Jun 9Liked by Interest of Justice

What is wrong with the Freedom Movement is that almost ALL of it is controlled opposition. Discernment is needed. VERY FEW people can be trusted at this time.

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It sure does seem like it! Either controlled opposition, likely, or way too Pollyanna... Ee HAVE TO CELEBRATE WINS - but this was small wins and big losses with time to fix it running out by the day - 1 year goes by so quick to fix this, otherwise mRNA which is experimental could be considered a relevant health product your country is obligated to rollout and invest in!

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100 % CORRECT like that disgusting video above they are such liars they say the exact opposite of the truth and THEIR INTENTIONS. There are no sovereign countries so when they say that term you know hey are LYING. THERE CAN BE NO SOVEREIGN ANYTHING WITH CBDC 's and they sure are not abandoning that global tyranny!

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See my comment directly above yours, Lucy.

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Effort and

Focus on a

Pimple on the

Ass of the



All of that is distraction. IoJ, we had a long and detailed conversation about this just about a week ago in which you agreed that the single most important thing that we could do was to support, in massive numbers, the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S:3428), and that you would put your effort into marshalling the 10 million people we agreed were necessary to demand the passage of this vital bill.

And yet, here you are back again on the utterly inconsequential bate being offered to us to chomp on while the UN Death Machine moves toward the adoption of the infinitely worse Pact for the Future on September 23, 2024.

Every damn thing that the IHR amendments claim to 'introduce' is already part of US law. We know that, and have known it for quite a while now. Yet you are screwing around with that organization as if squeezing the WHO pimple on the ass of the UN makes a single bit of difference.

It does not.

What does make every difference is getting the US out of the Unelected Nobodies private country club and we have a unique opportunity to force that to happen by supporting the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023.

Xyle, Dustin, have you read the Act? It is posted at PreventGenocide2030.org. Have you read the Legal Memo detailing why the US and every other country in the world has no treaty obligation to either the UN or the WHO and why, therefore, any Member of Congress who does NOT vote for the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 is guilty of supporting and perpetuating a criminal fraud, in violation of his/her Oath of Office to support the Constitution?

You are fond of legal strategies. How about using the legislative process and then the US Constitution and laws to enforce the only meaningful solution to the imminent destruction of humanity and stop messing around with the chum that they have thrown into the water to distract us?

There is, in my view, at this point, a litmus test: either you are part of the solution and are actively working to get us out of the UN and get the UN out of us (and forcing the US out of the UN Death Machine is likely to be a death blow to that system) or you are part of the other side, messing around with this and that and the other thing, but, in the end, whatever your intentions might be, pure or not, supporting the utter destruction of humanity by not working to extract us from the disastrous destruction that the other side coldly and intentionally intends.

So I ask, in absolute sincerity, which side are you on?

A litmus test shows that a substance is either an acid or a base. It is one or the other. Neutral is not an option in this case although it might be in chemistry.

You are either working to get us out of the UN Death Machine or you are not. And if you are not, you are working FOR the UN Death Machine.

It is that simple.

So, IoJ, I remind you of your strong verbal commitment to rouse the troops and get them mounted on the Freedom Mice to get this bill passed. Tally HO! PreventGenocide2030.org

Oh, if it is a turf issue, donations, etc., that's fine. Set up your own Action Item so people can go through your site. Collect all the donations you need. But stop farting around with the chum and get to the real issue: get us out of the UN and we automatically out of all the bits and bobs.

You have my number if you want to discuss this further, but let's do this thing already.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Interest of Justice

The U.N. exists because 193 nations support it and its agendas. The important question is why do national governments support it. Citizen protests and petitions won't change a thing until we expose and correct the real reasons why nations support the agendas.

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Jun 10Liked by Interest of Justice

I could not agree more. It's most likely a case of follow the money, my logic tells me. What government do you know that doesn't carry a huge amount of debt? Debt requires bail-out. Bail-out is always there, waiting patiently in the wings, and it always comes at a greater cost than us mere citizens can imagine. Except that cost is now firmly in the spotlight for those who have the courage to look at it - eyes wide open.

