Jun 28Liked by Interest of Justice

Just read this decision this morning.


Bet there's a whole bunch of bureaucrats with massive heartburn and meltdowns today.

Stomping of feet and knashing of teeth abound.

Poor lefties.

Many pity-parties upcoming.

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The wailing and knashing of teeth could be felt and heard the whole world over, reverberating into the abyss where all the bad rulings and evil deeds dwell.

Poor lefties and IRS, FBI, GEC, EPA, etc... In fact soooooo many Agencies will and should be sued for past bad rulings based on Chevron. Many pity-parties upcoming.

Many Agencies hiring teams of Attorneys for the upcoming defenses lol. Good riddance to bad rubbish! Chevron is DEAD and so is legalized Agency overreach!

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Jun 28Liked by Interest of Justice


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Jun 28Liked by Interest of Justice

One of the worst offenders for many decades, actually from its inception, has been the FDA which used its powers beyond any legal mandate that it was supposed to have; a totally self-serving and corrupt agency in Big Pharma's pocket which continues to make up the rules without concern for the rule of law or actually caring about health care; they will not allow this ruling to make any difference as they also have influence over judges and court decisions which also have been corrupt and politically controlled for far too long.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

The worst of the worst - FDA & CDC - unlawfully using bad discretion and messing with peoples health! They are going to be sued into oblivion over this! Not sure the FDA can influence the decisions now... Will have to see - it's certainly much harder now to rig US courts all the way up the appeal chain!

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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice

While I am reservedly happy for the US, I can't help but feel something weird gnawing at my gut....like what the courts say and rule soon won't matter, in the US, or anywhere in the world. What the past 4 years have shown us is that the courts have been corrupt for some time. We still have political prisoners (peaceful truckers from Coutts, Alberta, Canada) still in jail for trumped up charges that were brought against them. American/German lawyer and freedom activist - Reiner Fuellmich is still in solitary confinement in Germany. Not only that, if the WHO and the UN get what they want, there will be a one world government and they will rule omnipotently and we won't have any say. It feels like we are perilously close to the edge right now. I hope and pray that good will come from this scenario, but I am not holding my breath.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

TOTALLY get it EmEm33, but you have to realize this ruling today literally gives courts back the power in US. The Supreme Court themselves used to rule the corrupt Chevron deference was the law... now they just overruled it. HEADS WILL ROLL! Mark our words. This is the beginning of the end for bad Agency decisions running the courts - the courts in US will no longer be able to decide so insanely - they were literally bound and gagged until today and had to rule what the agencies thought. Elsewhere... yes, we still need to fix the problems with crappy Kangaroo courts. In US the problem always was Chevron. It caused havoc on rule of law and that is finally GONE - we are so happy and we have NO DOUBT things will be changing, one good ruling at a time.

Chevron being overruled is a huge step forward for US courts and justice! If the Supreme Court wanted to keep it going they would have - but they said screw you agencies we are the BOSS again - common law court of record baby!

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Is Reiner still in jail? Has the “trial” finished or ongoing? (Time wasting)

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Yes, he is, at least that is what I gather from Celia Farber's recent Substack linked here: https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/now-lets-imagine-reiner-fuellmich?isFreemail=true&post_id=145978092&publication_id=257742&r=18xl84&triedRedirect=true

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Ok, thanks for that Em-to my shame I hadn’t thought about Reiner in a long time, even the release of Julian Assange didn’t prompt my memory. Elsa who is referenced in the substack has been providing updates since Reiner was taken, i.e. kidnapped from Mexico. He himself is a brilliant attorney, and since day one has been representing himself. So yes, I feel much the same as you-who to trust, courts are corrupt all around the world, and what this whole great reset (nothing great about it), wants to be happening.

They’ve already come this far, the wrong’uns aren’t going to stop. They just like playing with us. They’ve got nothing meaningful in their lives, so they pick on us, and can’t wait for us to start fighting with each other. We have God in our lives, for those who want Him, but they’ve only got that big loser satan. I guess they haven’t read the big book.

Imagine having all that money, but nothing they can do with it pleases them, because they’re all a bunch of overgrown brats who’ve never learnt to appreciate anything in this life. And they literally think this life is life in Hell !!! I’m sure many that we know of in our time who’ve died have had the biggest shock! I smile to myself just thinking about it. Thanks again for the link!

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Jun 28Liked by Interest of Justice

We need to address the fact that artificial placental technology has enabled Ectogenesis.  Ie life without a biological woman. Outside the womb. Think of a monopoly where the widget is all men.  All terminator seeds.  Who is the competition to that monopoly. Who is it necessary to replace to own such a system.

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It's so far out... blowing our minds. Think of all the predictive programming books that told us thats the plan?

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Dolly the sheep was decades ago. This program just needs

Fertility to drop like a rock.

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Lawyer Lisa,

Serious request. Can you give authorities' proof that this has been achieved? and a fully functional child has been born and survived? talk is cheap and this mob - doubly so.

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Jun 28Liked by Interest of Justice

Does this have connection to the difference between Common Law and Corporate legalism? As in the Corporation of the United States?

Will this help the people of the Republic of the United States of America attain freedom from the overstepping of the corporate lying policy makers who have been lying, stealing, and cheating from us?

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Sorry to tell you but no - its all a Corporation - EVERY country is - and you'll never expose or fix it! Just be happy they pretend the Constitution still exists and got rid of excessive discretion to Agencies in US - that was how the corporate side got us.

Common law is the jurisprudence, the way law works - it's unwritten (except in case law made by judges). The fact of any Corporation or trust being the actual entity is irrelevant because the Republic was lost years ago and we are all the chattel of UN.

Have you ever watched Season of Treason? We highly suggest everyone watch the following seminar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c53cb-fS_RQ

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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice

Thank you for the response and the link... I have not seen that seminar, but will do so.

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Its really informative - you may want to take notes - its dense with facts and history and totally worth it! You will love it : )

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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice

Shall watch the link later.

Surely, overtime the legal situations can be reversed and new and more realistic Laws/structures are put into place.

That this sick situation has come into fruition without the knowledge of the majority begs a complete re structure in ALL areas of life.

We have the Internet / people can read in real time and also contribute their thoughts for this evolution to happen. Security is vital re that Internet and the numerous Data bases and NO privacy that has applied.

USA did it, especially during the last 40+++ years. Look at what Bailiwick/Katherine Watts has uncovered and I am sure she and hundreds of other para legal people (difficult to find Katherines' quality though) could be fully employed all their lifetimes righting the wrong legislation.

Lets mark this period of history with quality changes and the LAW itself needs to urgently re assess and I am sure there are many people who would agree with this Para.,

I am sure many people question the role of the UN, and ask for a complete rethink.

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Completely agreed!

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Jun 28Liked by Interest of Justice

What is to stop these agencies from continuing to do what they do? Who is going to enforce this? The DOJ? Good luck with that. These people do not care what the law is.

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the DOJ always misuses the APA (administrative procedure act) in a way that the DOJ was running the courts.. No longer - the COURTS are finally being empowered again!

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and its up to the majority of The People to be ACTIVE and know their knowledge in their community, state and National organisations.

And to make sure that Legislation is correctly passed. We are not serfs for USA or other dominions, Our own Country needs to be our concern with a knowledge of extraneous issues....

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Jun 28Liked by Interest of Justice

This is BIG!

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HUGE! Gigantic - Stellar!

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