Nov 28, 2022Liked by Interest of Justice

Understand where this is going. A life with no human rights, no bodily autonomy, no free will, no freedom of speech, no freedom of thought, no property rights, forced medical treatments, mandatory brain control technology, and social scoring for "equity" in a metaverse tracked via your digital ID. At best, it is a return to slavery.

Realistically, the cruel, unprecedented loss of brain control as a computerized "transhuman cyborg" owned by patent holders is far worse than slavery. From case law, it appears computerized "transhuman cyborgs" will be treated as things/property, monetized by calculated social impact value, and traded in the bioeconomy. Most people have no idea what big tech plans to do - that is intentional.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Interest of Justice

Rather than attempting to argue to the WHO, being that I am a normal unimportant person in their eyes, I feel it’s more important and better spent time for myself if I try to convince my elected or other types of local people ... state level ....

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Interest of Justice


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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Interest of Justice


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Dear Interest of JUSTICE;

This is happening in REAL TIME:


Kill the Red Herrings: this is the focus Baby Will can change the narrative!

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