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Yes, follow the money and learn how we have been had. All money is born as debt, an imaginary obligation, an intangible figment of the mind. It is then laundered into the service of the economy. Treasury bills (debt) fund government spending… stocks and bonds (more imaginary obligations) fund corporate expansion… loans and credit cards empower consumer purchasing. All debt creates servitude to the lender who gains the power and leverage to shape the will and behaviour of the debtor.

In the early 1900s, governments gave away their sovereign right to create interest-free money themselves, and income taxes were born. They gifted that right to privately-owned central banks and credit-creating corporations who continue to reap unimaginable compounding interest wealth that is ultimately paid by taxpayers and consumers (embedded into taxes & prices).

Governments launder debt into program spending which flows almost exclusively to corporations. Very little is sent directly to individuals and families to spend. Funding for public infrastructure and services like education, telecommunications, defense, medicine and hospitals, roads and bridges, airports and waterways is ALWAYS paid to, and benefits, corporations first… the same people who finance political parties and election campaigns. Add in the revolving door of lobbyists and advisors and it’s pretty easy to see how the game is rigged. Our current money and economic system breeds corporate technocracy and government oligarchies. We must withdraw from the monetary control system that defines our current (imaginary) reality. Nothing else has the power to save us.

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" corporate technocracy and government oligarchies" - sounds positively Russian!

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Because we no longer have legit national governments, we only have criminal cartels , installed by these same UN/WEF. GLOBALIST MONSTERS All elections rigged globally for a long time. THE UN HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT GLOBAL TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT.

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Right now, today, there is a remarkable bill before the US Congress that will do what its name says, "Disengage Entirely From the UN Debacle" IF, and only IF, we, in the US, push very, very hard to get it passed.

I am quite certain that when 10 million people take the action at PreventGeocide2030.org demanding that their Members of Congress cosponsor and support the bill, that is precisely what will happen.

Once the US exits the UN, I believe that the controlagarchs, you know, the eugenic globalist scum, will allow the organization to collapse,.

Then the hard work of disentangling all of our institutions from their malign influence of the last 140 years can begin.

But none of that can happen until we are out of it.

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Jun 9Liked by Interest of Justice

I would say move out of Agenda 2030 and 2050 as quickly as possible. We'll said Rima, we all need a reminder of what is really happening. The goal is depopulation or enslavement.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Author

Yes - here in Perez Zeledon Costa Rica we are busy REFORMING our Municipality! They are scrapping Agenda 2030 15 min city re-zoning plan for now UNTIL we all get to participate and AGREE. Town is calling us brave and warrior people and helping us. LOTS of lawsuits to stop it and a huge protest stopped Agenda 2030 roll out here for now at least, and we think - know - we will beat it here forever due to the town being so on it, not just IOJ!

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Jun 10Liked by Interest of Justice

Costa Ricans are willing to fight the beasts, they don't have a fake "Medical Freedom Movement" lead by Feds/grifters like we do. As a foreigner, I can state that the scamdemic proved to me that most Americans are not only complacent but they refuse to accept the subtle moves towards Communism that have taken place since Obama declared his role was to fundamentally change the US. I was born in a Communist country where most of my family still lives and I'm repeatedly told by spoiled Americans (textbook geniuses) that I don't know what Communism is - their textbooks disagree🤦‍♀️

The Feds leading the MFM are deliberately misleading their followers while grifting/increasing their PNW and traveling the globe, posting pics in hot tubs🤮 This is the most cruel psyop I've witnessed in this decade.

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Actually Marco Albertazzi Defendamos Costa Rica and the attorney Arcelio are TOTALLY controlled opposition in Costa Rica - lead by Soros or some faction that is dubious…. so we do have a fake “medical freedom movement” - sadly… It was the fake freedom fighters here that caused the forced injection of 6 year old Mateo by Albertazzi by causing a riot in the hospital - Marco was allegedly trying to “rescue” the kid - but he yelled, spit in the face of the officials during covid craze and it escalated into the first forced injection of a kid against his screaming pregnant mothers will!

Fake freedom fighters in CR may be the WORST OF THE WORST!

But yes, in US and elsewhere most people are not only complacent but they refuse to accept the subtle moves towards Communism! Its so obvious that its global communism at play - but people are slow to get how serious it is and where its leading us to!

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I meant well said Rima...

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

you can correct spelling and grammatical* errors, post post. The three elipses on the right side of the screen slightly below your comment (any of your comments) allows you to Delete or Edit. Yeahhhhh!!!

