Dr. Yeadon Agrees To Debate Dr. Tess Lawrie On The Anti Fertility Effects Of Ivermectin -IF- Tess Will Debate "No Virus" Theory
Let the GREAT DEBATES begin! Please and thank you!
Dr. Yeadon will happily debate Dr. Tess Lawrie on TWO subjects if she is willing:
If Tess holds a discussion with Christine on the lack of scientific evidence for the existence of SARS-CoV-2, I’ll hold a discussion with Tess on a tightly related set of issues including the role being played by ivermectin.
Best wishes
see Telegram post: https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel/1816
Before we go any further:
The Dellingpod discussion that started this debate on if ivermectin is an anti-fertility drug:
Before you chime in that people are still fertile after taking ivermectin, so ivermectin can’t cause infertility:
Buried in a private email discussion a week ago we think it’s important to reveal that Dr. Yeadon told us the following explanation on why he is worried on ivermectin:
“My biggest worry isn’t even the potential harms from ivermectin, though I reason there is a real basis for concern, especially if taken alongside one of the recently famous “health supplements”. This is because ivermectin is eliminated from the body by biochemical processes called pgp, yet many modern supplements also bind to & inhibit pgp.
This results in a drug/drug interaction & can greatly increase blood levels of ivermectin. It’s equivalent to having taken a much larger dose of ivermectin.
Am I to take the choice of ivermectin and those recently famous supplements as completely coincidental? It is a remarkable convergence with the gene based injections that both look to target reproductive health.”
Best wishes
From Dr. Yeadon’s Substack today:
When we recently posted that Dr. Yeadon was questioning the motives of certain famous and well funded Doctors promoting Ivermectin, because it turns out to be a “violent anti fertility” pharmaceutical drug, people went CRAZY on both sides of the debate!
The Rise Of Ivermectin Anti Fertility Drug Pushers, Their Questionable Funding & Background Examined By Dr. Yeadon & Sage Hanna
When we posted that Dr. Tess Lawrie agreed to revisit the evidence of anti fertility it REALLY caused a full sh*t storm!
Afterwards Dr. Yeadon had written off the idea of a debate as unappealing and unnecessary, and based on his verbiage, we felt his not wanting to debate was presumably because he felt that Dr. Tess Lawrie and others were basically controlled opposition and he had made his case by showing Tim Truths studies on Ivermectin.
Dr. Tess Lawrie has agreed to debate Dr. Yeadon and now Dr. Yeadon got such an avalanche of mail asking him to debate Dr. Tess as she asked, that he has apparently formally announced his acceptance.
As a side note, a few people wrote in that Tim Truth is a hero who opened their eyes, whilst others wrote in to disparage Tim Truth as a nutcase with no credibility. Not ONE who disparaged Tim Truth’s information referred to the actual studies that Dr. Yeadon learned of which caused his new stance on Ivermectin being toxic.
Below is what Dr. Mike Yeadon’s social media manager Tim says as of this morning:
FAO Tess Lawrie
As caretaker on Mike’s social media I have seen huge numbers pressing Mike to accept your request. Mike has posted this on Telegram:
Tim’s comment
Given that viroLIEgy is well and truly dead in the water now - shown to be pure pseudoscience - it is deeply frustrating that so many in the health freedom movement still act as if viruses are other than pure fiction.
NOTE: This is not stating a belief that viruses don’t exist. That in itself would be an anti-science position.
No, it stating a HARD FACT that no evidence exists that these in silico assembled and created genomes miraculously appear in the real world.
Given ‘the SARS-COV II genome’ was chosen pretty much at random (the longest … 😀) of countless thousands thrown up by the Deep Metagenomic Sequencing Assembling program, it would indeed be an extraordinary coincidence if they were to be found in reality one day.
No. Continuing to believe in viruses after the work of:
and Mark,
Jon Rappoport @ Tom Cowan, @Stefan Lanka, @ ThePerthGroup, and so many others is a bizarre stance to take.
Early treatment for a fictitious virus is foolish and plays right into the hands of the perpetrators!
STEP 1: Analyse carefully the ‘evidence on ‘viruses’
STEP 2: Be aware of the failure of every Transmission experiment for the last 220 years.
