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Think we could do a point by point summation of how they have not met their goals e.g.

Support free speech

2024 member was quoted saying misinformation was the number one concern and has committed $… funds to censor

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That's what Vigano says - Point by point we must refute the errors and deviations of their ways - and offer point by point concrete moral alternatives! We think its imperative we compare moralities - we can't lose that way! They are paying big bucks to pretend immoral censorship is morally in societies best interest. So twisted!

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You can start and author a working document. By soliciting volunteers to address each point of their original goals, how they have failed and why we do not support nor will comply with their edicts.

I’ll volunteer for the censorship one if you’re up for it.

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I researched a radio show that had one of the original founders of Greenpeace discrediting the climate changes and CO2 issues.

Gentlemen's name is Patrick Moore. Article on these 2 issues is found on

Globalresearch .org.

Referencing date is 9/7/22

on an epoch times article dated 9/6/22.

If you are looking for someone to help you with the UN climate scam, this guy makes a good case.

Don't know if this helps the

team or not, but it's a good read.

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Patrick Moore is a hero! Yesterday we got to speak to HHS OGA about WHO and challenged them to have a hearing on climate emergency! We really need Patrick Moore and others to have a hearing with the climate alarmists running the asylum!

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Hmmm. Let's compare.

Climate alarmists/ Chicken littles VS

Zombie apocalypse.


Slightly different clothing but Wow .

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The sky is FALLING... Now heres the deal, I have a tidy little package of "green" deals that your country can fund to make you feel safe and to show you care about the climate!

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We had many researchers return last March from Antarctica and they all conceded that the ice measurements were the greatest they’d seen in decades. I love real scientists! 💕

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The situation is quite blue. Everything is premeditated (with bunch of evidence) and thus we are in full action of globalization and the establishment of a world government so desired by a handful of individuals. Now, who currently has more power, the states and the organizations they joined (the formal powers) or the corporations (the real powers)? Formal power operates on short terms and to a large extent transparently to the public. The real power works internally on long-term schemes and is hardly accessible to the public. Nowadays, formal power is generally 'public' and real power is fundamentally 'private'. This reflects the fact that the institutions of the United Nations (the first of the entities of formal power) have become subordinated to private interests (that is, the real power is led by private interests).

These 2 entities have become more and more similar, because the states have delegated many of the social, climate, human rights, etc. responsibilities to the corporations, hence the claim of the corporations to participate in the political and democratic games of the states. States are in the difficult position of dealing with their own creation. The basis of the functioning of this monstrosity is based on lies, manipulation, misleading, censorship etc. (oh no, only the states decide what they do, the UN has no decision-making power, everything is for the public good, etc.), acts of corruption, hidden strategies , blackmail (big banking institutions in relation to governments).

The only chance to put a stop is the collective awakening, the acceptance of what is happening and the refusal, non-acceptance and dismantling in any way of their efforts to destroy everything that humanity has built with great efforts. Their fear is the population's desire for peace and freedom, nationalism and sovereignty, not the justice it already possesses, but with God's help, maybe it will wake up one day and do the right thing.

the individual is not found in international treaties, he is represented only by the state. no treaty can impose anything on a state without the consent of that state. therefore, the vices of consent must be sought and proven and annulled, these treaties with the United Nations and respectively with the World Health Organization declared null and void. I don't believe that these treaties were modeled on the constitutions and legislations of the member countries, but rather that the countries legislations were modified according to the requirements of these treaties in the benefit of their authors.

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You are spot on as usual Papillon! Can't imagine working in government now and trying to rein in the public private partnerships that we allowed to get so out of hand. Spot on that they outsource the oversight of our human rights and its a disaster! There has NEVER been a single treaty invalidated, but that is the topic of one of our upcoming Sue the WHO actions - under Vienna Convention Art 53 we can & should do it! If we stay in UN treaties we are doomed to the sneaky clauses they snuck in! Our least favorite clause is in the UN Declaration of "Human Rights" - says they can limit our free speech "for public health" - OH HELL NO!!!! Invalidate that bitch of a "treaty" supposedly so great for human rights! Other treaties say the same and must also go!

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But I don't see how running to "authorities" and complaining really does much... These people, such as Congress, are being manipulated, through blackmail, and other coercion. They are not going to step up unless they feel safe about doing it.

It's really up to US, I think, and we can do things pretty covertly that show up hugely...

Look back at all the sneaky stuff people have done over the centuries... start with the Trojan Horse...

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Just about to post a video of us "running to authorities" and they LISTENED and SUSPENDED the act we were bitching about! Not everyone is corrupt or wants UN programs in their government.