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Blasted AI/spellcheck !!

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Brilliant and truthful YES to what you have said Rima you have always been correct and telling the truth.

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Thanks, Thomas. Let's get 10 million people activated and get this bill passed through the US Congress, shall we?

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Very insightfully stated!

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Jun 9Liked by Interest of Justice

The W.H.O. has power because politicians and government agencies intentionally and willingly surrender it to them... just the same way as they surrender money creation to central banks and corporate credit creators. The real question is WHY do we continue to ignore and to allow their betrayal of the public good and treasonous associations with global criminals.

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The politicians are just the absolute worst when they side with WHO over rationality and humanity! Despicable!

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The politicians don't just side with the WHO, they formulate the policies.

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Are all our gov’ts (western) bribed or blackmailed or something? They’ve got to know the people don’t want this. I saw that 50 African “states” banded together for something that I embarrassingly can’t remember-it was either rejecting part of what WHO was trying to foist on them, or they were all wanting to join BRICS. Anyway, my point is that they can successfully work together, why can’t we? I mean our blasted governments that won’t listen to us!

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The UN and WHO are the results of our national governments working together. The international agendas are just a reflection of our degenerate national ambitions. Western governments now serve satanic forces and enact laws promoting the seven deadly sins.

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How could I forget about the satanists?! I think it’s a requirement to be in gov’t to be a freemason or something similar these days!

I’m very aware of the satanic forces ruling everything from UN to Taylor Swift, and everything in between, and higher up the pyramid! Can’t even find a decent church these days!

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It makes me cry... Creation has given us the Garden Planet, a cradle of potential floating in space, and all we can do with it is compete for superiority, fight for power and control, and squander the precious natural and spiritual resources that Creation so generously provided... unbelievable.

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You are so correct!

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The answer is 'yes', all government officials in every country are blackmailed (& bribed).

That is what people like Epstein/Maxwell were for. You have to completely compromise those in power so you can control them.

All you need is a child, a gun & a camera.

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Sounds about right

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Jun 9Liked by Interest of Justice

Like I said before, check out JJ Couey..... he is a biologist who spoke out three years ago and was involved with some of these "freedom meddlers".... or, controlled op...... all his videos are informative and educational..... here is just one I chose that you might enjoy and see him calling out the BSers..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142176303?filter=all&sort=time

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Got it up! Thanks StellaMaris!

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Yeah, but he is not pushing to get out of the UN, either. I tried repeatedly to reach him. Either he or, if he has them, his gate keepers have made that impossible.

Litmus test. Our side needs to have one strategic objective: Get out of the UN. There is a Bill before Congress NOW that does that. Go to PreventGenocide2030.org, support the bill (it will take about 10 million people doing that, literally, to get it passed) and then share that on social media to encourage others to do the same.

Litmus test.

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Posted the two exit UN Bills and preventgenocide2030.org yesterday in the Codex Alimentarius article Rima! IOJ used your older codex videos. Making the SUPER PLAN to help on a weekly basis until we all get out of UN - With you Dr Rima! UN is the BEAST system - THEY ARE DIRECTING AND CONTROLLING ALL THE WRONGDOING WITH WAIVERS OF RULES AND SPURIOUS UNILATERAL DEFINITIONS. The damn countries are also at fault going along with immoral insanity. EXIT UN & WHO - WE KNOW WHAT TO DO!

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YAY!!!! PreventGenocide2030.org. Getting out of the UN is necessary, but not sufficient, to restore justice and balance to our world. But without that step, none of that is possible.

10 million is the goal.

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Jun 9Liked by Interest of Justice

All I know is that he talks about the vaccine sched needing to go and the Prep Act...I am not an American so I can't speak on the issues that pertain to the US....but what I do know is that he exposes many..... SO, I don't know why he would be against it....probably he thinks it's not pressing sort of like the WHO treaty.... I have already been to the above sit you mention and also shared it a ton..... however, JJ is the real deal.....he is a biologist who lost everything, he is not sponsored by the big guys, just by his viewers..... sorry, but not everyone needs to have one goal..... he is doing great work exposing the very people in the Freedom Movement who claim to be helping....they are meddlers..... I doubt he has gate keepers.... go to his channel and engage there and see what he says or doesn't say...just a thought..... you can also communicate with him here...... he is very transparent.... https://gigaohm.bio/@jjcouey

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Haven't got to check out yet but will : )

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Jun 9Liked by Interest of Justice

Excellent...you won't be disappointed....

