Here in Chile it has incrementally more difficult to find incandescent bulbs in the past 10 years, to the point that I could not find any in the mega home depot type chain recently, and only saw some in a grocery store a few months ago. I put in one of those new bulbs and it has a weird vibrating bright white light- not a solid, tranquil light, but rather a jarring, active, moving light that is very unsettling to be around.

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That is interesting about Chili. Its definitely going to be worldwide. And you are totally right about the new lights no longer being pure and tranquil lighting - and we are so affected by light!

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Yes the light off these new bulbs is terrible! Honestly makes me not want to turn them on (maybe that's the point lol). Time to light more candles?

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Good idea!

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The Chinese shops had them.

The led light is horrible, and because of that it must be imposed on humans, like genetic injections, insects and worms as food, electrical flammable vehicles and chem-trails ; probably because that light is depressive. And perhaps there are some more reasons for the imposition ; perhaps their frequency, perhaps their concealed connection to the 5G network.

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Bingo. Exactly what I wrote about in my article about 5G in 2019.

LED lights whether at home or on the street is part of the 5G agenda of depopulation and surveillance. Yes.... you can check this https://massawakening.org/5g-depopulation-agenda/

They are harmful. There are so many studies showing that this sort of light leads to blindness and cancer.

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Is anyone in a position of power trying to get an injunction to stop this?

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Highly doubt it. And IOJ would take this on now but it would be impossible with the bigger cases we are involved in. We are hoping its challenged. What we are challenging is the whole climate scam so perhaps over time we may be able to tie in and make a change on this and the wood stove bans, etc... It definitely is overreach and over the top nit picky unnecessary regulations to limit our options and put a legal industry out of business.

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For reals? What insanity is this? I wish I was a legal person and could file an injunction! Those LED and other non-incandescent bulbs are full of toxic substances and radiate noxious light spectrums! The harms vastly outweigh any benefit! The nanny state should F off!

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Back in the Bush days in 2007, when he first introduced banning incandescents my husband and I purchased 100 incandescents in several wattages and styles. We’re still working off that stash and hopefully will pass away leaving our incandescents to our children! LOL

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What does it matter?

Switched all to “ energy efficient” lighting, “energy star” items...electric bills still continue to increase. Our electric bills here in Western New York State keep on rising no matter what.

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So true...what does it matter if we're not actually saving on electricity...such a scam. Plus I don't know if you or anyone else has this problem, but those LED bulbs seem to go out faster than the old bulbs did. Definitely not lasting 25x longer.

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I don't have much extended-use experience with LEDs because I've generally avoided them, but indeed a couple I purchased and installed here or there did give out way before their advertised lifespans.

Meanwhile, at least certain of the incandescent bulbs I've replaced when they burned out with whatever was still available of the same incandescent type ALSO gave out way before their advertised lifespans.

scam + scam = megascam

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It’s comforting to know that roundup, glyphosate contaminated produce and neonicitinoid insecticides are still on the market!

We need a ban on under water volcanic eruptions. We have the technology to steer a large meteorite into the Tonga volcano! That will plug it up! What can go wrong?

We need a referendum on this. Biden supporters only.

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Now... I'm an interior designer, and I can say that over last 8 years the LEDs have become excellent. However, the beautiful creative Edison light bulbs should be allowed to remain!!

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A flash-cut ban creates a lot of scrap ... all the banned inventory. There is a cost including energy to dispose of it all. If the transition makes sense then the answer is phase out. You do that not by decree but by cost. You make the incandescents more expensive to use. This is the government that created 1000 tons of medical waste and then pontificates about climate change, doing nothing about pollution, the real issue.

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Some homeowners have yet to receive the memo. Have you driven past anyone's kitchen window and noticed that unholy glare of an alien tractor beam emanating from where a ceiling light fixture should be? Yikes. I can't believe people ever fell for that level of hideousness.

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Yes, that's because they don't understand the kelvin color range.. the Kelvins should be anywhere from 2700 (warm) to 3000 (natural) to 3500 (daylight)... DO MOT GO OVER 3500 UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE TO LOOK LIKE COSTCO

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In my opinion, anything over 2700 is ghastly while also failing my definition of "natural" or "daylight."

But then there are other, very serious concerns with LED:

The Dangers of LED lights, Surveillance, & More | Aman Jabbi & Maryam Henein


“With a high-tech career spanning over 25 years, Aman Jabbi was at the forefront of video and camera technology in Silicon Valley. He has co-founded two camera startups. If you have a camera in your phone, stream video or movies, he played a part in it.

“Aman has a Bachelors in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Masters in Chemistry from BITS India, a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University and studied Computer Science at Stanford University.

“He is an avid photographer, a world traveller and a private pilot.

“As a lover of liberty, Aman arrived in the US in his early 20s in search of a free society and now resides in Montana.”

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Yes, LED bulbs are more of an environment concern... However there should be a lot less going into the earth since the last a very long time. And 2700k is nice and warm for most homes...our home is very contemporary and the 3000-3500 look more appropriate with our color palette. But we do have a few fixtures with 2700 in them.

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It's been months since I watched that rumble video, but I do not recall any discussion there of the environmental hazards of disposal. The concerns were about our exposure to the light output itself and surveillance aspects that are inherent to the tech.

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Agree, more like 1 1/2 years…

Dining room fixture is the only we use most… a light is always burning out…

Mom would always quote our Our Uncle Russell (born 1910)

“Progress doesn’t always equal improvement”….

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LED lights whether at home or on the street is part of the 5G agenda of depopulation and surveillance. Yes.... you can check this https://massawakening.org/5g-depopulation-agenda/

They are harmful. There are so many studies showing that this sort of light leads to blindness and cancer.

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I don't have much luck with the led bulbs lasting more than 13 - 18 months before they start strobing out and have to be replaced. For the price, they need to last longer than an incandescent one.

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Read the book Health and Light by Dr John Ott, Led lighta are bad for us. Incandescent arent bad for us. Holagens are olay for us too. Stay wise stay researching.

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The incandescent bulbs emit the full spread of kelvin color range. and this is much healthier than led lights which are very limited in that respect, Not healthy to work long hours with LED lights only. Same with florescent lights if no plastic is mounted between it and your work area. IT IS A CRAZY WORLD, AND GETTING MORE SO.

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Not to mention the fact that LED lights are terrible for our circadian rhythm.

Incandescent are better for our health overall. But hey, when has human health actually been the focus of political policy....🤔 oh wait! Yeah that's right, every "public health" attempt to "protect" humanity. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤐

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The Dictator is in your house now

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