Transmission failure
Tim West Jun 21
STEP 3: It is not necessary to prove whose pocket the stolen money is actually in if you are debunking the accusation that it’s in little Billy’s pocket…
But it is still perhaps worth being aware of some answers to the inevitable question.
This post is light on EMFs though many including Frances Leader have pointed out these probably play a major role.
No more heroes anymore?
I personally would like to call out to all the health (+) freedom super-dudes to bury hatchets.
I’m not suggesting everyone going on holiday together. You don’t even need to like each other.
But messy division is exactly what the Perp-o-traitors are hoping for.
This is not a call for ‘unity’. As Sasha has pointed out, beware those who use this word!
We have different ideas and there will be disagreements. But they can be academic and not personal surely.
Heartfelt thanks from me to you all, especially Mike whose integrity and equanimity, restraint and knowledge are something everyone can aspire to.
Here is Tess reading the amazing Mistakes Were Not Made by the wonderful Margaret Anna Alice followed by Mike’s version.
We are on the same team.
I would like to thank Mike also for this indulgence.
I was moved to move.
Warm regards
Just like Tim and Dr. Yeadon, Interest of Justice feels obliged to move as well.
Interest of Justice also received an avalanche of messages ranging from wanting the debate because they too were Doctors that KNOW Ivermectin is toxic as used and others explaining how the male reproductive in humans is affected and of course many who felt Dr. Yeadon was insane or rude or stupid and many were insisting Dr. Tess was in a position of righteousness and Dr. Yeadon the Devil for speaking his truth and trying to warn people.
From the copious amount of letters received by Interest of Justice, the takeaway is this debate is one rooted in major bias on both sides, and Interest of Justice has reviewed the data and is STRONGLY on the side of Dr. Yeadon.
Now keep in mind, Dr. Yeadon is our Chief Scientist, the main dude we rely on for our science when we are in debate with the governments, UN & WHO. He’s the main scientist challenging the WHO’s PCR pandemic with us and we are really proud of his ability and willingness to expand his scientific views, based on newly introduced information he was not previously aware of, even if totally fringe.
We STRONGLY support this message:
Mistakes were not made! Don’t let them get away with it!
What Dr. Yeadon told us is SO important about the vitamin supplements raising the level of ivermectin to toxic levels, and we cannot wait for him to explain more in the upcoming GREAT DEBATE with Dr. Tess Lawrie, former WHO consultant.
This GREAT DEBATE (and the virus-no virus debate) are ESSENTIAL for truth.
Dr. Yeadon is our witness and helping us sue all the way up to Tedros in WHO. Depositions are beginning this month under oath for prosecutors. Dr. Tess never stepped up or stepped in to help us sue or take real steps to fix a problem. Just saying.
Opportunity to achieve justice!
If you want to ensure a formidable lawsuit is finally filed for the covid reckoning please support Dr. Yeadon and Interest of Justice right now to step in and DO SOMETHING to actually SUE and fix the problems.
We REALLY could use more support to get the Attorney fees paid so we can file the worlds largest case against fake pandemics, global censorship and fake deadly vaccines.
By pitching in you can make a real and positive difference by helping us get Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay and many other top experts in front of the judges with the very best attorney team in order to expose the covid frauds, stop the ATTACK & save our freedoms!!!
Coming by this weekend is a wonderful discussion with our experts Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Janci Lindsay and Sasha Latypova about our lawsuits beginning to pick up speed as we near the time to file (and hence IOJ needs to fundraise). Make sure you a SUBSCRIBER! PAID SUBCRIBERS GET A TON OF EXTRA KARMA POINTS FOR HELPING THE MISSION!
Respectful and cordial debate is ALWAYS a GREAT thing and we need much more of that, especially amongst prominent names.
I welcome this decision by Dr. Yeadon but why set pre-conditions for participation?
I guess I have to get up to speed because I don’t know who Christine is 😕
I will say that I’m a bit tired of hearing people tout ivermectin as the elixir to treat absolutely everything. A pharmaceutical drug is still something to be cautious of and I don’t agree that people are taking it as a prophylactic.