Watch Nuremberg Hearing Live Nov 9 2023! Sign Up For Court Link Early
The COURT ASKS ALL MEDIA to: "report on the publics ability to watch live". Please share this URGENT public notice to the entire international community to watch live & show we want to stop the shots!
Stop Covid Vaccines NOW! Sign up Instructions for Nuremberg Hearing.
Watch the Public Hearing & join us live Nov 9, 2023 at 8:30 am Costa Rica time
Public Help Needed To Network & Share This!!!
Share this website to sign up & watch:!
Please visit the Stop Covid Vaccines Now website where you will find the sign up form to receive a link to watch live, a downloadable case study report to learn the issues, Affidavits from our Chief Scientist Dr. Yeadon (former VP Pfizer) who has been a hero in this fight for Costa Rica’s scientific integrity since mid 2021 and more information about the public hearing ORDERED by the judge for Nov 9, 2023.
Notice: The court clerk will take your emails to send you a viewing link direct, that is until the clerk gets too many signs ups and she will then issue IOJ one link for all the rest who she cant enter to watch.
The clerk is excited to take your emails and send your viewing link, and noted the court has never had a high viewing for a public hearing online (which is why she may get overburdened and need to cut the list short - so get in early).
This is exciting for the court to use their new virtual tools through Microsoft TEAMS to host as many viewers as possible.
Yeah we know - Microsoft TEAMS, haha. IOJ agreed to use it because its the only official virtual court platform.
Interest of Justice vs Costa Rica et al
This hearing is to determine that Costa Rica and their Superiors in WHO and FDA lied about safe and effective publicly, whilst knowing it is experimental, known to be harmful and death is common, which maliciously denies the entire international community its right to informed consent and is a Nuremberg Violation which the court must prohibit in the public interest.
Public Help Needed To Network & Share This!!!
This precautionary hearing takes an enormous amount of energy, love and real work. Please support the pro bono IOJ team to have the real resources we need to fight and prevent the global undue experiments on humanity that violate Nuremberg Code. IOJ fundraising is slow & IOJ still needs your support! It takes a village. Partner with us to take these illegal experiments completely off the market. We can do it together with your help! The regulators are not above the law or ethics obligations.
Other related articles from Interest of Justice
We must charge every doctor that does Gender surgeries on children under the Nuremberg code , just the same as the NAZI doctors were !!
Big yay for transparency - we actually get to see the whites of their eyes when met with evidence of the crimes that have taken place.
Big respect for the judge 😊