Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

🙏 that we in America return to normalcy and begin to have a country that heals and comes together. we should all pray that this is the end of the attempts on his life and anyone else who wants America to be sovereign again and for the people. God is watching over President Trump.

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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Democrats cheer censorship of their political opponents, jailing of their opponents, they cheer arming and defending Nazis, now they try to assassinate their political opponents. Democrats are the fascists. Democrats should be campaigning against everything they themselves are.

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Hard to tell the difference at this point.

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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

This was an answer to prayer… the Lord is SO good to have protected him. Let’s continue to keep him lifted up before the throne of our Father and Lord Jesus!

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Just a few inches over and it would have been fatal! Divine protection.

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Yeah, the Neocon mafia sending a warning to Trump and Jesus have a lot in common.

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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Trump is going to have a massive increase in support.

WOE to those that started this.

Karma is a bitch.

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That was our very FIRST thought haha

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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

For months, prominent people in media and journalism have been outright saying that someone should take Trump out. It’s a disgrace. They are a disgrace.

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Yes it's absolutely disgusting and disgraceful! Evil really and very irresponsible journalism. Paid media mercenaries riling up the hatred. They kept saying it like a mantra until it happens.

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CNN first reported he fell

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You spelled Kamala wrong.

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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice


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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Thank you for stating "apparently".

One big step closer to (Trump) 47 today. The archetypal story gains some powerful steam and further sets up the triumphant return of the MAGA messiah. Ahh, what a script. One of the best plot archetypes in books and movies we grew up with…

“The sacrificial hero” archetype...something like that...

People have no idea how theatrical all of this is. Nor who and what actually runs this world, and our country.

Popcorn…watch the movie.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Author

Well we did IMMEDIATELY rewind it a few times to see the crowd had NO space but yet no one was harmed in the PACKED ASS audience behind Trump??? There was a woman screaming so we wondered if maybe she saw an injury, but the news never said any bystanders got the bullets flying everywhere.

Did you notice that Vincent F, allegedly JFK was standing in the audience calm as hell, as he does at Trump rallies? We instantly saw him centered in the view...

We actually wondered if it was a fake blood capsule Trump popped when he went to feel or cover his ear??? In order to get more votes because obviously he will win now...

The thing that made us wonder if it's real is how pissed he looked when repeating fight...

Popcorn ready - movie in process? Could be!

Your points are very well taken!


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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Sniper shot at the crowd, just like the pentagon being hit with a plane. “the convincer”

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and then the shooter dies so cant be questioned...

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Glad to see you guys get it.

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Greater things have been faked in the past...MUCH GREATER...most people have no idea. It's not even worth trying to go there with most, as it's too much/big to wrap their heads around (yet, perhaps). As cliche and overused as it sounds, they haven't woken from the literal matrix yet.

Things are not as they seem. The lies, deception and theater that surrounds us is really, really hard to see...because it's SO hard to come to terms with...there is so much you have to let go of while you seek the truth and it's quite literally, painful to see and accept the world for what it really is. Most are still so lost in fake history, fake ideology, fake narratives, etc., that they don't see whats really playing out on the worlds stage, or see what is actually going on a level or two deeper...but the world is waking up. Yes, I know how crazy (or arrogant) all that sounds.

Until people understand who and what really runs this world and our country...how, by what framework, by what "powers", how they have used and manipulated hiSTORY, what narratives they use, what strategies and tactics...and how all this has been done across history for a very long time, they just won't see most of this. Once you have uncovered all of this for yourself, and understand the true agendas, it really shocks you awake. If youy keep seeking the truth with the right spirit...the truth reveals over time. You start to see all of what is playing out, much more clearly. You see through the theater.

The truth about our country is not what we have been taught/told, nor how our politics truly work...we've been deceived for many decades now. It's literally all theater at the top. The left vs right paradigm is complete theater. The same entities/cabal owns and directs both sides, they advance their agendas, no matter who is in office, and no matter who "wins".

Watch it all unfold -- watch what it LOOKS like on the surface but keep your mind open and closely examine what ACTUALLY comes with/from it. In this case, we WILL get the return of "45". What he will supposedly attempt to do, will look great to conservatives -- all the normal "MAGA", combined with the anti woke, anti illegal, etc...but we will also get the resulting chaos that will allow encroaching government control and tyranny. We will also get something like "patriot act 1 billion"...more surveillance, etc...maybe even martial law. We will get more big "Events"...likely the next plandemic and WW3. Ultimately, all of it fulling the collapse and a march closer to the 4th industrial revolution/great reset agenda.

OR, we will get another "steal" and complete chaos and civil war conditions from it. The result? The same government tyranny.

Just you watch.

Unless global citizens have a critical mass awakening and revival of sorts, the depop plan and 4IR is a certainty.

All of this is fake. It was a fake assassination attempt. This doesn't mean some people weren't actually shot or killed, but the trump piece? Totally SCRIPTED. Time for all of us to wakey.


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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

Ruling entities, empowered through man’s freewill consent, seldom miss their target. May you soon realize it’s all theater via brainwashing, mind control, psychological manipulation and propaganda that make consenters complicit in a world coup attempting to replace all cause, core, memory and record of the one true Creator with a satanic hybrid machine/man interface toward their immortality and enslavement of man.

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100% Doreen...and God bless Sister.

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A perfect, sober post to reflect this moment in history. Thank you, IoJ.

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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

When will we start hearing about the need for "gun control?'

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Great point! Soon.

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Jul 14Liked by Interest of Justice

51 former CIA chiefs said they were not involved because they do not miss, well not by much anyway!

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The globalist can't face to be a real man and fight like a real man, they have to go to guns and manipulate the mentally which they bare wimps and nothing more

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They muted Trump saying "Fight, fight, fight." when he did the fist pump.

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He’s protected by many angels working overtime and God himself…obviously!

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In many peoples' eyes, you, the United States, hit the bottom.

The world will remember you as initiators of wars and crimes - all because of your politicians hungry to run the country (and many other) this way.

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