IOJ Invited To Speak At WHO Oct 30, 2023 AS A PARTNER To Guide 2025-2028 Agendas. Help IOJ Set WHO Straight & Propose A Peoples Ethics Oversight Initiative!
Since mid 2022 IOJ has bitched and filed WHO complaints and demanded we are included as a relevant and interested stakeholder. Ta-da! WHO admits we have relevant information to share. Help us prepare!
Notice: Despite the fact we have numerous open complaints for crimes against humanity against the WHO Director General Tedros, and are actively trying to sue the WHO & waive their immunity for covid misconduct, it appears the Secretariat at WHO has formally requested the esteemed opinion of “PARTNER” Interest of Justice (IOJ) on the General Programme of Work (GPW) 14, which will cover the period of 2025–2028.
They basically want this GPW14 to cover what the IHR amendments and pandemic treaty accord framework CA+ are failing at accomplishing. They seek agreement on BS climate scams, control grid and the funding of the WHO at the center of global health. At least they finally admit civil society needs a role to propose ideas and if we “resonate” with the agendas in the first place (um… hell no WHO!!!)
IOJ is requested to speak for 2 minutes as well as submit written proposals.
Isn’t that nice, the WHO finally wants to talk about partnership with civil society.
We applied to the newly forming WHO CSO (civil society organization) commission about 6 months back (they kindly extended the deadline for us to be the last ones to apply), & apparently all our efforts complaining about being ignored and applying to speak and join is starting to pay off. We were just invited as a partner civil society organization to consult with regarding WHO’s 2025-2028 plans!
“The WHO Secretariat is organizing consultations with partners and key constituencies to solicit perspectives on the draft GPW14 content. The consultation on 30 October 2023 is organized to get feedback and proposals from civil society and youth on its overarching goal, strategic objectives, and draft outcomes.”

Support our Nov 9 court ORDERED Costa Rica Nuremberg Code Hearing to take WHO’s EUL “emergency use listing” covid vaccines off the global market
First, before the homework at the bottom that you can help us with - here is the assignment:
Below is a copy of the important parts of IOJ’s invitation from WHO Secretariat this week:
From World Health Organization Secretariat to IOJ:
You are kindly invited to participate in the consultation with Civil Society and Youth on the WHO 14th General Programme of Work (GPW14) for 2025-2028 on 30 October 2023
WHO GPW14 is being developed a year earlier than normal so that it can serve as the technical strategy for the first ever WHO Investment Round proposed for end 2024.
The current focus for the GPW14 is on developing a zero draft, through an iterative process in consultation with Member States, for consideration by the WHO Executive Board in its 154th session.
The final version of the GPW 14 will be considered for approval by the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly in 2024.
The WHO Secretariat is organizing consultations with partners and key constituencies to solicit perspectives on the draft GPW14 content. The consultation on 30 October 2023 is organized to get feedback and proposals from civil society and youth on its overarching goal, strategic objectives, and draft outcomes.
Please find attached for information a presentation that was made to the Member States on 20 October to solicit their feedback on the proposed outcomes.
Also attached, please find the first GPW14 consultative paper. The consultations will contribute to the development of the second GPW14 consultative paper.
The tentative agenda for the consultation is:
Welcome and housekeeping
Presentation on the GPW14 development process & content
Comments and feedback from Civil Society and Youth followed by responses and clarifications by the GPW14 Secretariat,
Heads Up - Open Call From IOJ For Help.
At the bottom are the 4 questions WHO wants us to prepare a written answer for.
You are invited to help us answer.
See below for 4 questions & help us respond.
Below are the questions sent to us by the WHO this morning to prepare for Oct 30, where we will be speaking for 2 min. We can also write with no limit to inform the meeting by answering the following questions in the next few days before the meeting.
Interest of Justice will use your ideas to guide our presentation to the WHO regarding the following 4 topics/questions
The 4 topics we are invited to answer in writing prior to the consultation:
The event is structured around guiding questions for you to provide feedback:
GPW14 goal and the 6 strategic objectives. Do the context, overarching goal and the 6 strategic objectives resonate with you? *
The proposed GPW outcomes. Do the major directions of the proposed outcomes resonate with you and with your views on how to organize health services?
