Final Agenda 2030 Protest Win! Mayor of Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica Calls Upon Church To Intervene For PEACE AGREEMENT! CHURCH Intervenes In Unexpected Plot Twist That WORKED?
Unexpected plot twist results in hugest win against Agenda 2030 for Perez Zeledon. Protests resumed June 25, 27, and Peace Agreement was made Friday June 28. Can you do the same and Stop Agenda 2030?
We combat weekly to Stop Agenda 2030!
Is our noble civil combat working?
Well dear readers, FINALLY we can say a definitive YES!
It FULLY WORKED AS OF YESTERDAY, Friday June 28, 2024.
Peace Agreement is now signed between protestors and Mayor!
We WON Forever. At least here we won where our headquarters is!
The result is BETTER than we could ever dream. PEACE.
Below is the whole story:
If you have already read up on this until our last post June 20, please skip ahead and scroll to the big red arrow for the newest news in this saga from this past week. The latest news is incredible and worth reading:
Perez Zeledon Final Nail In Coffin, PEACE AGREEMENT Shows World How It's Done! NO Fifteen Minute City In Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica! We WON!!
We JUST won the final win YESTERDAY Friday, June 28 in the most amazing and divine way.
Check out the historical tale of how Perez Zeledon JUST set an example for all of Costa Rica and the world on how to FULLY, FINALY, FOREVER Stop Agenda 2030 regionally and make PEACE! Peace must come first!
This story is amazing and ends in a way you would not expect.
So here is the story in a nutshell:
There were 13 weeks of non stop protests EVERY Municipality Meeting on Tuesday and Thursday so the Municipality literally had to close each session so they could not vote in Agenda 2030.
The Municipality purchased a new Territorial Plan from a foreign private company about 2 years ago. People here are awake to Agenda 2030 not being the utopia it promises so they protested, filed legal docs, and forced participation by Citizens. Everyone insisted they all get to participate and agree with the Public Officials, otherwise its just an outside company and corrupt dictator Mayor ordering us around.
Recently the rezoning plan that the company worked on creating for the past two years was unveiled and set to vote on April 4, 2024. Keep in mind the new proposed Territorial plan (called POT) was turning IOJ’s own headquarters into a town center with a road right over our two rivers for a highway! Yikes!
We freaked out like everyone else. Of course, like many other locals and in standard IOJ style we filed critical freedom of information requests and constitutional writs, even getting our case escalated and responded to by the Auditor, in efforts to prevent the plan.
The POT Territorial plan included an “eco barrio” section which people felt was the dreaded 15 minute city! It was the ideal textbook UN fifteen minute city TRAP. The people were ONTO THEM before it took hold. We were not having it.
The POT plan was set to dramatically alter land use and therefore affect our property and use rights. Some areas with large tracts would be affected by limiting the area that one could own, leading to loss of land rights. PEOPLE QUICKLY ORGANIZED.
Day 1 of the 13 week Standoff in Perez:
The Municipality is set to vote through the POT Agenda 2030 fifteen minute city plan so protestors organize and descend on the Municipality center.
Special forces shut down the meeting.
Its the first of many weekly wins in a row, where each weekly meeting the vote was unable to be cast and the meetings each week were suspended, all the way to the final win and peace agreement with the Canton Mayor and the protestors yesterday.
Two weeks into the weekly protests:
City Council decides to suspend the contentious Agenda 2030 issue for the incoming Municipality to vote on and deal with - It’s a short term but big win:
UPDATE: Yes Vote To FULLY SUSPEND UN 15 Minute City; City Council AGREES With IOJ'S Legal Points; Calls April 4, 2024 Protestors "BRAVE WARRIORS"! Costa Rica, Perez Zeledon, 15 Minute "Eco" City WIN
Eleven weeks into the protests and many lawsuits and developments later:
Another PEACEFUL protest against Agenda 2030 15 minute city on Tuesday June 18, 2024. Some of the past Municipality members actually joined in as weekly protestors!
Twelve Weeks Weeks Into Protests
Last week was crazy.
We show below how one person was arrested and we did not know when publishing a week ago that he in fact ran past police to violently grab the mic from the Public Officials and one official fainted in terror due to the not so peaceful somewhat violent event.
If you read on we will show what happened later after the violence because its miraculous and worked.
The Saga Rages On In Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica to Stop Agenda 2030! Municipalities SHADY New Hearing To Pass Agenda BUSTED & PREVENTED By Brave & Warrior People
The news shows the actual unfortunate violence from Thursday June 20, and shows the Municipality once again unable to vote on the Agenda 2030 plan due to mayhem and protests:
Official news - You can translate to your own language by using the youtube subtitles feature!
Obviously this violence on June 20 does not make the protestors look good! - IOJ
So THAT is where we last left off in our reporting:
We reported at the June 20 arrest from the police station, but we were not able to get inside the packed session, so we were reporting from the huge scene outside and did not know about the semi violence, absolutely unacceptable behavior that caused the arrest from inside. We actually made it seem totally peaceful, so we are being clear now.
