What the great everloving F***.

Do you really believe that one of humanity's sworn enemies and one of the most important figures behind the transhumanist agenda has become good all of a sudden?

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Hell no. But you responded so quickly that it is clear you did not READ or WATCH what he said that we were agreeing with. What did he say there in the second video that you disagree with? And we are not Harari advocates, and sued the WEF - so we are. not advocating... but it's a damn interesting question: Is he WARNING the WEF and just as fearful of emerging tech being abused as we are? He says he is, so what gives?

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No, he is not a leopard changing his stripes, but cleverly manipulating a new audience of the young and impressionable, the very ones who have been defenceless victims and sacrificed by the globalist evil agenda that Harari was and is clearly still a part of; hardly a case of warning about emerging tech when they have been using and controlling that very same tech to promote lies and deception in the guise of following the science; his book for children is just another part of their overall strategy to propagandize and set the stage for justifying the very abuses he claims we must be wary of, the abuses we are all very much familiar with.

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Our first thought with the kids book is indoctrination... haven't read it though! Youth are always the vitality the globalist vampires need to take action! see our article on all the kids like Greta that UN has used over the years to push their agendas! https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/proof-the-un-used-children-for-propaganda

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Indoctrination was my first thought as well. Still not gonna trust him or his newly minted but still the same message - youth are what they target for sure.

All those INNOCENT souls here to experience life on earth and they aren't aware (yet) of the evil that resides here. This is WHY the Children ARE SO IMPORTANT AND THEY JEED OUR PROTECTION from him and his ilk.

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Perhaps he has come to his sane mind, at least somewhat.

Or it's just a distraction for the masses, who knows.

I am a quick reader and I read through it, though did not watch, I admit.

Also, I must say that I am in awe with your work, keep it up. What is your opinion on the recent easing of WHO draft clauses?

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haha. we were also perplexed! Thanks - We are JUST about finished with a super interesting report on the Treaty draft - and also the IHR amendments: ) Drafting a Substack now to upload our report and fully articulate our take, which differs from most peoples...

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Waiting eagerly!

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Me tooooooo!!!

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No way. He is a clever, evil manipulator.

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I honestly can't imagine any part of his mind being sane.

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Its not that I disagree, it is that I DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM.

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Harari?! The 'hackable animals' guy? The 'useless class' guy? The 'there is no god, we are the gods' guy? The distract the 'useless class' with drugs and video games (two things I personally HATE more than anything except war) guy? Actually sounding reasonable?

Nah! I don't trust that raving loony psycho for a second!

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Don't trust him OF COURSE - never trust any obviously self absorbed narcissist useless thinker - but what do you make of what he says in the second vid?

Its crazy because he shockingly says the most SANE thing ever in the second vid hahahaa.

The classic bait and switch mind screw because he sounds like all the transhumanist "conspiracy folk" warning of the same thing in the 4th industrial revolution!

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"Harari: yeah like any intentionally designed humans at the present moment is going to be much much worse than us, because basically we don't understand ourselves. I mean as long as we don't understand our brain, our body, our mind it's a very very bad idea to start manipulating a system that you don't understand deeply, and we don't understand ourselves." They plan to go all in and blame AI. But someone writes the algorithms and programs. A human. Not AI. There is not artificial intelligence. There is superfast automation. That's it. There is no singularity. They can NOT genetically manipulate. Not even corn. They can only destroy. Everything they touch will die: either slow or fast. They can NOT create. They can only kill. 'They' can be described as a tapeworm that's about to kill it's host. 'They' don't understand they need us. Humans. Our creativity, passion and ability to love and care for...

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Well said

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How can this 'entity' Whorari claim what it is like to be human? He cannot even claim what it is like to be and act the gender he was created as!! Of course, you cannot tell him that because he is all knowing and very, very wise....????? hmmmmmmm? The hubris of this guy is beyond reproach... he is a great example of of what NOT to be......

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hahahaa. - glib hubris indeed. Mr. Smartie-pants. BUT cant say we disagree with the second video. TOTALLY found ourselves agreeing with him and felt its worth sharing for a lively debate. "Whorari" haha funny!

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What EXACTLY did you find that you agree with, other than his deliberately superficial and contrived comments such as "we don't understand ourselves"?