Thankfully, blanket statements can't work when we are talking about authorities, because it's just based on our own worldview and bias! Think about it: Its not possibly true across thte board that: "These people, such as Congress, are being manipulated, through blackmail, and other coercion. They are not going to step up unless they feel safe about doing it."

Try to open your mind and heart to the fact we are vulnerable and need help from caring Authorities, who often do step in and correct wrongs. Never know until you try and if we give up because of preconceived defeat we already lost.... Someone in power is going to fold - watch!

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Or their conscience will trump their physical safety or reputation! It’s happened many times in history and now whistleblowers are coming out about the murders with the jabs because they can’t live with what’s been done. Let’s hope some of our leaders are those people. The biggest thing to me is “God is in control!”

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Agreed - happened before in history where the conscience won. Who could live with themselves without coming to the right side eventually?

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Conscience won? I think that while you are trying to paint me as a dark-minded, faithless person who cannot understand what is going on and is just unaware of the good in people, that you are either woefully unaware of what is going on in the world, or you are simply trying to tamp down what is needed, which is NON-COMPLIANCE. Sure, there are sometimes good judges, we win a few battles, but if you think this "war" between Good and Evil, literally, is going to be won in the courts, you are incredibly naive.

Perhaps you have not had a chance to learn about the REAL history of the Human Condition over the past at least 2500 years. Giving the People a few crumbs, then taking them back until they again threaten the "system," is a very, very nutshell explanation.

I wonder if you are CO. Are you here to tamp down the outrage? The need for the People to have sovereignty? You say "run to the courts." You seem not to understand that the courts only have so much power UNLESS THE PEOPLE ARE THE JUDGES. Either you don't understand the way things work, and how they work now and have worked because in all these hundreds, thousands of years, we've not SEEN actual FREEDOM for everyone-- Nope, there is no real example, except for a few little groups of people so hidden away they were able to have it on a very, very small scale, until they were DISCOVERED, and then that was over--


You are here to divert, distract, and focus people on a less-than-fulfilling acceptance of turning over our power to TPTB, once more, instead of looking beyond it to a NEW PARADIGM of real, actual freedom for everyone, without a need for war, domination, or other forms of slavery. Perhaps you lack the education, or the imagination, or the desire, to see Humanity evolve.

I don't know, but your judgment of me is not fair, nor is it reasonable. Too bad, I had hopes for you, but now you've shown me a side of yourself that makes me very uneasy about you.

The term "Gaslighting" comes to mind. Goodbye.

Now consider for how many thousands of years people have been given crumbs and kept in the dark about a lot more things that could change the world...

You make me sound like I'm some kind of negative, superficial person who can't understand nuance or depth. Do you imagine that the Black Nobility, who have run civilization for thousands of years, are going to suddenly drop all their pathological need to control everything because a few legislators appeal to their sense of compassion?

You think I'm just a narrow, negative person who has no faith, no hope, no belief in Goodness?

That is a very, very naive and

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Not being absolute, the rights can change at any time, although it is not natural. Despite seven oceans of writings with theses, ideologies, points of view, interpretations, approaches, exchanges, philosophies, pacts, declarations, treaties, a handful of fundamental human rights are not respected or guaranteed by anyone and there is no authority to condemn and punish their violation ( they are, but they don't do anything so they are not). The purported purpose for which UN exists is not found in reality. Everything is imaginary, but what is real is that the more rules and speculative motivations, the more things are hidden in this foliage. That's why we notice this enormous pressure is being put in a hurry for all countries to adopt laws (even with the amendment of the constitutions where they are not possible) to limit all the rights that concern human liberties. No agenda can be implemented and an entire planet cannot be ruled in the same way if these rights are not limited. If the limitation is alleed, it means that they are not recognized, especially in the conditions given by someone who thinks something about a situation as a reason. who sets these conditions, that's the problem. " Public health" is a great trick, it can transform the planet in a hospital, we are already considered as patients.

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so true: Public health" is a great trick, it can transform the planet in a hospital, we are already considered as patients.

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We will only be "governed" if we choose to be governed. I say FUCK being governed. We are not children.

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Most of the people are still voting, so they are still sleeping.

Government - a monstrous creature with many heads and two arms, a long one, with which it takes from everyone and a short one, with which it gives to those close to it.

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Yeah. I know. That's a great description.

Last night I watched a video about 9/11 and FREE ENERGY, which I've heard whispers about for years now, that thing that Tesla figured out those many years ago and for which he was destroyed. It's still available for us to use to change the paradigm of our world and the Humanity living on it... Can you imagine? No need to fight anymore, everyone can live in peace. Sounds great, right? As long as people don't KNOW about it, they will continue to stay asleep, allow other, nefarious people to RULE over them, control them, etc. So... How do we get the word out, Butterly? ^_^ I'd like to see more of you flying around... WE DON'T EVEN NEED EMF's. Why they kill any individuals who understand Free Energy...