Let’s catch up with the next CRAZY events AFTER the Thursday June 20 arrest for violence.
Friday June 21, 2024 - Mayor Speaks:
The Mayor then issues a Friday June 21 urgent news notice 8 days ago that “some are spreading disinformation about the POT plan” and he falsely said the Municipality “gave information and had a participatory process”.
He said it’s clear the protestors were minority because the Canton has 150,000 people and only 4,000 showed up the first big protest April 4, 2024 and he noted that last night (Thursday June 20) there were “only 600 or so” protesting.
That attempt at public diplomacy did NOT go over well.
Mayor asks for violence to stop, but also makes accusations against “uninformed” protestors & their “disinformation” about the 15 minute city
We transcribed the video below with English captions to show you where the Mayor calls for peace but also makes feeble attempts at discrediting the protestors (which if you read on you will find that he had to take it back a few days later).
So here we see after the June 20 violence the Mayor naturally calls to stop any more violence and he tries his best to make the Cantons decision to implement the 15 minute city look good and gain favor in the greater community through this absurd press release.
Tuesday June 25, 2024: City Officials are a NO SHOW? Where are they?
The Town came to protest as usual on Tuesday June 25th in the Municipality meeting held every Tuesday. It was raining but that did not stop the protestors!
On Tuesday June 25, there was the allegedly “last” protest scheduled and ta-da, it WORKED AGAIN! Power to the people!
The Missing Municipality Officials!
The Municipality session Tuesday was missing the main officials including the Mayor (the Officials of the Municipality did not come to the town session after the previous session had the violence from the upset and arrested individual the week prior) - so the Municipality had to shut down the session for lack of a quorum, and once again couldn’t vote without all the Officials present.
The speech below from one of the few members that came was beautiful and promised that this ends two years of the bad POT plan… but even though we all wanted to believe him we had to take precaution and plan ahead. Even though he probably meant it, the fact is the people did not trust the full group of Public Officials who were missing and who they thought would usher it in if given a chance….
Official news - You can translate to your own language by using the youtube subtitles feature!
The speech above from Tuesday June 25 SEEMS like a win though because the Official is saying the situation is now behind us. People were getting excited but antsy, not knowing which way this was turning.
Dustin Bryce reports the Municipality just said Agenda 2030 will not continue:
(The Municipality just said it’s over and we won, people were excited, but were they telling the truth? Was it REALLY over Tuesday June 25?)
Scenes from outside the building:
The organizer of the protests showing the power of ONE to get stuff DONE!
Dear readers each one of you is so powerful. The power of one is a very, very mighty force, and especially powerful when that force of one gathers in groups for a common worthy cause such as this!
Actual Last ENORMOUS Protest Thursday June 27, 2024:
WE ARE FED UP - We Must Stop Agenda 2030!
No one trusted the Municipality on Tuesday even though they just promised that it was over. The citizens thought the Officials would hold a secret quorum and vote in secret in 2 more days, so they came in mass again to the building Thursday June 27. To be clear, the city also holds extra meetings on Thursdays if needed, and as expected the Municipality TRIED to vote again Thursday.
BUT once again, just like the week before, we all expected the Municipality would be tricky and meet again Thursday to try to sneak the vote (which is precisely what caused the anger and violence June 20 - another secret unannounced Thursday vote to bypass us all), so this last protest on Thursday June 27, 2024 was enormous. Truly epic. And peaceful as usual.
Dustin Bryce (IOJ) reports from inside the building:
The Next Video Below Is Of The WHOLE Audience Patriotically Singing and We Have To Say The End Has The Best Hand Gesturing Ever By An Aggrieved Audience!
So Classic! Why We LOVE Costa Rica!
The police still guarded in front, but this time they did not escalate things with huge orange barriers. One bad egg does not reflect on us as a whole!
Thursday June 27 the people once again yelled, waved their arms, honked with horns and protested. As a result the vote was once again suspended and the president of the Municipality simply hangs her head and laughs in disgust and defeat. See video below.
We put the timestamp below where the final vote was thwarted and the City Council President Andrea has to sigh and give in to announce, “Its 6:20 and we are suspending the session” and then she proceeds to do a little frustrated dance. Worth a watch.
Her face and dance is PRICELESS, the video part above is only about 20 seconds and you can just feel our huge win. Wear them all down - don’t let them get away with it!
Official news - You can translate to your own language by using the youtube subtitles feature!
Report from the street after the WIN:
Official news - You can translate to your own language by using the youtube subtitles feature!
Friday June 28 Mayor Enlists Church To Negotiate A Lasting Peace Agreement!
Catholic Church intervenes in situation in the canton & resolves the Agenda 2030 dispute IN THE WISEST WAY:
Yesterday morning, Friday, June 28, 2024, both the social movement and the Municipality of Pérez Zeledón met with the intermediation of Father Elí Quirós to reach agreements between the parties.
