Dr Malone charging for every post is not helpful. Most of us are strugglin since the big heist. We need to pull together.

And as a hospital RN, posted articles from my Covid journal on my substack, did not see the virus or any uptick in illness until the shots. They said the flu disappeared.

Wishing everyone well!!!

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Agreed! We wanted to comment a few times but are not paid subscribers so the public lost out on what information we had to share. Thanks for the first hand account - it backs up what we are seeing in the data as a pattern! Wishing you well too Dee Dee!

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Brett Weinstein is very knowledgeable too and would be a good person to have on board.

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I think his wife blogs on Substack- Heather Heying of Natural Selections

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Globalists only care about themselves.

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Isn't that the truth!

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I have watched this 3 or 4 times, am suprised it's still online. Boy, is Dr. Malone confident, telling the kids about this vax. Hearing the kids call him Uncle out of respect turns me stomach...https://budbromley.blog/2022/02/17/dr-robert-malone-in-hawaii-in-talk-story-with-children/

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He isn’t even being honest with the kids about the adverse events that are happening to people, including kids and athletes, etc. After taking the shots. And when the young teenage girl asked about whether or not, it would affect her reproductive system. He should’ve sounded more like Dr. Naomi Wolf, with his explanation, but instead he barely made the point that it might not be a good idea to take it.

He clearly needs to be ousted from the group of truth tellers,

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Detailed information is key. So much dilution! Dr. Naomi Wolf'a attention to detail is very appreciated and refreshing. No holds barred. Its what is needed for sure!

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Agreed, the only valid advice imo would be to tell the kids to run away from anyone trying to vax them, as fast as possible. Its like he was trying to cover his ass by what he said, while making sure not to promote vaccine hesitancy at the same time. Duplicitous is the word. Thanks Scott.

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Urging caution and hesitancy as well as running away as fast and as far as you can would seem honorable as a Dr. in our opinion!

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I don't think Malone will answer anything, he has too much hubris and he thinks he's above the average person. If he thinks you're being a pest, he sues you. I never did any of the crazy antics the government was calling for, like social distance, PCR, or the bioweapon injections and I'm fine, I haven't had so much as the sniffles in over 3 years and Im at the age they said Id die if I didn't take the poison poke, Im 71.

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Lets hope Malone doesn't sue Yeadon lol. Good point.

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Malone was inserted into the movement to steer it.

He is a snake... He said at the start that it's ok for vulnerable people... Ok fine.

But he also said for pregnant women up to the second trimester...

No sneaky ass, you're a vaccinologist and you know that they never test on pregnant women.

Also, what kind of person like him follows verbal advice to get the jab for "long COVID"? Anyone who knows vaccines and immune response would not get one after infection. So much bullshit around the guy, playing dumb like he's not educated of the freaking basics!

He quickly had to go deeper and finally said it's unsafe for everyone....

Can't gatekeep this movement Malone!

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Everyone knows never test on pregnant women. You make valid points!

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Mr. Yeadon is a nice, brave and honest man, but Malone is not a hero type, his gods are viruses, vaccines and money, he will not answer, plus who knows for how long , the massed global crime will not stop, we have been told or ordered: no going back to normal. In a normal world things would be very different.

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Dr. Yeadon is indeed a nice, brave and honest man. Integrity. Hard to find nowadays! We will see about Malone if he responds or kicks the can down the road... We have to go back to normal or they win and we refuse that outcome!!! Keep the faith there is still good and rule of law... and the eternal balance of things.

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Well if its not a bioweaonized infectious agent then the vaccinated are shedding something causing pyrexia and inflammation big time because I sure as hell didn't take the jab and yet something continues to tackle my health. I get the same symptoms as

those with whom I have to work in close contact. I am sure Robert Malone and Dave Martin would be willing to have a discussion which is sorely needed.

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We put out a Substack on Australian Governments document about covid vaccine "Intentional Release of GMO Into The Environment"! Shedding is real. Why they tried so hard to censor the discussion! Stay well and take care of yourself! The discussion is sorely needed for sure

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I observed those that got the shots getting ill and spreading an infectious illness that keeps on giving. Take Care.

