Dr. Yeadon Truth Science: You Cannot “Catch” These Alleged Disease-Causing, Submicroscopic Organisms Termed Viruses. No Diagnostic Test Can Show That You’re “Infected & Therefore A Threat To Others”
Naturally, no “gene based vaccine” is going to make you safe. That’s not what they’re for. Instead their purpose is to injure or kill you, while reducing your fertility if you survive. - Dr. Yeadon
People wake up - It's a big pandemic preparedness and response MARKETING CLUB and you and I aren't in it! No, we are the TARGETS of the marketing of the biggest psy op experiments in history! The end result is harm to our health on a global level.
From our Chief Scientist and friend Dr. Yeadon, honorable defender of science, truth and law on his Telegram channel today: @DrMikeYeadonsolochannel:
Dear all,
I wonder if, in the unending flurry of messages, you ever got the chance to read this Substack article from legal researcher, Katherine Watt?
It’s important that, at high level at least, you appreciate what has been done here.
At its heart, the pandemic lie is no more than a PsyOp.
If you’re fearful of scary viruses, and believe that, somewhere in the basement of a high security lab in Ukraine, or in China or a military facility in America, scientists are working on “claim-of-function” pathogens, you may find the outside world a forever threatening place.
While there are certainly threats, the real threats are not from invisible enemies, floating in a breeze, but from authoritarian governments and compliant functionaries, approaching with a hypodermic in hand.
You cannot “catch” these alleged disease-causing, submicroscopic organisms termed viruses.
No diagnostic test can show that you’re “infected & therefore a threat to others”.
Naturally, no “gene based vaccine” is going to make you safe. That’s not what they’re for. Instead their purpose is to injure or kill you, while reducing your fertility if you survive.
On each occasion, most people aren’t obviously injured or killed. The jig would be up very quickly if the perpetrators made very widely toxic materials.
The overall narrative is intended steadily to narrow the range of actions you can take, always “fur ihre sicherheit” (“It’s for your safety”).
Read even at a scan, you will, I hope, appreciate how stealthy & patient has been the long run-up to 2020. Much more so than most of could imagine was possible. Actors in this drama are part of a multigenerational mission to seize control of the world and of everyone & everything in it.
We defeat their intentions by active non-compliance and very importantly, by showing things to people and asking what they make of it.
Anyone professionally qualified in anything will probably be able to grasp the sweep of history, if only they’d read it! That is of course one of the hardest things to persuade others to do: to at least review some of the evidence that things are very much not what they seem.
I emphasise this again, because they’re going to do it all again, almost certainly.
Best wishes
Help Support the main lawsuit so Dr. Yeadon can PROVE all he says above to a REAL COURT ON THE RECORD!
On November 9, 2023 the Appeal Court ruled in the Nuremberg Hearing to stop the experiments.
In the hearing November 9, 2023 courageous experts Dr. Yeadon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay, Professor Norman Fenton and Dr. Ana Mihalcea all came to testify, but we were not heard because the Appeal Court ruled that the lower court MUST hear our experts evidence of toxicity of the non vax.
We are excited to get back into court to hear if the Judges think Nuremberg Code was violated, or if it is criminal (intentionally toxic by design) or just Administratively void for violating legal norms as pointed out in this article.
Where is the case at: IOJ has been working day and night over 6 months with the Attorneys to teach them our EXTENSIVE case and get back into court and refile, but this time we are expanding the case greatly, mostly based on Dr. Yeadon’s concerns.
By COURT ORDER Dr. Yeadon’s testimony must be heard this time!
The ONLY problem.. and it is not a little problem - we are SHORT of the Attorneys fees! Who wants to help pay off the Law-firm so we can finish suing for Justice For Humanity?
We will prove its all a lie - the PCR, the NON vaccine and its all an attack. Help us sue all the way up to World Health Organization. We are serious about our chances to win & yet Interest of Justice cannot continue this case to FILE it without support to pay the Attorneys!
TODAY is the first day we got our non profit approved to take donations:
Interest of Justice Media Inc., a Not for Profit Organization, 501c(3) - EIN 99-2410252
Related Reading:
Brett Weinstein & Alex Jones Called Out By Dr. Yeadon For Sprinkling Truth Of Depopulation With Misleading Facts & Fraud By Omission
Dr. Micheal Yeadon Announces "I no longer trust ANY product of the biopharmaceutical industry". Citing: "evident willingness to commit global-scale crimes against humanity"
Dr. Yeadon Shares "No Virus & NO Pandemics" Better Model Than The Contagious Respiratory Virus Narrative & His Evolution Of Thinking To Help Others Move From "Normieworld to Conspiracy Realist"
Dr. Yeadon: "Pandemics are not a thing. Think back through your life. How many pandemics have there been? Covid wasn’t one...I don’t believe there has ever been even one."
Dr. Yeadon asks Dr. Tess Lawrie to publicly to state why she continues to promote “early treatment” for a non-existent illness. Fair question.
IOJ Gives THANKS to Dr. Yeadon from the bottom of our hearts for helping us with expert testimony to SUE the governments and W.H.O. so we can STOP COVID “VACCINES” Globally!
Dr. Yeadon has been part of this ongoing complex case since 2021 and soon we will get to refile our main case and go back in front of the judge who was ordered to hear the experts evidence this time! It’s not easy, but step by step we are getting to justice!
Mike Yeadon is the MVP of those of us who saw through the psychological operations. Being inside, the danger is real. Not danger from a virus, danger from the ambitious pragmatists who created the lies. They tend to kill whistleblowers and/or their families.
Maybe there’s a few angels watching over the good people, brave people like Mike. I hope so.
Happy to see you dropping real science on the plebs, Doc!!!
Let's hope more people ,stand in their own power and truth going forward.
Fool me once, but twice? Shame!