Correction- We Won! PANDEMIC TREATY Failed To Agree By Deadline | IHR AMENDMENTS Still Loom - We had It Opposite - WHOOPS!
The IHR Amendments are still on the table. Sorry for the misinformation, we got confused because the IHR draft is also due to be complete today as they wrap up the 9th meeting 29 April to 10 May 2024
Thanks Karen Bracken for whipping us into gear - the TREATY failed - NOT IHR… although, we expect to hear those fail asap too…
Unfortunately for IOJ, but AWESOME for humanity, this means we still need to sue on the illegality of the IHR Amendments to determine they are void and can’t be adopted. At least the Treaty is a no go, just like we said this morning it will be! We knew the Treaty would fail and are ECSTATIC to hear this today!! Wahoo -
Sorry for the confusion and our mis-info about the IHR failing - it was the Treaty! not being agreed today!!
We are on four hours of sleep today and began hallucinating…
They are still trying to push the treaty in the run up, and trying to concentrate on that being doable, but if you hear them its going to be impossible.
We will also pull some legal moves this weekend to get a couple advisory opinions that could easily block it all. Once, again, sorry for the confusion - we are still VERY, VERY happy, but not as happy as half an hour ago when we thought the IHR was the part that failed.
Incorrect article below, says IHR But should say Pandemic Treaty:
"I Learned How NOT To Do It" Says WHO INB Co Chair On Pandemic Treaty; Says Bureau Members Are Going To Kill Her But She'll Say It Anyway | Sometimes We, The Bureau, Think That We Need To HOLD THE PEN
Pandemic Treaty Article 18 Already Agreed In Consensus | FINAL PANDEMIC TREATY REVEALED TODAY!!!
Shall we get our act together and sue the WHO for the experimental shots, illegal censorship and fraudulent climate scam? Probably. IOJ absolutely plans to sue the WHO to save humanity & still needs help with this months bills. The lawyer and us are so close and READY TO FILE, but obviously need to ensure financial security as we embark on this mission against WHO. If you can help us take down WHO once and for all, you are our hero’s.
Well s***, at least we made some good progress!