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I am on the IVM, and every 3 to 4 weeks a dose goes down. Well a day, I never feel so good as the first week of a new dose. I'm trying out some Fenbendazole and Curcumin with CBD and Black Seed Oil... wonder how that will work? Already taking EDTA oral but need that cream...

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Pretty Smart ; ) Please let us know how it goes. Thanks.

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Have you ever taken Fluoroquinolones??

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Happy to read this. I experience exactly the same!

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And in this light, this recent interview as shocking as it is, is a MUST to watch: (it explains the lethal particles on the PCR tests which apparently inoculate us too and make us sick); 'In this episode of ICIC Law, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich engages literally in a life and death conversation, full of explosive revelations and hopeful health information with medical experts Dr. Ariyana Love, homeopath, naturopath, and Dr. Robert Young, microbiologist, nutritionist, specializing in alkaline nutrition.'


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I want to hear Malone’s response.

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A LOT of people feel the same way! We all want to know Dr. Malones in depth, full, adequate and truthful response! Blessings!

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Now that many physicians are asking Malone to explain himself, I've become convinced that we have been hoodwinked by an exceptional con artist. His DoD connections and ties to DARPA are quite suspicious! I will not accuse this man directly but he has some explaining to do!!

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The question from Yeadon about the expression of foreign non self mRNA always causing auto immune disease would be nice for Malone to explain! Apparently Yeadon is saying it has inherent harms built in and Malone needs to warn people (and that Malone apparently knows or should know of the monster he helped create of mRNA experiments). Yeadon, Scott and IOJ will not accuse this man directly but he sure has some explaining to do!!

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If no virus, what was released in 3020 to cause illness and death?

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Who knows, likely flu - whatever that is - but its sure as hell not covid-19 which was never isolated or proven to exist. Also, death rate was same in 2020. It shockingly rose only after the vaccine was introduced!!

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Here is a 17-minute video with comedian Jimmy Dore and Joe Rogan. They show a clip of Bill Gates admitting that it was more a disease of the elderly and that it was sort of like the flu but different. Warning they do curse in the video, but it is a must see!!! Please watch before the Powers That Be delete it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr4UtmbeW44

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A bioweapon

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What Lucy said!

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Maybe an experimental mRNA or viral vector biological agent that creates "virus like symptoms"? Or more precisely, what we were always told is a virus symptom?

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Many, many lay people that have done research think it was the 5G roll out. That high amounts of EMF from the towers is really "covid."

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We are definitely investigating that theory as well!

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I would suggest looking at Ivor Cummins work on YouTube etc in early to mid 2020. He was assessing whether there was a pandemic back then by looking at the actual data. Nobody died from covid in 2020, who was not already sick and/or going to likely die at the flu season anyway. After 2020, people died of covid from hospital practices (remdesivir, venting, non access to effective existing medicines), and government poilicies (lockdown, denied treatment, hospital incentives, etc).

Between 2020- 2021 nobody died of covid that wasn't likely to die during that year anyway. Sounds cold but fact of life, people die.

But from 2021 onwards, people began to die, more than previous years, than ever before, from the after effects of the shots, and the combined effects from the policies and procedures used in 2020. A tidal wave of excess death that has swept the globe- THAT, is the most silent and censored "pandemic" ever known to humanity.🤗

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Will do! thanks : )

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Ivor Cummins is an awesome resource!

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First point... The average age of COVID death before the jabs was ABOVE LIFE EXPECTANCY.



The total deaths in most nations did not increase over past years.

After the jab, deaths in younger people and more total deaths.

Another factor of death in 2020

The test funneled people into getting vented and given toxic remdesevir.

In Europe they used other drugs which also killed people.

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Rancourt's work basically concludes there was NO statistically significant difference in illness and death (before the injections were released). It could be that nothing respiratory and toxic was released, from a lab in Wuhan or elsewhere. That doesn't exclude other kinds of toxins.

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Exactly. Data is data. Rancourt is right in our opinion. Lets all find out!

