Better late to the judgments than never!

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That's what we said! Every case for responsibility is one step closer to a just a fair world where the imbalance of power is made more stable : )

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Respectfully, No.

Not better late than never.

That simply enables the abusers. It also tells them that you are prepared to accept further abuse.

That is where society has degraded to- low expectations and acceptance of sub standard government.

If you take their crumbs of "oops, we finally got caught out in our BS" as an apology, justice, or token of responsibility, then the sad fact is, they have bought you, owned you, and certainly do not respect you.

#dontletthemhide #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wedonotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Good on this courageous adoptee, hopefully it will help him work through the pain and loss of missing out on his true family. So sad and so cruel.

Thanks IOJ for all you do...world heroes the lot of you!

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Thanks Etsy! This is such a crazy story. We can't imagine the healing... the poor mom and kid and so many families caught up in such evil

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Yes, so many appalling and evil goings on, but good always wins in the end.

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Gosh maybe this has been going on for more like a century. My great grandfather was born in Santiago and we have his baptismal certificate but he never knew his who his real parents were as he was sent to the UK and brought up by the Catholic Church. He spent his whole life trying to find out who his real parents were. My mother’s cousin in the UK tried too even traveling to Santiago about 30yrs ago but to no avail. He was born in the late 1800s

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Wow! OMG It's just crazy how rampant this is!

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Why am I not surprised.

There is a shady underbelly of the medical community here apparently as well as other nations.

Light needs to be shed on this .

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It's crazy right?

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Well yes who knows, maybe he was abducted, taken not as a baby as he could speak Spanish and ended up as a translator I found out on a UK census. His daughter emigrated to Australia and I live in Sydney

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🤔 And yet STILL people believe that "government" has the peoples "best interests at heart", that what they do "is for the good of all", and that each new group of elected officials, "voted" in each cycle "really cares" & "This time it's different".🤨😐🤦‍♀️

🤔 😐 you know where all that is commonly said, over and over? By victims of abusers, and abusers.😐

The government, any government, by very DEFINITION is not your friend. They are a central power for control, which is why public schools are so important to government poilicy- they don't teach the skills required to overthrow them🤔🤨

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