Experimental Monkeypox Vaccines Incoming? It's Time To Discuss WHO's EUL (Emergency Use Listing) Role In Experimentation On Humanity With NO Informed Consent
Last night we had a lengthy recorded discussion with researcher James Roguski on PCR being a fraud. We agree and want to raise our opinion that the PCR to diagnose covid-19 is a fraudulent Emergency Use Listing product and why we think WHO issuing the EUL for PCR and covid vaccines constitutes widespread and systematic attacks on humanity which amount to Crimes Against Humanity that we are suing for. We expect to post the awesome conversation tomorrow so stay tuned.
We are really glad we have been so busy recently taking on this subject of exposing and stopping the EUL as a Nuremberg Violation and Felony, because apparently TODAY the WHO has triggered the process to grant Emergency Use Listing to two monkeypox experimental EUL vaccines. Full story is below our commentary.
Tribute to Truth! What does WHO have to say about their EUL products?
Many Lies. But some shocking truths as well.
Just pointing these critical facts out:
First, let’s look at WHO’s EUL official video just to see the outrageous lies they sell our governments that EUL products are actually checked for safety and efficacy:
Second, Let’s see the disgusting and probably criminal truth that WHO explains in their documents and website:
They are basically saying it’s OK to experiment on you with potentially unsafe products and you will like it.
Emergency Use Listing Procedure
source: https://extranet.who.int/prequal/vitro-diagnostics/emergency-use-listing-procedure
The WHO Emergency Use Listing Procedure (EUL) (formerly the Emergency Use Assessment and Listing procedure (EUAL)) is a risk-based procedure for assessing and listing in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) (as well as medicines and vaccines) that have not (yet) undergone stringent regulatory assessment and that are intended for use primarily during public health emergencies of international concern (PHEICs), or in other public health emergencies.

During such times communities and public health authorities may be willing to tolerate less certainty about the quality, safety and performance of products, given the morbidity and/or mortality of the disease, and the need for diagnostics.
The EUL process is based on an essential set of available quality, safety and performance data.
The EUL is not equivalent or an alternative to WHO prequalification, and should not be thought of as such. The main reason for not qualifying for prequalification is that the product concerned will, at the time of submission for EUL, not fall within the scope of prequalification. WHO Member States alone hold the authority to decide whether or not to allow the emergency use of in vitro diagnostics in their country.
In order to qualify for an EUL, the IVD must meet the following criteria:
be intended to detect a disease (or related analytes, as appropriate) that has been declared by WHO's Director-General to be a PHEIC, or judged to be otherwise in the best interest of public health.
the disease for which the product is intended is serious or immediately life threatening, causing an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic and for which there is no licensed product for the indication or for a critical subpopulation (e.g. children)
the product is manufactured under a functional quality management system [even this was waived for covid - Yes, we have the one document on Earth where WHO waived good manufacturing practices and quality assurance! It’s criminal in our opinion - IOJ]
be intended for completion of development (validation and verification) and submission WHO prequalification; ideally, performance studies will already be under way at the time of the application for an EUL.
Evaluation procedure
Evaluation will determine whether, in light of available WHO/international standards, the submitted data demonstrate a reasonable likelihood that the IVD's quality, safety and performance are acceptable and that the benefits outweigh the foreseeable risks and uncertainties in the context of a PHEIC.
Duration of validity of an EUL
The validity of an EUL in the context of a public health emergency will generally be for a maximum of12 months. All EUL decisions are reassessed within 12 months (or sooner, if further data or other information become available that could alter the original opinion). When deemed necessary and warranted based on available data and information, the emergency use listing can be extended. Products may have their EUL status removed if new data or information becomes available that changes the benefit‒risk profile of the product, or immediately upon declaration by WHO's Director-General that the relevant PHEIC not longer exists. Manufacturers are required to supply any new information/data to WHO as soon as it becomes available.
WHO reserves the right to:
terminate an assessment, if the applicant fails to provide WHO with all the required information
delist a product in case of fraud, misrepresentation, withholding of information by the applicant/manufacturer. [except the WHO Staff won’t get back to us, so now we have to sue in National or International courts just to delist the hugely profitable covid vaccine and PCR EUL’s that WHO won’t delist - IOJ]
Post-market surveillance
For products granted an EUL, appropriate post-EUL monitoring mechanisms should be established to allow for the timely evaluation of adverse events (AEs) and notification to WHO and the relevant national regulatory authorities. If a quality/safety/performance issue cannot be resolved to WHO's satisfaction, WHO reserves the right to restrict or revoke the emergency use listing of the product.