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I wouldn't be so quick to call this Harari's "soft side" ! He appears to make logical and insightful points about our present state of technological development, even acknowledging the inherent dangers that often accompanies human progress; but his own definition of "what it means to be human" is very limited and "robotic" in the same way that he describes the dangers of AI; sadly, far too many of us believe in his premise that " humans, all humans, are the most powerful entity on the planet and we should own it." In reality it's Harari and his globalist and elitist friends who have sought to dominate our entire species where "all humans" have been almost totally eliminated as part of the equation; and examples of this, including the latest in Costa Rica, are far too numerous even to mention! his book designed to reach children is very timely and clever (actually devious) at a time when there seems to be some degree of awareness and pushback from the adult world regarding the globalist tyranny(of which Harari has been and is a big part of); ironically and hypocritically he claims "we don't understand ourselves" but leaves unsaid that the "we" he refers to most certainly doesn't include himself and his all-knowing collaborators who want to shape and control all of us; even more remarkable is his appeal that we "take RESPONSIBILITY for this immense power, for what we are doing with this power." But it is precisely this "responsibility" that has been clearly avoided by the most powerful which includes Harari and his like-minded ideologues! As the "most powerful entity" we have both historically and in our present condition, often failed to take the only responsibility that really matters, and that is for the unique gift of life that each of us has been granted.

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Beautiful! Agreed. We also caught that he insists we need spirituality, whilst in other vids calling God fiction due to being "intangible"... so he has strict ideas of spirituality, and apparently God or other intangibles ain't it.. so precisely WHAT does he mean by spirituality? Sounded very robotic at that part indeed!

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Harari sounds like a human being in the second video. But what he's hitched himself to so far is inhuman. It's a corrupt system based on fraud-- financial fraud, medical fraud, scientific fraud-- in order to promote a fictitious narrative that bad things are happening because of human pollution and we need a global big daddy to take control and, especially, stop CO2 catastrophe (which catastrophe is pure pseudoscience based on fraud.) This control involves pre-eminently the control of thought, and I see Catherine Maher's job as the new head of NPR to ensure that, as she says, only the "best" knowledge is allowed to be expressed and that "disinformation" (which is criticism of the insanity of our current system) is somehow rooted out. The "best" information for Maher is of course that information-- the narrative-- sanctioned by the WEF and its numerous corporate stakeholders, which include the largest firms in the world. This narrative is based on fraud. We saw this very clearly in the Covid fraud; it's blindingly apparent to anyone who can understand that the CDC and WHO, even the entire mainstream (pharma-led) medical community, have been deeply corrupted by this fraud. It's not at all apparent to people like Maher who have gotten where they are by doing what they're told. She is of course a WEF acolyte; it's in her resume.

I would hope that Harari might be able to see that as well, and help enlighten those who can't see.

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Excellent comment - agree with every word!

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Insightful comment but Harari is not about to "enlighten" anyone with his cleverness as he is still a puppet of the WEF; it is extremely clever to put out a children's book and explain with his typically human hubris "what it means to be human" when, in actual fact and reality, he and his like-minded globalist mentors have been role models for all that is not only not human but anti-life; it is not AI that we have to fear but the robotic mind of the Harari ideology that seeks to define "responsibility" without reference to morality and conscience and even less to a spiritual nature.

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Agree. But the second video sounds human. Not that we should trust him or anything associated with the WEF.

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IOJ is doing fine work, but I have to warn you that Harari is a dangerous, dystopian madman. What we need to discover today is mankind's true spiritual nature, the source of compassion, of which Harari does not have a clue. I am glad to see other commentators seeing this. I strongly recommend as a source the writings of a German spiritual master who wrote under the name Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943). His masterwork, "The Book on the Living God" is available as a free download at http://www.kober.com/books/978-0-915034-22-2_txt.pdf

Also see my own book, "Our Country Then and Now." https://www.amazon.com/Our-Country-Then-Richard-Cook/dp/1949762858

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He sure as hell hangs out with WEF and advises the gang of dangerous, dystopian madmen... Many times he's spoken though we have wondered why he talks out of both sides of his mouth... Is he with them or simply pseudo intellectual and warning of what governments and corporations are doing? Is he just saying it as fact and we all think he is advocating, when he's just being honest about whats the plan he sees...

