Costa Rica Prosecutor Refused To Give New File # -BUT- Is Now Offering A Criminal Hearing To Begin The Investigation Into Covid Vaccines As A Biological Toxin Common Danger & Crime Against Humanity
Thank you IOJ supporters!!! Now top experts such as Dr. Yeadon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay and Dr. Ana Mihalcea are only $2400. Away from the INITIAL fee for the lawyers down payment. LET'S GO!
IOJ is on a mission to raise the final $2300 for the lawyers down payment. We will bring in top experts like Dr. Yeadon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay and Dr. Ana Mihalcea to stop the shots and help us prove it was a crime against humanity. Humanity is under ATTACK! Lets SUE.
IOJ’s “NUDGE UNIT” - Behavioral modification for government:
Costa Rica (CR) justice is obviously slow as hell, but at least its still open and moving.
Justice. You kind of have to nudge it, or push it along. Yes, IOJ’s new “NUDGE UNIT” is pushing the governments behavior into what we want them to do…
For their own good of course!
About a month ago IOJ filed a NEW criminal indictment after the prosecutor wanted to ask a judge to dismiss our case against the former Health Minister Mengele for lying under oath. No honorable judge would ever throw out our case for the prosecutor so the case just “disappeared” and was unlawfully archived on it’s way to the correct court. It is a really clever way the prosecutor tried to get out of it. Try to follow along!
We filed charges for FALSE TESTIMONY many times beginning a couple years ago. The investigation returned to say the crimes may have occurred, but the prosecutor was asking a judge to dismiss it for PERJURY, with the lamest excuse in the world that the former Health Minister “may not have known what he testified to under oath in 7 our cases where he LIED about the vaccines, because his assistants may have helped him answer us in court.” (paraphrasing here)
Long story short, last month February 2024, IOJ filed a new HUGE expanded case alleging crimes against humanity, and asked for a new case #, reiterating our past claims are not PERJURY, but instead FALSE TESTIMONY, which does apply much better than PERJURY. We requested to prosecute ourselves if needed.
NO file # came since last month, when the prosecutor is normally very attentive.
Last week we flipped out and spent many hours by email and phone to complain to the prosecutors BOSSES. If Subway sandwich ruins your sandwich it is time to call the Manager, right? Same thing. We need to to talk to a BOSS!
The BOSSES step in?
The Countries Ombudsman (defender of the inhabitants and human rights) is stepping in to oversee, as well as the Presidents office and Comptroller. They all promised to help us when the government resumes next week from Semana Santa vacation. We doubt the President will do his duty, he may need to be sued, but the Ombudsman and Comptroller have always granted our investigations and been great.
That was not enough just to get the Ombudsman and Comptroller to help us get a criminal file #, and intervene with the slacking off Prosecutor, because we are the PERSISTENCE! So we called and spoke to the prosecutors office AGAIN - and got a BOSS… who has agreed to allow us a criminal hearing to see if an injunction could be issued by a Criminal judge based on our accusations that the covid “vaccine” violates the following penal codes (and more):
Shouldn’t we take the prosecutor up on this offer to have a hearing, but come in with our head Attorney who’s a BAD ASS and a master of criminal law in CR? We are raising the funds to get legal help with this so they stop railroading us. You all got the bill down so low, we are really close to the initial down payment to start the first cases!
We are alleging the non vaccine: creates a common danger to persons, through the emission, propagation, or impact of toxic or dangerous substances or chemicals, agents or toxins of a biological nature.
We are alleging the CR Public Officials (including US, UK and WHO officials) commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of depravation of non derogable right to be free of serious medical undue experimentation affecting the human genome, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, Nuremberg Code and the Rome Statute
We have a VERY solid case and are ready to get these cases over with!
To read all the charges and horrible story of Costa Rica’s role as the worst covid offender of human rights since Mengele, read the article below:
CR was the first to implement NWO edicts:
1st to mandate adults the shots.