Post-EUL changes
Once a product has been listed under the EUL procedure, development of the product should continue to completion for prequalification, whenever possible. Changes to the product proposed after the product has been listed in the EUL, or delisted, should be submitted to WHO. Changes to products listed based on an abridged procedure must have been accepted by the original national regulatory authority responsible for the oversight of the product, and WHO must be notified of the accepted changes. (Some submissions submitted for WHO EUL may have undergone a previous assessment through other emergency mechanisms, for example, the US FDA Emergency Use Authorization process. Where this is the case, it is not the intent of WHO to undertake duplicative work, if the review of the other emergency mechanism is deemed to be of a satisfactory standard.)
End of IOJ commentary and what the WHO has to say about their EUL products that we think the whole world should know… now to the full story:
WHO Triggers Emergency Use Listing (EUL) for Monkeypox Vaccines
The WHO today triggered the process to grant Emergency Use Listing to two monkeypox vaccines. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the media the listing will accelerate vaccine access in lower-income countries that have not yet approved the drugs.
August 7, 2024
The World Health Organization (WHO) today triggered the process to grant Emergency Use Listing to two monkeypox vaccines.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the media the listing will accelerate vaccine access in lower-income countries that have not yet approved the drugs.
“Emergency Use Listing also enables partners including Gavi and UNICEF to procure vaccines for distribution,” Tedros said. He also said he would convene an expert group to determine if the spread of monkeypox — renamed mpox — in Africa should be declared a global emergency.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and UNICEF are funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The WHO uses the Emergency Use Listing process to help member states that haven’t already authorized unlicensed vaccines, therapeutics and tests speed up their processes for authorizing them.
During the COVID-19 pandemic Emergency Use Listing was a key mechanism used by member states without structures for granting emergency use authorization to drugs to authorize and distribute the vaccines, working together with the WHO, Gavi and UNICEF, Unlimited Hangout’s Max Jones reported.
Tedros said the Emergency Use Listing helps those same partners procure vaccines for distribution, and that countries like Japan, the U.S. and the European Union are supporting the effort through donations.
He said the Democratic Republic of the Congo is experiencing a severe outbreak of mpox, with 14,000 cases and 511 deaths. Although cases have existed there for decades, the numbers are rising and spreading to new provinces, he said.
There have also been 50 confirmed cases reported in neighboring countries Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.
The illnesses, he said, are caused by a virus strain, or “clade,” — clade 1b — that is more severe than clade 2, which was responsible for the global outbreak in 2022.
In 2022, WHO declared mpox to be a global emergency after reporting that it spread to more than 70 countries, mostly affecting gay and bisexual men. At the time, Tedros made the declaration unilaterally, in direct contradiction to independent review panel advice.
Out of concern with the current spread of monkeypox, Tedros announced the WHO has developed a $15 million response plan for surveillance, preparedness and response activities. The agency has already released $1 million from the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies to support scale-up of the response, with plans to release more in the coming days.
He also said he is convening an Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations to advise him on whether the outbreak is a “public health emergency of international concern.”
“The committee will meet as soon as possible and will be made up of independent experts from a range of relevant disciplines from around the world,” Tedros said.
Symptoms of monkeypox infection are usually mild and include fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes, and occasionally intense headache, back pain, muscle aches, lack of energy and skin eruptions that can cause painful lesions, scabs or crusts.
The virus is “rarely fatal” and no deaths were reported in the U.S. as of Aug. 4, 2022.
Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist and biological warfare expert, told The Defender that in Africa, the disease has reportedly been more deadly. The numbers, she said, are difficult to confirm. [We would bet ALL the numbers are false and that Meryl Nass damn well knows this - IOJ].
Tedros did not name the vaccines that will receive Emergency Use Listing, but Nass said there are two monkeypox vaccines: Jynneos and ACAM2000.
Both were originally approved to fight smallpox. Jynneos was licensed for monkeypox in the U.S. in 2019 — when no outbreak was ongoing. ACAM2000 has been “made available for use against mpox in the current outbreak [2022] under an Expanded Access Investigational New Drug (EA-IND) protocol.”
The drugs cause myocarditis, pericarditis and other serious side effects at high rates, Nass said, as the labels for both drugs indicate.
Neither of the vaccines are approved for children under age 18, although in 2022, Jynneos received emergency use authorization in the U.S. for children under 18 considered to be at high risk.