WHO products and services. What WHO products & services (outputs) are key to help to drive this agenda and enable others?
Theory of change, including WHO partnership model. What change, including in its partnership model is needed for WHO to play its role?
We made a very simple online form for each question to stay organized. We do not have time to pour through comments to extract the official points and assemble, so if you really want to be heard by WHO next week through our invite and consultation, please fill out the official form to help us prepare. Please answer your views to the above questions at
We are SUPER BUSY with Nuremberg Hearing so we beg you to stick to the topic and only post in very short and condensed final wording you would like to be considered.
We are outsourcing the work & wanting to hear from you, so join us and participate DIPLOMATICALLY with no ad hominem attacks. Be extremely brief and polite (but firm) with WHO to be considered, and leave your answers in the comments.
IOJ will make ourselves available throughout the week to go through your comments to help us compile a report to present to WHO on behalf of all of us. It is our honor and intent to properly represent disgruntled civil society & real science diplomacy.
Europe WHO article explains pretty well the main issues: - Briefing on WHO’s 14th General Programme of Work: to promote, provide and protect health
The first in a series of side events, organized in the run-up to the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC73), was held on 4 September 2023 on the development of WHO’s 14th General Programme of Work 2025–2028 (GPW 14).
“The GPW 14 is about imagining the future and future health needs of people around the world, and we want to make this a participatory process, a co-production with Member States,” said Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, in opening the event.
Dr Kluge also underlined how the European Programme of Work 2020–2025 has anticipated several of the elements proposed in the new GPW 14, including a focus on digital health, emergency preparedness, and climate change and health.
This consultative process is already underway, with the first consultation with Member States held in August, and further consultations with countries are scheduled over the coming 4 months until the next Executive Board session in January 2024.
GPW 14: goal and objectives
The broad goal proposed for GPW14 is to promote, provide and protect the health and well-being of all people, everywhere.
Acknowledging that the world is dramatically different since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, GPW14 is conceived as a framework to manage today’s health challenges, and be forward-thinking, to address the impact of the climate crisis on health, and demographic changes.
6 strategic objectives have been put forward to reach this goal:
achieve transformative action on climate change and health;
ensure health is at the centre of policy agendas that drive determinants and root causes;
address inequities in the coverage of essential health services and interventions;
reverse the trend in catastrophic health spending;
ensure all countries are prepared to prevent and mitigate health risks; and
rapidly detect and respond to acute crises and ensure essential services in protracted crises.
The proposed GPW 14 also acknowledges the direct and amplifying effect that WHO has on the entire ecosystem for health, and the need to work with non-state actors, the private sector, youth representatives, and others towards health for all.
Member State feedback and next steps
Dr Bruce Aylward, Assistant Director General at WHO headquarters and co-chair of the Senior Staff Steering Committee, noted that, in the consultations held so far, Member States have responded positively to the plan, and the strategic objectives have resonated well. Countries have also welcomed the organizational shift towards prioritizing impact at the country level, complemented by stronger WHO country offices and regional offices.
Representatives from over 20 Member States in the WHO European Region attended the side event, welcoming the collaborative way in which GPW 14 was being developed, and the inclusion of climate change and health as a strategic priority.
The second broad consultation with WHO Member States will take place in the first week of October, and the GPW 14 will also be on the agenda at RC73.
RC73 side events
This side event is one of a series of 7 events held in the weeks preceding the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, to engage delegates, partners and health experts on developments, initiatives and forthcoming reports relevant to health across the Region.
Other related articles by Interest of Justice:
"Help IOJ Set WHO Straight"
The WHO is a criminal organization that must be disbanded and prosecuted along with its individual members and member organizations to the full extent of the law.
There can be no negotiating with it or explaining to it beyond what is necessary to remove any records, assets, power, or immunities it has, and to pursue such criminal charges.
All Countries must demand PROOF from the Hall of Records, a receipt, that the WHO is Ratified by the Hall of Records because without this no Country's money will pass through the regulatory system to claim the taxes collected go through to the WHO and are placed in good faith for the People of the World. Proving to us it is or is not a Racketeering organization. Why would we pay into a non legitimate organization non-profit or not? I know they cannot provide this as they have been dis-regulated and disbanded and are using "private" monies to keep them afloat in disguise as a legitimate business. Where is the receipt????