May 5, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

Don't trust them, they are playing with words. Thank you for your hard work.

"If a foreign minister is pushing for a peace conference, you can be sure that his government has already prepared planes and warships". Stalin

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May 5, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

They need to be sued now and PROSECUTED!

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Could not agree more! They must be discredited, prosecuted and PROHIBITED. PERIOD. Working on it!

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Gets their act together? Stupid heading.

They got caught so they had to do something and still lying! Nobody died OF COVID!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

They should not have any say in what is a pandemic and rule over sovereign countries. They could be allowed to leave recommendations but thats it!

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Totally agree thats how it should have always been. However, at this point, after their pseudo scientific tyranny that financially benefited their funders, IOJ believes the UN and WHO should never be allowed to recommend any nonsense on any matter ever again to any sovereign nation because they suck so bad and need to be prohibited and jailed for serious breach of obligation. Just our take. It will be up to a judge!

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It's up to ALL OF US

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Judges are corrupt too.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

It was really obvious as soon as they got rid of our awesome president Trump WHO made an announcement like 3 days later that "oopsie we had the cycle rate of the PCR test up too high and it was kicking off too many false positives". They turned down the cycle after orange man bad was gone... Ladies and gentlemen that's when you know you've got the right American president. When he says "the truth is they're not after me they're after you I'm just in the way" you need to believe him!!!!!

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Craziest thing it was a coup on ALL global presidents. The whole damn world. That was and still is a really important statement by Trump: "The truth is they're not after me. They're after you. I'm just in the way". Now its time for humanity to get in their way before its too late! They are definitely after us and not to help us!

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Don’t worry. It’s all a lie. Trump is president and CIC. THEDOCUMENTS.INFO

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May 5, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

No such thing as coincidence.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice


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Just checking, but you guys ARE aware that the US gov./HHS & other 'health' agencies are in on this murderous scam, and only speaking carefully, aren't you?

I strongly suspect that it's probably more likely that the perps just figured that a thinly-veiled 'predictive-programming'-threat-loaded speech out of the human rights abusing, terrorist-group-associated proxy who happens to be the (first-ever NON-medical-doctor/NON-health-specialist to play the role of) WHO Director, might keep enough of the people fooled/intimidated enough of the time... but you would have scared the pants off the lot of them, at the fear that law might still operate to stop them.

They're apparently stupid enough to think that the rest of us are all stupider than they are, so this presentation of evidence for a legal case would have been a salutary shock; in the usual absurd response, the perps got the back-up proxy-villain out on stage to push fear and 'vaccines' in a speech, in the hope that nobody'd sneer instead.

But Tedros was saying out loud that he was calling for imposing the next stage of the perp's sick fantasy of forever-lock-down, forever-surveillance, 'you will own nothing and we will own and genetically-experiment on you', without even needing to pretend that he'd felt as though a virus or some climate change might be coming on. 'Just-In-Case' micromanagement - forever, or until the death of genetically-scrambled-and-poisoned Life.

The Precautionary Principle (as with all democratic Constitutional law) calls for charging, arresting, securely holding and trying all willingly and knowingly involved in promoting this deadly scam, and I hope that your suit is part of an avalanche that will promptly bury all involved in this repeated evil, to THIS time "Never Again!" re-appear.

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We fought like hell to stop the vaccine mandates and today, greatly due to our efforts, federal employees and contractors are free of them. But there are still some who are not. And we have so much work to do to hold people and agencies ACCOUNTABLE for the horrendous treatment of those who refused to bend the knee and take the shot (or disclose their private medical information).

We need your support now more than ever, to carry this effort through to the end. People are injured, fraud was committed, policies must be rewritten. Please consider a monthly monetary donation to our organization. If everyone pitches in we’ll have enough to cover all of the battle plans we’ve laid out.

Thank you for your integrity and commitment to the improvement of our great nation. The power lies here, in the actions and efforts of the American people. 🇺🇸

#StandUp #justice #federalworkers #freedom #unitedwestand #DontGiveUp #togetherwewin #Feds4MedFreedom #StillFighting #NotStopping #HoldTheLine #HonorFirst #JoinUs #FedUp #DonateToday #Accountability #NotOverYet #WeNeedYourSupport https://feds4medfreedom.org/

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The mandates have NOT stopped. It has shifted quietly to new hires. If you want to change jobs or you graduate from college/high school, you must be vaccinated in order to be hired.

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Omg this is still All lies!!!!!!!!! COVID killed nobody! People died from lack of early treatment or lack of treatment altogether!! COVID does not kill, there are very easy antidotes and remedies, so stop the fucking lying. COVID kills one every 3 minutes???!!!!! Ya for sure it does when you send them home because they have Covid and tell him to come back when they’re worse, and then you throw them on the vent and give them Remdesevir which is known to be a lethal pill.

Friggin liars and I hope this addressed. This would clear up a lot of the conjecture about Covid and set a lot of people at ease knowing that it is not a deadly virus, by any means! It is 100% deadly when they let you rot, or kill you intentionally with their machines and potions.

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It sickness me that the international Criminal Court agrees to a warrant for Putin YET we hear nothing about any war crimes being brought against big pharma ,world leaders ,WEF,UN,FAUCI HEALTH CANADA PUPPETS ACROSS CANADA LIKE DR.BONNIE HENRY

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All bought!!!!!

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023

WAR CRIMES THEY BROKE ALL 10 NUREMBERG LAWS. They broke all Common laws ,NATURAL laws God's Law and the law of the sea that we allow.

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