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..... getting out of the UN does not remove the PREP ACT or the other legislation on the US books that enables them to do what they did and will continue to do, UN or not.... We each need to look at the legislation in our own country and stop our local tyrants from using the WHO and UN to excuse their own criminal actions, each country has it's own actions to take in the context of cleaning up their own tyrannical puppets according to the institutional structures in their own countries --- then the globalists will have no strings to pull.

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As I keep saying, once we get out of the UN, the hard work of reclaiming our country, our bodies and our culture can begin.


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Exactly right!

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Jun 9Liked by Interest of Justice

In 🇨🇦 Canada, I feel that they will push ahead with the agenda of the World Health Organization. They have been hush hush with their intentions. Yet, I strongly see a need to follow all United Nations ideologies.

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They are all suckups willing to sell us out - It will take nothing short of legal actions : )

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There is no agenda of the World Health Organization. It is a subsidiary private corporation serving the needs and agenda of the United Nations. It is a pimple on the ass of the monster. Squeezing it does not cure the rot.

It is essential to get out of the UN, which would automatically extract us from all of the pieces of the Death Machine, of which the WHO is only one.

Go to PreventGenocide2030.org, support the bill (it will take about 10 million people doing that, literally, to get it passed) and then share that on social media to encourage others to do the same.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Author

Can't disagree - it IS UN - not separate

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Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans will allow that Bill to pass even with 100 million signatures... and forget about any future fair elections. (I did sign it however)

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I am aware it is a piece of the UN. I know that Canada is deeply entangled with the UN. Many policies mention the UN, either directly or indirectly. I guess what I am saying is the Canadian government says things on a need to know basis. I have looked at the document for Agenda 2030 and the C40 Cities to mention a few. I see how destructive it is. I also know that the UN is prominent in Canada. I also see Canadians financial situation, health and well-being declining.

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Australia also-again!

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Both the U.N. and NATO have been ineffectual failures and do nothing to promote world-wide peace; the Security Council of controlling nations with veto power ensure that nothing will ever change except to the advantage of the most powerful while the majority of member countries are continually manipulated into giving up their sovereignty to these slave masters; so, yes, the UN is responsible for WHO just as NATO has created the debacle in the Ukraine with the same policies of promoting division, control and expansion and war; and, yes, there is a world-wide genocide in operation by the globalist elites who are the direct descendants of those who perpetrated the holocaust and eugenics policies.

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This Bill is BEFORE your Presidential Election. Surely pressures can be applied, and all these groups of "freedom fighters" come together to rally the numbers to sign this Petition?

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Same with Australia, except our “Health Minister” was practically begging for everything proposed to be passed. Embarrassing!!

If America gets out, I reckon we’ve all got a chance! (Australia is literally owned by America, we are a corporation of America! Serious!)

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Jun 10Liked by Interest of Justice

Ummmm ... what am I missing? The WHO is acting within the law, isn't it? My understanding is that our own governments around the world are signing away our personal sovereignty to the WHO without having consulted us. That does not in any way sound legitimate to me. Shouldn't we be suing our own government/s??

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Exactly, the Member States (MS) are the oversight if WHO fails to oversee themselves and the States worked WITH WHO to violate a lot of laws and rights. So BOTH need sued. In reality each case & topic is different, so some breaches may be only the MS responsibility, but others we can identify are the sole fault of WHO, so both need to be hauled in and litigations must commence!

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Jun 10Liked by Interest of Justice

I post this here in light of suing any of these organization..... seems that such actions will only set precedent to cement what they have already put into legislation to protect themselves from.

The WHO is immune from prosecution AND EVEN investigation

See receipts, documents etc as provided by David Martin at EU parliament presentation COVID.


You may also like to read The Great Taking by David Rodgers Webb for the detail of how this was done in the financial sector right down to and including the legal precedent - they tested their legislation in court and won.

