Oct 11Liked by Interest of Justice

The reason why they wouldn't allow people to have ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and in a lot of cases Z-Paks.... Is because they were very effective in knocking out the man-made virus if taken early. It was very clear and is even stated out loud by world leaders Like Biden and Kerry that they're trying to reduce the world's population, AKA kill you..... But I guess when people hear someone say something to their face like that they just can't believe their ears so they try to interpret it another way...

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No one wants to believe their government and all others as well teamed up to murder them....

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Oct 14Liked by Interest of Justice

It's not 'their' government. Governments and institutions have been infiltrated. The people who pretend to be politicians and legislators, are not. They're corrupt puppets who will do anything. Why do people have such a hard time believing? It's not like we're not used to war and seeing the slaughter of innocent lives all over the world. It's our turn now. We, the people who deemed themselves safe from the murderous psychopaths because we're living in a Western country.

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Oct 11Liked by Interest of Justice

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

No way. No more fake Frankenshots.

How these people can be on board with this agenda is beyond comprehension.

This is the worst kind of Snake oil.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11Author

Exactly Bruce.. And now we are at fool me 20x, shame on me... Jeeze - People are so gullible! Buy my snake oil. It saves lives!!!! Over and over its the scam that never ends!

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Oct 14Liked by Interest of Justice

While it’s a complete mess at the moment, I have to cheer that, perhaps uniquely, the truth tellers are in some of the positions of power and those resigning are the allies of the global criminals. With a “health minister” like this, who resigns when receiving a report warning of the dangers inherent in the injection platform, you’re far better off if she’s kept permanently from the levers of power.

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Oct 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Mike, do you think this report and Slovakian PM words are genuine and would lead to the real ban on the technology in at least one country member of EUSSR? Or this is the damage control exercise and "keep quite people, someone is caring about you and you do not do anything" type of publication? The words are good. Would the action follow?

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Author

Both! Factions are fighting. Good vs evil! And just visualize - the ban is coming! on ALL countries from top down. Mike's going to help secure that by testifying against the WHO EUL global authorizations for PCR and the toxic shots! Let's go! Time humanity gets a win! Slovakia and Costa Rica are leading the way!

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11Liked by Interest of Justice

With so many people that are still on board with the vaccines even when they are not still mandated paves a sinister path for the future of fabricated health emergencies. When you take away a person's bodily sovereignty it becomes a medical genocide. Coersion, fear mongering, and giving ultimatums is not consent, it's tyranny.

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Medical slavery! It must be ended pronto because it is immoral!

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We've seen the results of our government conducting medical experimentations on the black population in Tuskegee without their consent and knowledge. This has happened on a much wider scale and is not only immoral and appalling but also worthy of prosecution under the Geneva war crimes act. This was clearly a crime against our people by our very own government and it is a war placed upon our people. Most of the citizens aren't yet aware that this is what's actually happening. Those of us that are conscious can see it very clearly. I do not consent.

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Oct 11Liked by Interest of Justice

Very interesting and upllifiting action based on love of the truth.

Focus on the phrase "to be subconsciously obedient."

"The most serious consequence of the whole fabricated operation called the COVID-19 pandemic is the endangerment of human health and the confirmation of the naivety of the world population to be subconsciously obedient,"

Yes, not only the serious "consequence" of the whole fabricated operation called the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is appearing to me more and more every day to be the serious "purpose" of it as well.

There is not even one tiny bit of information in the ever-changing official narrative of the "pandemic" that I can find to be true. It is all one towering collapsing structure of lies upon lies.

We should love the truth because our faith is based on faith and reason, fides et ratio.

We should reflect on whether we are being truly obedient in the right conscious kind of way, or whether we are being forced to be unthinkingly obedient - 'Ours is not to reason why, our is but to do or die.'


2nd Epistle of St Paul to the

Thessalonians, Chapter 2, verses 9-10

"Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, 10 And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:

[10] "God shall send": That is God shall suffer them to be deceived by lying wonders, and false miracles, in punishment of their not entertaining the love of truth. "


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Absolutely Dachsie! Spot on!

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Your words strike a chord with me.

Not a single thing about the official narrative is true. I agree. They don’t just slide in the odd lie here and there, but instead create an entirely mendacious narrative.

Since ordinary people cannot routinely think this way, it’s extraordinarily effective in misleading people.

What happens is that we each find parts of the story that we personally are sure isn’t true and lead with that.

No wonder it’s so hard to unify because our natural allies are too busy fighting with each other about the respective lies we’ve spotted.

The correct conclusion is that the entire, festering mess is a lie.

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I strongly object to your publishing the following paragraph as fact:

"Before their use during the pandemic, the mRNA vaccines were subjected to rigorous testing by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)."

If that was supposed to be the continuation of the quotation from the just-resigned health minister of Slovakia, who is a liar, then you must make this clear, because this is a lie. The EMA granted the European equivalent of the US EUA. So no, there was absolutely no testing of these non-vaccines, rigorous or not. The whole "covid" injection rollout was itself the clinical trial and this is stated in official documents.

I require you to issue a correction making the above clear. Failure to do so will result in the (informed) public concluding that you are publishing disinformation aka lies.

Thank you.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11Author

Its NOT us writing the lies! just RE-posting an article, which we DID make clear if you read the whole post. And anyone reading the comments can see we AGREE with you

We do not take "requirements" from anyone. Sovereign with free will here

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Ok, I'm relieved, because I was appalled at the text, it's utter disgusting government and big pharma propaganda. You should make it clearer that it's not your text!

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Your as bad as the feftist

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If after this article and what I've seen, Oskar Dvorak is a clown looking for a brain, Peter Kotlar Peter would not have to because he's from god's shine and not the devils dim wit

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It's terrifying to observe that health officials can be so lazy in analysing the data - particularly the All Cause Mortality data. A brief observance into the statistics since 2021 should pique an urgent investigation. The Health Minister said they were rigorously tested - an absolute example of misinformation. I'm glad she has resigned - she clearly understands nothing about what happened with Covid.

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What a slanted load of crap from DW, they are still preaching how unbelievable Fico is and how much the clot shots were tested in the EU.

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Yep people are stupid some not all some

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