These are QUESTIONs... NOT statements. We don't really know his intent from all we have seen to be frank. Cant say he's advocating for mind reading and us to be in the gulag in the morning, although he talks at WEF about stuff like that... Its true - governments and dictators dream of that... Is he advocating or warning? We cant tell!

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I understand what you are saying. I have spent much of my adult life in a search for reliable spiritual guidance. Starting as a baptized Christian, I carried out early and fruitful forays into Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, reaching the conclusion that all religions have an identical core of meaning and experience. I even wrote a book about my Indian guru entitled "In the Footsteps of the Yogi." Eventually I began to study Eckhart Tolle, who led me to his first teacher, the German master Bô Yin Râ. During the early 20th century he lived and taught in Germany but relocated to Switzerland and influenced many thousands of people from his home in the Italian-speaking part. His books have been coming into English translation over the past 20 years or so and are now available in English from Kober Press located in Berkeley, CA. These books have clarified so much of what is happening in the world today that I enthusiastically recommend them to anyone seeking to maneuver the maze of today's apocalyptic conditions. I find the WEF and their ilk to be a striking case of demonic possession. We very much need reliable spiritual guidance to protect ourselves from what they are perpetrating. "Peace on earth; goodwill to men" must be our guiding light. Thanks for listening and hosting your fine website.



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Well sadly, you should be able to tell by now, especially doing the work you are deeply involved in, which provides direct and unequivocal evidence of so much evil intention; Harari is neither advocating or warning because he knows(as a WEF puppet) that he and his controllers are already in control and we are already living in a "gulag" of their making; his plan involves the usual dividing and conquering of the masses, now focusing on the minds of children as their next target of manipulation; your reaction is shocking in its naivete and inability to critically assess what you have read and viewed; you endeavour to honestly understand Harari's motivations and wind up giving him the benefit of the doubt when his work and actions leave no doubt; sounds too much like the Nuremberg defence of "only following orders" or the fake apologetics we hear today of "mistakes were made" and "having seen the light, I deserve another chance."

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Very accurately stated! Harari has denied anything having to do with the spiritual or that humanity may have a higher and moral purpose; he talks about being "responsible" when using our immense human power when, in fact, he has been and is an active part of the very ABUSES of that power; only a clever psychopath could comfortably function with that degree of hypocrisy and self-delusion and ignore the irreparable harm he continues to cause.

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Very well said! only a clever psychopath could comfortably function with that degree of hypocrisy and self-delusion and ignore the irreparable harm WEF continues to cause, without using his wealth and top level connections to form alliances to lobby and sue to stop the emerging tech from affecting dignity. Instead of help, he is getting paid to pontificate the bleak future of emerging tech to our oppressors at WEF, giving them ideas to use it against us.. Why not try to stop it like we are, rather than tell the kids life isn't fair? Surely he could brainstorm solutions since he is Mr Big Brains leader....

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I don’t think anyone should get too comfortable or warm and fuzzy believing Yuval Noah Harari has turned a leaf, grown a conscious, or believes he gives a damn about people becoming trans human and AI taking over. Harari hates God and religion. Harari encourages destruction of mankind so he can remake it in his own image. He is an anti christ and false prophet in his own mind. What’s right is wrong and wrong is right. Harari can never be trusted. Look at the company he keeps.

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lie down with dogs... wake up with fleas!

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'When you write about complicated stuff, and you are actually not sure what you want to say, then with adults, you can just cover yourself by talking with these very long, complicated sentences. '

OOps, that sounds like the WHO Amendments & Treaties...

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We totally caught that same line and was wondering if anyone else would catch it!

Yes it does sound like the overly complicated gibberish in the WHO Amendments & Treaties - lol

It's like he just confessed he uses the "bullshit baffles brains" tactic to get ahead in life talking to adults in suits, and finally... only after talking to straight shooter kids, did he have to fess up to even himself, that he's a bullshitter for a living, and only a kid could elicit frankness and truth - the HARD work - after all these years of bullshitting with excess words to cover the lack of substance... ummm CLEAR-ITY.

So in that one humdinger of a sentence, Harari basically stated he doesn't really think much, he just talks a LOT. And in reality, he is admitting the eternal wisdom of truth is NOT where he currently makes his influence and living (in self confessed long winded monologues of pseudo intellectual ramblings)... The divine wisdom is in simplicity.

