This is stunning news, and this is the only place I have read it. We need this in Canada. I went to sign the petition, but I suppose it makes sense you can only sign it if you are in the states. We need this in Canada, I think it bears repeating. I am feeling what has to be waves of relief in my body. Palapable. Let it be true, may it be so, that the people shall be free. Thank you for being there, IOJ.

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Let it be true, may it be so, that the people shall be free!!! Our mantra! Agreed - its time to set up country coalitions. Canada and many other member states definitely need these types of awareness campaigns up to the top decision makers! We have a few judicial plans in store for Trudeau and Canada in international court to try to force international human rights & rule of law there. We really feel a positive shift worldwide starting to occur, mainly due to people raising hell and speaking up and alerting other people. The Globalists and their dilapidated entity the WHO will fight us tooth and nail to get their way, but the people will prevail! TRUTH and rule of law will prevail! We will do our very best to ensure we are free and all wrongdoers are held to account. This is the beginning of The Great Reset Of Rule Of Law!!!!!

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Country coalitions! I love that ! Of course that sounds fantastic! I love the sound of "a few judicial plans in store for Trudeau and Canada in international court to try to force international human rights and rule of law there". It cannot happen too soon. It is super scary here now.

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Please lets share this around so it gets more coverage!! More US Citizens (and worldwide) need to support this

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Right! This needs to be shared and inspire people to do the same and give hope!

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Progress. Thank you for the update.

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Share around d the globe to leaders of countries

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@April ..and to the people of the Countries..

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"This is stunning news, and this is the only place I have read it. We need this in Canada." And we need this in EUROPE!?

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ok, 👍 but how can this be transferred to the EU parliament please?

These people may be able to support this.


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Simply start saying that the WHO is like the other three letter governmental agencies in the US that has no weapon highest against the citizens of the globe. Nothing wrong with the truth is there?

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Simply start saying that the WHO is like the other three letter governmental agencies in the US that are now weaponized against the citizens of the globe. Nothing wrong with the truth is there?

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Weaponized Alphabet Agencies - Ironic the acronym is WAA like a baby crying. They make us cry and soon it will be their turn to WAA. We will not put up with the continued weaponization of government or health.

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the Reply from Tammy Duckworth came back and she strongly supports President Biden in working with the WHO for pandemic preparedness. Where you have big population democrats control the redistricting and make it even harder for fair elections. Institutionally we have so many problems to get to fair elections in Illinois. Even the GOP in Illinois i would say is controlled by democrats money. We could start with the smithmont act being overturned. I have a feeling when the cases get to the supreme court this will be the law they hide behind.

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Where do they even find these sellout people anyway? Who in the world would actually strongly support President Biden in working with the WHO for pandemic preparedness? So lame.

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Dear Tess,

I write firstfactcheck.substack.com, and am at present writing a book about the history of the whole kit and caboodle, including the suppression of Ivermectin, which I believe was central in revealing that something dodgy was going on; why should we believe “safe and effective,” if they’re lying about a safe and effective treatment?

In the book I’d really like to quote from your movie, A Letter to Andrew Hill, specifically the zoom calls, and I’m wondering if you would give me permission to do so?

I have actually tried emailing oracle films but haven’t received a reply (unless their reply got hidden in the torrent of emails I receive every day)

I love all your work by the way and I think it was very brave and courageous to speak out the way you did. God bless you.

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Ditch the WHO!

We did not elect them, they hold no authority over us, they have no business attempting to leech our hardworking US Citizens' tax dollars,

and We The People refuse to have them tell us what we must do!

The only way China can make it in our world is by corruption!!! And they have proven it!

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By the way contact me on firstfactcheck (at) protonmail.com if you like

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