Precedent cements the legislation on the books. Beware.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Author

We understand your fear Barbara, but we have a plan. : ) The WHO is not immune from prosecution or investigation in certain instances such as our own personal claims with WHO as a stakeholder CSO for human rights involved in the negotiation processes. David Martin is not correct on all points.

Section 22

Privileges and immunities are granted to officials in the interests of the

specialized agencies only and not for the personal benefit of the individuals

themselves. Each specialized agency shall have the right and the duty to

waive the immunity of any official in any case where, in its opinion, the

immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without

prejudice to the interests of the specialized agency.

Section 23

Each specialized agency shall co-operate at all times with the appropriate authorities of Member States to facilitate the proper administration of justice, secure the observance of police regulations and prevent the occurrence of any abuses in connexion with the privileges, immunities and facilities mentioned in this article.

We will be explaining in great detail this year why and how to sue the WHO and to prove they are in breach. Will also check out the great taking!

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

I stick to my conviction, no further, look at the example of the "European Union" experiment. Not WHO usurps the sovereignty of our nations, but countries will, as usual, give up their sovereignty for the sake of temporary economic and other benefits under the excuse "we need to survive in an international context" . all countries have already adopted in the past almost all, if not all, of the WHO "guidelines", it would not be the first time. the conditions will also come from the financial institutions (which are in a very good relationship with WHO) that pump money into the economies of states that have reached the situation of not being able to manage on their own. The states took massive loans for "managing the pandemic", that's another reason why the answer was the same everywhere, they all borrowed money for vaccines and other things. who lent them and what were the conditions?

Those who refused were removed.

so the situations are created in such a way that the decisions appear to be taken by each individual state and not imposed. and in every state in government there are people paid to do all this, to agree and sign. cleaning should start with every "house", but it will certainly not happen soon, people are so confused and naive.

The current architects of this hypothetical world know perfectly how to turn any manufactured crisis into a pretext to demand monitoring and control of every state, there is nothing new in this, we are at this point because of a history with a lot of bad guys actors. Btw, is there in the world a candidate for whatever, who promises or has a goal that his country to get out of UN? Are there enough debates about the serious sovereignty of the nations (not only being called "extremism") ? It looks to me that this subject is pretty avoided on purpose all over the world.

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Excellent analysis!

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The people who planned all of this built redundancy into it. If one method fails, they have another. Here is a link to a very good discussion of a documentary which puts things together: https://rumble.com/v50j5el-slobodni-podcast-83-richard-jeffs-stakeholder-communism.html

I am always leery of people who accept the word of their oppressor in a fight for justice. Oppressors will naturally have put laws in place to protect their interest. Other than noting and understanding what they have done, I would advise never letting an oppressor define your strategy of resistance.

Each person should work the way which makes most sense to them and where their skill set lies. We can all help out each other's way of doing things to the best of our ability.

I am not a fan of the "one right way". There are many ways to approach problems and there may be a strategy which is so brilliant and so unique that it is the one which will work against the people who thought they had everything covered.

I disagree with Rima's, "there is only one thing to do" while I wholeheartedly support what she is doing! I suspect this may come down to multiple acts of legal, ethical and spiritual non compliance. That is my own thinking but I fully admit I may be incorrect.

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Yes, I agree with both you and Rima.

It is essential to focus our efforts on taking out the UN, but we can try yo do this using different methods. A multi-faceted attack is much harder for them to combat.

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Claire, I won't let me like you comment but your phrase: "multi-faceted" is excellent. These people have tried to plan for every eventuality. What they haven't counted on is the ingenuity and creativity of we the people. If we insist everyone think alike and act alike, we play into their hands. If we let people loose to do what they have thought of-well, you never know what someone might come up with!

And working on projects already formed by other people is still a great idea. It's just not the only idea! There's no need to stifle other people's way of doing things. It's stupid and counterproductive. Let something come out of left field and let's see what happens!!!

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It’s kind of like peoples parents blaming their neighbours kids for their own children’s misbehaviour/s!

- thereby/fore obfuscating* reality because it’s less painful & which is clearly a discipline issue for some folks - - “I don’t really want to look at my own ineptitude (to any given extent) as a parent, so I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see their behaviour and just blame the neighbours kid,..” perhaps even ^subconsciously^ -

- Willful blindness, play-actors or acute naïveté, take your pick!

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