Took talking to kids to figure that one out, apparently...

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I so agree IoJ!

With THAT sentence he gave it all away...himself, the WHO, the WEF and all the rest of it.

I felt the interviewer also drilled straight through him.

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PBS turned off their comments on their video because they got a boat load of hate. This guy is a psychopath.

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Hahaha that is AWESOME to hear! Thanks for sharing.

Would likely profile him as a psychopath malignant/compensatory narcissist - Yuval is Mr Smartie Pants and quite full of himself... convinced of his superior intellect and philosophical standing.

Silly useless thinker!

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Yuval Harari is the epitome of evil - he has separated from God entirely as he thinks he IS God, or frankly, better than God. No, we are not the most powerful thing on earth - LOVE is, and Harari is all about CONTROL(a ridiculous premise when one realises what the universe actually is). Please, stop helping him to brainwash our children.

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We sure are not helping him brainwash our children. Would never let him or his books around any kids we know. No narcissists!

Isn't that interesting how he has said God is fiction - but yet here he states spirituality is a necessary part of humanity, and if taken by corporations and governments, he would think it was the worst dystopia. Confused Harari... or he just has a very different view of spirituality than most!

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Thank you. Saying he is confused is a euphemism :)

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Sorry folks, I do not buy what that WEF shill is trying to sell.

I don't trust him or his ilk.why should we begin paying attention to this turd? Bc he wrote some Children's books and appears to have turned a full 180° to SUDDENLY come out as for humanity?????

Radar is SPIKING over here.

Ok, having said that, I will continue to observe his radical change in message/behaviour but I am not holding my breath, tho some wef shills would appreciate my voluntary expiry.

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Something I wrote on my substack long before I heard of Harari: "What Makes Us Human"..."What Makes Us Human Can Make Us Inhuman" In my last post I spoke about instinctual determinism, the patterns of completion that animals possess; I made the point that humans are a unique species in that we are human because we are not governed by instinctual determinism, a fact not much discussed in the history of psychology except by those such as Erik Erikson and James Hillman; so what does it matter , one might ask, since you are just stating the obvious that human and animal natures differ; but the implications are far-reaching and profound. especially when we have freedom and the ability to choose as part of our human nature; as an example of that unique nature we possess the universal human trait called "blushing" which Darwin referred to as "the most peculiar and the most human of all expressions." But the root cause of blushing may be much more than simple embarrassing or personal situations and reactions; the Russian philosopher, Vladmir Solovyov placed "shame", the mother of the blush, at the heart of his philosophical anthropology and ethics...."the true spiritual root of all human good and the distinctive characteristic of man as a moral being." Shame leads to guilt and guilt safeguards human conscience, natural shame being the root of moral intelligence. Historically, and even to the present day, our blindness towards animal cruelty and ongoing abuses such as in "animal research" are precisely rooted in the absence of a sense of healthy shame and moral intelligence...even though shame is , in fact, an innate, hard-wired, genetically determined mechanism; so, as humans we, as a result, become less than human if we fail to develop this affect system; and, of course, not only innocent animals but humanity in general will become potential victims due to this failure to develop this very essential human characteristic; this why psychologists like Erikson referred to humanity as "unfinished human beings"; I would add that this lack of healthy shame and moral intelligence are at the root of much of the ills we find in today's culture and society, pre-Covid, during Covid, and in much of our responses world-wide; in fact, we have been manipulated by those who have never developed or who have denied human conscienc and its spiritual root in healthy shame and moral development; for them, anything goes, everything is allowed, humanity itself is expendable in the service of a "new normal" of power and control at any cost; it has been easy to control the masses by any means when so many of us still cling to that "prolonged childhood" and avoid personal responsibility for the task and the work needed to become fully human. "Man is the only animal who blushes or needs to..." Mark Twain

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Ridiculous that’s he’s blaming Putin for being the one to develop AI soldiers with no compassion when it’s the west who wage war non stop against any country for its resources or to keep it miserable by endless unprovoked murder. I believe these books are just another tool in the propaganda box to brainwash kids about the inevitable decline of humanity so they just accept it. He proves yet again that he’s a demonic gimp boy for the cabal.

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Harari is the devil himself and you want to show us his "soft side"? Let me tell you something, the devil deceives and you have been deceived.

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