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"Why they kill any individuals who understand Free Energy"... because they are considered kind of barbarians, people who are beyond state control. "Free energy" is not allowed when the main and major goal is to control the ordinary people, natural the resources and the cost of power.

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The collective awakening... yes.

And even if our numbers are small, the more we show others that WE the PEEPS don't have to comply, that it's not futile to resist, the more of us will do the same.

We don't need EVERYBODY, we only need a VISIBLE show of resistance.

Feet in the street, but be smart about it, use humor, break no laws, and do no harm. The idea of "hit and run," if the "hit" is not violence but SURPRISE and HUMOR... can go far.

So saith the dog.

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This situation is becoming hard to ignore now. I didn’t think my kids would ever wake up to it and now they are beginning to see the world in a different light. It’s happening but not fast enough for my likings.

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I so understand the impatience!

I tend to be like that, too. But I put my trust in the Divine, and I have to remind myself of that, and send my energy into that... It's hard work sometimes. That people ARE beginning to wake up is GREAT! And remember Nicola Tesla? He found out about FREE ENERGY... Imagine, if everyone on the planet could have FREE heat, cooling, power for travel, whatever...

It's already available, we only have to KNOW about it, and this knowledge is spreading, too.


xo xo

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Positive thinking and I love it.

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Whatever we come up with perhaps should be sent to congress. Those people either don’t know or are being coerced. And how can we let other countries know the truth? Biden should be threatened that if he supports the Treaty it will be less votes for him. Facebook, instagram should let the people know what’s up. So grateful for your work.

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Never threaten a president lol - How about we "nudge" unit Biden haha. Agreed that the top decision makers will need copies and we will need it to go viral to alert the people! Perhaps hearings may slightly help and wake up some officials! Grateful for you chiming in and caring : )

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The WHO and United Nations are digging their heels in the NGO ( non- governing org.) & civil non- profits, and any other private organization or even individual citizens ( shareholders?) for carrying out agenda plans. When you look at state and city “ Master” plans for the future, you no longer see, “U.N. Agenda 30”, etc. Then how do we verify the inception of plans came from them?? (The attorneys may have to deep dive to connect the dots more formally.)

That part, fortunately is easy, it’s in the distinct use of language, only the U.N. & W.H.O. have developed. Their “ Smart” & “ Sustainable- Development”, was never intended to come back & bite them, I’m sure. But it will. Over the top claims of citizen’s rights, being a threat to the global community.

Rezoning & developing open areas for parks, etc., all looks and sounds amazing on paper. But the result is consolidating approved developments, ( high rise condos w/ businesses under), to replace urban “ sprawl” or

neighborhood “ blight”, determined by amendments you had no voice or vote on. City councils are amending prior “ plans” regularly. These are not meetings that are overly publicized. I wonder why?! The less opposition, the better.

These plans have been in the works for decades. Check out your local city “ future” plans, or “ master” plan. 80% of citizens are completely unaware of these plans to reshape entire cities. If you’ve heard about 15 min. cities, congrats! ( You’re part of the 20%)

But, they don’t always shout WHO- U.N. plans.

For instance, in Louisiana where legislation was just passed to make WHO & U.N. mandates & laws illegal is a group called Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority. ( CPRA) It’s always an alphabet soup agency or authority tied to the U.N. scam. This particular authority was developed to address the COASTAL LAND LOSS CRISIS, in Louisiana.


As you can see, the words sound much too similar to U.N. “sustainable development” jargon. They make a problem, in this case they have the help of a hurricane prone area, and plan the “solutions” around it. It’s not all bad right?!

It’s bad if you’ve had a house in your family that you want to keep or redevelop.

It’s bad if you planned to buy a piece of dream retirement acreage, literally ANYWHERE, and want to build on YOUR land.

If you’re unfamiliar with any of this, please find and read “ Behind the Green Mask” by Rosa Koire. She also has videos on YouTube. The book has a PDF online if you search.

The book was published in 2011 but it’s still super relevant. Her scenario’s have played out perfectly & STILL people are unaware of future consequences. At end of book she teaches how to fight this. 👍

Sorry this is so long but talking with people in my area, it’s clear, too many are unaware of what all this means to them. It won’t be easy to go after them, with all their slimy hands intertwined into every economic, ecologic, and social equity program and agency that they can. Their arrogance & unchecked entitlement will help you locate them in all the chaos. Their plans of power & strategies to accomplish this are still mostly “ plans.” Europe is moving a bit faster but we still have time.

