Finally accepted. I can now actually vote in CR now...hmmmm

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WAHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WEEEE HhEEEEE. So happy for you Susan! Best news of the day!!!

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Unelected leftist NGO's and the rich globalist masters of disaster have no authority to issue a fake treaty to sovereign countries. Fk'em!

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A few questions need to be answered by the WHO and the UN before they are given any credence by we the people of the world.

1 Who elected a PHD,not a medical doctor, to this role of master of the health of the world when his record in Ethiopia of mishandling 3 epidemics of cholera led to many unnecessary deaths I believe.

2 Why is his past as a terrorist in that country not made public?

3 When are elected leaders going to do real research into this corrupt body,already the perpetrators of ill founded false pandemic regulations leading to deaths,injuries by an untested vaccine and to serious mental illnesses as well as floundering economies?

4 How does an eye watering amount of money eg Gates,Soros,Schwab and many more, give them the right to tell the large majority of the citizens on this planet what to do and expect docile compliance?

Those are some of the who,why,when and how quest Jo ons we should all be demanding answers to. Let them and us remember often the money has been obtained in an ill gotten manner,we the people are the pay masters of politicians and bureaucrats through taxes and the downtrodden can rise together and cause the so called elites problems if we act together.

I and my family will decide what is best for our health,we are not animals to be herded where we are unwilling to go nor are we stupid. Many of us know exactly what is going on. EXIT THE WHO and THE UN.

Let these parasites find worthwhile jobs and contribute in a meaningful way,not on the backs of others.

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UNITE WIT GOD AND HIS LIKE MINDED “Whoever denies the Father and the Son is the antichrist.”

— 1 John 2:22

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Hi. What does it matter if the WHO calls the treaty an "AGREEMENT" - that will be fully valid after Briben signs it?

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Biden is a fake president. Nothing he does is binding or valid.

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But... they are in a hurry because they've got disease X plans for us....

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As of Friday 24th I have not received confirmation of my donation of $500 on Sunday 19th, to Interest of Justice. Please confirm. Lillian McKelvey

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Why agree on amendments to a failed treaty? Am I missing something?

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