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this is the big question

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If its true there are no viruses it is also true the whole Pandemic Treaty & IHR pandemic WHO "One Health" scheme based on the possibility of a pandemic falls apart!

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Dear Mike, dear Robert,

as I had the honour to interview both od you I start by saying that I really adore both of you for what you are doing. Maybe this dispute is due to misconceptions, only.

It is a fact that coronaviruses are not new and they all share a substantial part of their structure. It is also a fact that the expression „pandemic“ was substantially changed leaving out the pathogenicity of the causing agent (by the WHO; from my point of view in preparation for what should come ) thus basically limited to „new agent“ – „interhuman transmissability“ – „intercontinental spread“.

To the best of my knowledge:

SARS-CoV2 is new in terms of gain of function which amongst others enabled the virus to bind to ACE2 receptors facilitated by human intervention in a lab. SO THIS MAY JUSTIFY THE LABEL „NEW“

This agent spread around the world splitting up in thousands of mutations but had no real impact on the life expectancy of the people (in contrast to the spiking agents no matter whether mmRNA, vector or others) – THUS BY DEFINITION YOU MAY CALL THIS A PANDEMIC

If we could agree on this we should focus on the real tough question which (amongst others) are:

+ Why is nobody interested in the origin of the virus?

+ Why cant we unify in sanctioning gain of function in general?

+ Why is nobody interested in bringing those crazy minds to court who are responsible for this man-made disaster (just for clarification: this should not be limited to those frail persons that may have died from COVID19 but must include all the horrific consequences)?

+ What tools are at our hand to block the new pandemic treaty by WHO (that uses this „pandemic“ to justify this incredible power grab)?

+ What tools are at our hands to stand up against the changes of the IHR with elimination of human rights, human dignity and freedom as core values?

+ How can we hold responsible all those on the national and international level (including UN, WHO and EU) who violated basic human rights (and still do so)?

+ Where are the structures that facilitates that WE THE PEOPLE quit our membership and / or participation in corrupt international organizations like WHO or EU and which alternatives could safeguard our future (social, economic, peaceful) life?

+ Where are the people willing and able to set up a second Nuremberg tribunal knowing that we cannot count on national authorities?

And please keep in mind:

If we don´t call this a „new“ virus we cannot blame „gain of function“!

If we don´t call this a pandemic we cannot change the criteria applied to announce a pandemic or a PHEIC!

Last but not least please let us not forget: we are David and they are Goliath – if we are heading for the same result we simply cannot afford to be split up. So let us work together, let us connect, let´s make us visible (e.g. white bracelets as a symbol for „the great FreEset“) to make the slogan: „WE ARE MANY – WE ARE UNITED – WE ARE READY!“ the perceived reality.

Warmly to all of you

Martin Haditsch

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We agree we all need a debate. Keep in mind you made a lot of scientific presumptions that you want Dr. Yeadon to agree is basic fact, but he is out saying that his own basic presumptions on the matter had to have an overhaul. He no longer believes any virus exists, Having said that, it may not be spread through the air as you and most people presume. It may not be GoF virus spreading - maybe an aerosolised nano robot bioweapon making illnesses for all we know? In law a presumption must be considered true until rebutted! We are waiting for the judicial debate because we are not scientists.

As far as the following questions we are here to help bring this madness to justice and we do agree there must be a GoF moratorium.

Why is nobody interested in bringing those crazy minds to court who are responsible for this man-made disaster (just for clarification: this should not be limited to those frail persons that may have died from COVID19 but must include all the horrific consequences)? (IOJ is suing the WHO, et al - join us! SuetheWHO.org)

+ What tools are at our hand to block the new pandemic treaty by WHO (that uses this „pandemic“ to justify this incredible power grab)? (stay tuned - IOJ is putting together the master plan - its in process)

+ What tools are at our hands to stand up against the changes of the IHR with elimination of human rights, human dignity and freedom as core values? (its in process with legal demands they DEFAULTED on and now we can sue the WHO and all delegates to stop the treaty because its VOID)