Mayor Emanuel Ceciliano requested the intervention of the church to find a solution.
In the video below you see former members of the Municipality who’s term ended a month and a half ago joining the leaders of the protests movement with the Church and Mayor to agree that peace is far more important to all than any stupid 15 minute city plan that no one got to vote on and no one wants. Beautiful ending.
We have won and achieved PEACE AGREEMENT OF NO AGENDA 2030, this by the hard work of all and by the grace of God! The Mayor thanked everyone for voicing themselves. What a turnaround from a week ago where he was trying to save the plan and called the protestors standing beside and behind him “misled” and spreading “disinformation”.
The main agreements are in the video and essentially say that NEVER AGAIN will Agenda 2030 be discussed here - It will never be allowed in Perez Zeledon.
The Mayor thanked us all for coming out in the rain and promised we no longer have to take our time and do all these protests. Its NEVER allowed here again. EVER.
Hugest win ever? Yes! We are so incredibly proud of our Canton for standing up and demanding participatory government and demanding to Stop Agenda 2030!
Please see English subtitles below for the official agreement to Stop Agenda 2030!
“It is a topic that will NEVER be discussed again”
We win and Agenda 2030 loses, the way it should be!
A divinely guided FINAL win for the highest good of the entire Canton after all these difficult lawsuits and protests!
Interest of Justice is VERY pleased to live and work in this unique and caring, participatory FREE ZONE where the brave and warrior people came together with the Church and Mayor for a common solution for all, and with an eye for the betterment of our Canton and all for the future generations who will inherit this region and grow up here in an environment we all want to thrive in!
We can finally move on now, THIS BATTLE IS OVER in our own backyard, which is wonderful, because this was taking an enormous amount of our energy to protest weekly and this win frees us up to live and do better things… like Sue the WHO!
Why are they all pushing this Agenda 2030 crap anyway?
Its ALL based on climate scam and vax scam lies!
Now let’s make this kind of win happen GLOBALLY and smoke the peace pipe with our Mayors. Hugs not thugs!
We are starting another Substack: Stop Agenda 2030. Sign up to help take global action here! We have a lot of ideas to create order from their climate scam chaos this upcoming year. Peace Agreements, protests, legal cases filed, and more information on the UN climate scam will be posted there at least once a month or more.
If you ever want to make a difference and do not know how - you can always support IoJ and we will KICK BOOTY for you and for humanity. This work is our calling. IoJ is pro bono, non profit, serious about winning everything we start and needs support!
Dear Dustin and everyone in Perez Zeladon, many congratulations!!
I don’t trust fully the local government or even the church, as an institution, though you may have a sincere, local representative.
Yet, it does look like the community has defeated this phase of the assault upon the people in service of the illicit UN & it’s dark, Agenda 2030.
Those I call “the perpetrators” in relation to the fear provoking, false propaganda of a “pandemic”, intended to smash local businesses, boost the role of governments in people’s
Iives and to coerce innocent into accepting intentionally toxic gene based agents, masquerading as “vaccines”, those people are dangerous and deadly serious.
They will come at you again, probably under the cover of another fake emergency, and attempt something else that would grant them control over all your lives and property.
The community will once again fight them off, peacefully and in numbers.
Your community is an example to Costa Rica and the world!
I will place this in my Telegram channel,
Best wishes
Well done! Well done! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Be vigilant & watch every new business that gets established now. Especially any that plan to work for or with your government. This is how the U.N. is sneaking into all our U.S. cities. The NGO’s ( non- governmental organizations) are basically making the Agenda 30 goals a reality, through city council approved amendments. These “ plans” are usually special committee based, and the citizens are usually unaware of any opportunities to challenge or protest these future projects. If they do have community input, the meetings are full of paid supporters that make it difficult to argue against. ( not impossible, but nearly)
The U.N. is slimy & their “ dual-purpose” EVERYTHING, makes the specific city’s master
plans look ok on paper. The reality is completely the opposite. We have city’s in Wa. state that already have the one lane in, one lane out, with bus lanes in place. These are on roads that have larger populations and it’s mind- boggling to imagine people allowed this to happen. Even driving into Seattle from the north side, ( not the major freeway), there is literally one lane for cars, and one for buses. That’s it! Crazy!
4 million people live in the greater Seattle area. And a major roadway into the downtown area has only 1 lane for cars? The condos with businesses under are popping up all over as well.
If anyone needs resources to learn about 15 min. cities, or the basic U.N. plan, please read , “ Behind the Green Mask” by Rosa Koire. It’s free in a PDF if you search online for an awhile. 😅 She is also on YouTube videos. The book & videos are a bit dated but don’t let that discourage you. It’s all super relevant to right now! Rosa passed away from cancer but left a wonderful legacy of information on this subject.
She traveled the world with her warnings, and she was spot on accurate! Check her out.
Keep fighting the good fight!
This post should stand for inspiration to us all.
We HAVE all we need to push back hard on this!
Well done! Well done! Congrats! 🏆👏🏼