Officials at the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the majority of cases and deaths from monkeypox are in children under age 15.
Nass said that although in the U.S. monkeypox has appeared to be a mild illness, several lucrative government contracts have paid the vaccine makers hundreds of millions to stockpile the vaccines.
Nass also said there are serious questions about the efficacy of the vaccines. According to the labels, the efficacy rates are inferred based on immunogenicity studies, which study antibody responses, rather than testing whether a vaccine protects against disease.
The U.S. CDC said the vaccines are “expected to be effective” against both clades of monkeypox infection.
The Poxvirus and Rabies Branch of the Africa CDC, which has done much of the monkeypox vaccine safety and efficacy research in the Democratic Republic of Congo, did not immediately respond to questions about the efficacy and safety of the vaccines.
source: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/who-emergency-use-listing-monkeypox-vaccines
WHO’s EUL and FDA’s EUA are both “emergency use” products - learn more below about how FDA pulls off their criminal Authorizations for medical countermeasures:
From Sasha Latypova - Disengage!
Yes Sasha, Agreed. Let’s all chill - IOJ:
Relevant comment on Sasha’s post by our Chief Scientist Dr Mike Yeadon:
As usual, I’m as a peas in a pod with Sasha on this.
Having read a large number of clinical papers written long before the modern era of sudden pandemics, like London buses (“You wait for ages in the rain, then two turn up at the same time”).
The interesting (& challenging) thing is this. Acute respiratory illnesses, like common colds & ‘flu (aka influenza or more precisely, influenza like illnesses, ILIs) are not contagious.
You can’t & don’t “catch” them from other people, any more that you “catch” a migraine or angina.
Instead, you develop them. Something goes awry in your normal homeostatically controlled lung microenvironment and you fall ill until your body mounts the needed processes.
So you’re sick, but the causation narrative you’ve been given all your life is demonstrably false.
These illnesses are not infectious in nature nor are they contagious.
A long way around the houses to offer you an alternative means of why I endorse what Sasha is saying here.
Do the authorities know this? Some do, yes. Others are just useful idiots.
It’s all fake and it’s always been fake.
Best wishes
Stop the next “pandemic” - Just expose and stop the W.H.O.’s EUL PCR fraud!
Human experimentation with no informed consent? Yes!!!
Watch to see why lawsuits must be filed immediately against experimentation through the WHO Emergency Use Listing EUL program that ended up waiving good manufacturing during covid for the vaccines and PCR tests!!! They are actually insane and waived human rights to informed consent for invasive procedures and waived good manufacturing. Emergency use products are apparently a cash cow free for all.
The PCR fraud is really the EUL fraud!
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Wow! Just today the WHO Internal Oversight wrote IOJ and chimed in on the EUL PCR fraud so now we can all sue nationally! Lets do this!
Justice isn’t free. It takes courage, time, effort and real resources to do this serious legal work. We made it this far on a shoestring thanks to supporters! IOJ is humbly asking to complete the FINAL round of funding needed to file the Nuremberg Hearing. We were ORDERED last November 9, 2023 by the Appellate judges to file a case in the Administrative Contentious court that requires a specialized Attorney. The court has ruled that we have a complex case to hear out in a full trial and that Dr. Yeadon and other top experts MUST be heard on the evidence of harm and WHO’s bad science. We have lovingly spent TWO + years of pro bono work building this MASSIVE case and it is TIME to finish paying the Attorneys (they are asking us to finish paying them and we unfortunately do not have their payment raised at all this month as they are completing the work - so we REALLY need help from light-workers who can assist financially) and file this case. We hope you agree and support at your maximum level right now, considering the topics we built this case for are some of the most important public health, criminal and human rights issues on Earth and we have a very solid case that can win and stop the PCR fraud, non vaccine experiments and global censorship as illegal acts.
WHO has no authority & worse, no formal capability to evaluate novel medical interventions. None at all. That means their declarations are entirely POLITICAL. They couldn’t formally evaluate safety and efficacy, even if these injections were vaccines and even if vaccines were a real benefit, which they are not.
Specifically, in this case, all recent vaccines are mRNA-based and WILL be inherently injurious.
Please do not consent to being injected & please do all you can to persuade others not to accept it either.
Best wishes
“If you let the government break the law because of an ‘emergency’, they will always create an ‘emergency’ to break the law!”
...was posted on Facebook by Jess Ica on November 26, 2020.
Ya, we know WTF has been happening all along. Government betrayal!