1st to mandate babies the shots.
CR is the only country to force inject a 6 year old against his parents will (only 4 days after confessing to us it was imported as “investigational” or “experimental” and can only be used for the exclusive purpose of human research)
CR Regulator of research products is still lying the covid vaccine is approved, they say this lie so they falsely claim they don’t need to regulate it as a biomedical research product (despite it being imported for exclusive purpose of human research). NO one is regulating AT ALL! Its treated as a medicine and therapeutic! BUT the law says its an experiment here and illegal!
However, the entire indictment and charges as filed are in the article below for those who want to know more of the CR legal saga and how we came to be offered a hearing. You can read all the charges we are pursuing to prosecute.
So where are we now?
We obviously just have to get into court to finish the saga.
Because of you bad ass IOJ supporters its coming quicker than our opponents wish.
We are only just over $2k away from the Initial down payment to start!!!!
Thank you! Now let’s raise the remainder and finish the task for humanities sake!
The Eugenicists are messing with our Genome and therefore humanity needs a judicial order that FDA & WHO may be in error in a way that threatens our safety and future genome, heritage of humanity. This requires a serious lawsuit to be filed pronto, which can stop the shots. The crimes are also beginning to be judicially addressed. Let’s keep going and take care of this mess we were all left by the Philanthropaths working in “Global Public Health”.
Crimes Against Humanity Case Phase 1 Starts At The Same Time We Learn That Covid "Vaccine" DNA Integration Into Ovaries Chromosomes 19 & 12 Is Now Confirmed! Lying Health Ministers, CDC, W.H.O. OH MY!
Crimes Against Humanity Lawsuit Fund
The IOJ lawyers team are wanting to go to court asap to stop the shots, and IOJ is wanting to go asap, but the Donation Drive is going way too slow. We need help promoting! Humanity’s court cases are needing to be filed….So… Lets file these lawsuits before the NWO gains more serious ground.
Calling on everyone who gives a damn, and all freedom fighters who care about lawsuits against covid crimes to please share this fundraiser far and wide so we can finish our 4 years of work to finally sue the WHO, FDA and Big Pharma in a real court. They are NOT immune. We are ready to finish the lawsuit to file and stop covid vaccines now.
We would REALLY like to raise the final $2300 to start by the end of March which is only 2 days away! The Costa Rican government is back in session next week and we have been invited by the prosecutor to call a criminal hearing. It is our intent to sue for biological toxins and crimes against humanity, which we want to go in with the lawyer.
It’s much more than we are normally able to raise on our own in that amount of time, so we are asking you all humbly from the bottom of our hearts for assistance to raise these initial funds and finally take this burden off of us so we can finish the real and very intense legal work for humanity by fighting in court.
On November 9, 2023 the Appellate court ruled the lower court erred by dismissing our case without looking at ANY evidence whatsoever. The ruling on November 9, 2023 confirms we have a wonderful opportunity because our experts evidence MUST be analyzed point by point by the judge when we go back to file the main case asap.
Our dream is that humanity will unite quickly help these experts and IOJ go to a real court with international powers to denounce the covid [non]vaccine experiments as toxic dangers that violate human rights!
Please and THANK YOU so much hero’s. Donations can be made below:
Be thankful. Solutions are coming. IOJ has a VERY solid case in Costa Rica, and is blessed with Universal Jurisdiction with the ability to sue all global wrongdoers here in Costa Rica’s international criminal court. Its likely the most important covid case on Earth and will solve BIG issues: Humanity please unite and take care of the remaining $3300 bill to start the first case to stop the shots and prove its a crime. It’s critical to get Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Ana Mihalcea and other experts in front of a judge to prove the WHO and Member State covid science lies and prove the real and known dangers of the intentionally toxic novel vaccine experiments with no informed consent that are shedding biological toxic experiments, creating a common danger.
Related Reading:
What is the total estimated cost of the case?
imagine if each reader threw in another $5 each....