Aug 20, 2022Liked by Interest of Justice

Time to punish the wrong doers and take their wealth from them and through them in jail or hang them, take their wealth and have nothing and be happy, they are sick and need to be removed out of society altogether and do on to those that did onto you

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Interest of Justice

The arrogance of these experimental drug pushers is beyond belief!! The wealth accumulated by the koovid drug manufacturers should be confiscated and put in fund for the damaged people from the injections. The TOP echelons of the companies should be jailed (quaranteened) and made to wear masks except for eating, and have their 3-4 month jaabs.

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"IF YOUR COUNTRY SUCKS ASS"--that's a long way of saying "Canada", and yes it does, it sucks a lot of it.

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