We are seeing the beginning of the end of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire. The WHO Treaty is part of their last-ditch effort to genocide their opponents, including all normal people who just want to live their lives in peace. From "Joe Biden" down they are gangsters and thugs. For my take on how we got there, please see my new book "Our Country, Then and Now."


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Revolution requires good men to stand in the way of corrupt inhumanity to create a better world for the next generation of weak people. Cycles happen and we are now at that time again where we need to rise up and smite down the over reaching power structures that seek to control every aspects of our lives and leave us without any resources to work with individually. This can not be allowed to stand. The over reach of the UN, NATO, WEF, WHO, NIH, CDC and many many more letter affiliations we all can call out as well as specific individual power hungry oligarchs and politicians... needs to be put into check or mate right now!

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God Bless Your Team & Their Efforts! I pray for you all daily 🙏

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Thank you so much!!! We appreciate your daily prayers incredibly : )

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These demons don’t give a flying fu** about what we say. We are going to have to do more than beg.

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Precisely. we went to EVERY speaking engagement to build a record to prove we just get ignored, all so we can SUE the WHO and evil cohort Member States!

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Hi James...I reread your instructions and now realize the deadline is by April 26th in order to RSVP for the listening session on May 2nd... Ty brother for all of your tireless selfless service on behalf of one and all...Dave

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Hiya James...I followed you supplied instructions and hopefully I will be allowed to listen in come April 26th...Ty for all you do brother...Best wishes...Dave

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⚠️Latest WHO plandemic Bullshit: Proposal For The WHO Pandemic Agreement

Apr 18, 2024 - James Roguski - Truth4Freedom

The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) has released a new draft “Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement.”

It is an absolute complete and total failure.

The new draft really is a big fat stinking pile of bullshit.

The only appropriate response to this abomination is:




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Thank you warriors ❤️ I hate when comments are timed and something so critical and deserving of ample time is cut off so abruptly. The future of mankind distilled down to mere minutes, such a travesty.

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I just wrote an email to OGA with Belgian Health Minister and several Belgian newspapers chief editors in cc!

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Please start a thread with a petition for those who didn't sign up for US Government listening session May 2 but have their hearts, minds, and spirits in the direction of stopping the WHO power grab.

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