that realises this. Tedros, Fauci, Gates, Schwarb, and other WEFers are promoted by the media for that very reason, as patsies.

Prosecutions and assassinations will erase many convenient bullseyes whilst the real NWO Emperor does his grumpy aged thing well in the background.

Who is this? A clue is the seamless narrative and action slogans parroted by the patsies who launched covid. Another clue is that whoever it is must have the goods on a lot of politicians and political party handlers. He must also have the supreme confidence of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Soros.

Only one person fits that description and he was, indeed, anointed as the successor of former NWO leader, David Rockefeller in 1973, the same day the Trilateral Commission was completed.

Anybody guess who our real arch-enemy is?

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We vote for prosecutions rather than assassinations lol - You gotta remember we are The Great Reset Of Rule Of Law! Two wrongs never make a right! On the other hand, there is the death penalty for some of their actions - and if it were the appropriate judgment well... so be it - they are scum and we don't need them here wasting OUR resources!

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For me everything is a probability. I will offer a few similar but slightly different possibilities. There are many other possibilities.

1. The descendant of Genghis Kahn, or something similar. Despite the lies of His Story, rewritten by the enemy, when the Mongols defeated the armies of Europe in Hungary, they did not return to Mongolia to select a new leader and forget about Europe. Rather, they gave the rulers of Europe a choice. Surrender and we will install our surveillance teams in your kitchens etc to ensure you stay in line and you will be allowed to appear to rule and keep your wealth, but we will rule, get out of line and you will be killed. Refuse and we will destroy your entire civilization like we always have done to anybody who has refused. The European rulers took the deal and the world has been ruled by puppets ever since. Now this descendant rules in absolute secrecy, pulling layers of puppet strings. Rockefeller was another upper level patsy set up as a target to divert from the real ruler. The real ruler would never show itself.

2. An advanced alien race is running experiments on planet earth. This race sets up inbred selfish retarded psychopaths with what they need to rule as an experiment. The experiment is to see if the human race is ready, willing, and able to figure this out, destroy the small network that is enslaving them, and earn the better world that is possible. The advanced race has given humans everything they need to win this war, but, so far, the humans are incapable of figuring it out. The race even delayed the end of humanity slightly and is giving more clues and opportunities, but the humans are still incapable of figuring it out. If the humans fail, humans prove they need to go extinct, and the next stage of the experiment is trans humanist.

There are many more. These two would explain a lot, and it could be a combination of the two of them. I think this is enough for now.

That is my guess.

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Well we have to go after him , yes they always replace , then go after the replacement. You shoot your first volley of arrows , the first line of enemy soldiers drop , you reload and send the next volley at all those running.

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Yes. Clearly define what the enemy is as completely and simply as possible. Then go after whatever scum they put in for puppets, one after another after another. Get them thinking twice about accepting the very lucrative puppet positions. Right now none of them have even been mildly inconvenienced.

Some suggestions about things that might be done lawfully are covered in the Addendum and pinned comment here.


The enemy has destroyed the rule of law for us but hides behind its idiotic laws for itself. Please do not fall for enemy entrapment and discuss unlawful things here.

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Great ideas and very important , it was obvious to me long ago food in multiple ways would be the main weapon.

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