Get involved, push back hard & smart. Think locally and attend your city council meetings.

Make others in your community aware. There’s no turning back, if they succeed in implementing these plans, it will be too late. Knowledge really is power! Go get ‘em! 🏆 Truth wins!

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Could not agree more! This is SUCH an important discussion and topic to share!

Yay!!!! We JUST beat the 15 minute city here in Costa Rica Perez Zeledon 2 nights ago it was SUSPENDED - using a protest 5 days prior and laws... we will help more places do the same!!! TRUTH AND LAW WILL WIN!

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Here is an interactive map of ALL donations in the world done by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2022. It is probably even more now! Amount committed? $!

When ALL these grants (OUR redirected tax-monies) stop flowing, the world economy collapses. This is how maffia works!


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thanks for this Piki!

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I wonder why they're not "preparing" for the EMF emergency the Nasties, including these WHO-zies, have created for us? I guess they're very very busy trying to figure out how to kill us in other ways we won't notice. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

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Perhaps this will help...check out the latest Reese Report, Greg Reese, on substack or rumble....Attorney Todd Calender has exposed that NO ONE ON THE BIDEN ADMIN SIGNED THEIR OATHE OF OFFICE👈HUGE NEWS. What are the implications for every policy, mandate, statute they implimented? Deep topic.

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We also did a FOIA and DoD & HHS never had any delegation of authority to export covid vaccines!!!!!

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Well, if a bioethicist believes it's 'more moral' to experiment on people WITHOUT telling them, we must recall that the psychopath is essentially defined by a lack of capacity for empathy, which indicates a lack of ethics and of any conscience, to teach them to know better.

And if this passes as 'morality' with a group, that group would appear to fit into that category.

Although 'the successful psychopath' may be typically be able to mimic human emotions and fake having 'moral concerns' very convincingly when it serves their purposes...

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Thats exactly their playbook. Do the most crazy immoral acts "for our benefit. Violate our rights to protect our rights... Such madness!!!

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Yup, as well as 'protecting democracy' by taking it away from everyone else, to keep it safe, somewhere'

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"Every American will be forced to register or suffer to be able to work and earn a living. We will own the chattels (property) and hold security over them forever, by the operation of the merchant of the law under the secured transaction system."

"The Americans, by unknowingly handing over their bills of lading (Birth Certificate) to us, will become bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their liens". 🔗Colonel Edward Mandell House (https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/lawnotes/house.htm)

Read more : https://anatropi.substack.com/p/a07 // Or : https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/banksters-the-use-of-law-deception-to-enslave/

Looking foreward for your answer. Yours friendly. Phoenix

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Yay you know 1215.org!!!! Bill Thornton is one of our mentors! We will accept his info for value ; )

Will have to check out the rest. Be careful though, like Bill Thornton explains about procedure vs law - Always best to make your papers look like normal court docs or its way too fringe and ruins the point. Certainly do not do a Karl Lentz and write i: a man - that will get you creamed.

Bill Thornton (maker of 1215.org) also got a DL because he explained - why fight it - we have bigger things to deal with.

lol haha We tried not getting a license and they DESTROYED us a decade back lol lol - seriously - no matter how knowledgable we were.. Its political to destroy people with these same arguments nowadays...

Our take is these law merchant birth/berth cert arguments are theoretical arguments which, while possible somewhat factual, they are esoteric, and as a result hermetically sealed - meaning totally not useful in real life and certainly not be going to be effective in a court or administrative procedure. We have seen it all over the years..

if any questions, we know a lot on the law merchant and commercial law and its harmonization to equity, common law, etc.

All in all - we say always use the very highest law... and commercial law is NOT it

In highest law realm (just cogens is highest norm - like no experimentation or torture, etc is universal - or international human rights law is up there in rank) national laws and UCC and commercial law does not factor in even one bit in the law of responsibility or in these higher laws that protect us! In real life thats all fictional and we are above it all... ; ). They own licenses, etc but we own free will.

Bankers will be bankers... we kind of are their chattel because we use their fiat. You see those signatures on the bottom of the bills? Its a contract, a trust and you are NOT in it - so you using the fiat is a tort... what are you going to do? Tell them you want to use their system but not their rules?

We thought about this a LOT over the years and are happy to expand the discussion : ) - IOJ

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TNX A LOT for the answer with witch i agree in general, even if i still believe we're talking about the future here. Common law is a way of life.

Greece is suffering a lot - Keep up the good work!

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Inconsistencies, contradictions always need to be pointed out for illogicality.

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