+ How can we hold responsible all those on the national and international level (including UN, WHO and EU) who violated basic human rights (and still do so)? (IOJ got them to waive immunity and are about to fundraise the costs and file it against UN, WHO, WEF, FDA, DoD, etc)

+ Where are the structures that facilitates that WE THE PEOPLE quit our membership and / or participation in corrupt international organizations like WHO or EU and which alternatives could safeguard our future (social, economic, peaceful) life? (good question - we need to force our accountability system to work and get out. We truly believe it will need to be a judge discrediting the WHO/UN programs as VOID and harming human rights - then the Member States will be forced to exit the discredited organization that violates human rights!)

+ Where are the people willing and able to set up a second Nuremberg tribunal knowing that we cannot count on national authorities? (Its in process - and national authorities are the only ones with real police power. We NEED them to work!)

Warm regards, There are still solutions - we just need to be very focused and act on them! We the people really need to try directly taking action to the Legislators and courts much more than we are now!!!

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The IHR and treaty issues are in violation of jus cogens superior international norms. We will be explaining a lot more on this soon. In our opinion that is the ONLY argument that can stop the new instruments and it must be done in International court! blessings

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Dear Martin, how exactly do you get that there is a 'virus' if not one single one has been taken from a living being and proven to exist nor has been shown to cause any disease? Dr Stefan Lanka and people working with him have done the necessary real scientific studies with the necessary control experiments to show that 'virology' is fake/fraud and dead. There is no contagion - only assumptions and announcements. What are the treatments doing to people if there are no 'viruses'? There is no need for one single vaccine, has never been. Eleonora McBean witnessed how her parents cared for the vaccine injured 'Spanish Flu" patients - those that did not get the left over vaccines of the young men going to war, never got sick. Read the Poisoned Needle she wrote. There are so much material available, studies conducted around the 1918/20's that showed no contagion, why is that not being brought to the populations' attention. I hope you really care for truth. It does no good to still 'virus'.

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When sentences start with "it's a fact that....." and the records to prove these facts are still missing, all my red warning lights go running wild. And that's what it did here.

If coalition is needed, what is obiously, why can't we agree on that there is to date no proof virus existence in the public domain, any records worldwide, and this is officially stated by the involved authorities? If otherwise please provide the missing document to end this first ground debate and we can all go on working on the following topics. Thank you.

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I don't believe that Malone took any shots. I believe he says he did so he can fit in and sound believable. I believed him at first, but once he sued the Breggans, I decided he was a liar. I think he weaseled his way into our minds to trust him. I think Malone is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I dont understand the comments about Dr. Martin though. Isnt he trust worthy?

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Thats a very interesting thought that Malone could have lied about taking the shot himself to fit in. Why would he take it if Yeadon is right that they all should have known auto immune disease is a result... We thought it was very unsavory to sue the Breggin's in such a frivolous lawsuit! David Martin was brought into the discussion because he testified there is a virus which Yeadon is asking for more clarity on - no idea who's actually trustworthy or not - which makes it really hard on us to know who to ask to be a witness or to listen to or to be involved with.

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This is what I observed at my hospital in Colorado...and yes people died in other places from something but we still have questions. We know they counted all deaths as COVID, the measures were harmful, and God knows what else.


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Saying the flu magically disappeared while covid came on the scene is such a big lie that I can’t understand how anyone could believe it.

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CR Health Minister testified to our judge two contradictory things: On one hand he testified there were ZERO cases of flu from the 12th week of 2020 until recently. On the other hand he testified flu is endemic and never stops. You figure it out. Maybe the judge can figure it out. Makes no sense.

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My apologies if this has already been shared but this short video from Dr Yeadon explains that his legit Telegram channel is NOT the one shared above. https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel/14

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LOL are you serious? That sucks! We gotta put up his correct channel! THANKS!

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Dr. Peter McCullough recently came out and basically called everyone who doesn't believe in the virus nut cases who think the sky isn't blue. Why isn't the same question that is directed at Malone also directed at McCullough?

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good question!

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