WHO DG Tedros: "No One Is Safe! Because We Know That The Next Pandemic Is A Matter Of WHEN, NOT IF"
Sugar on top and if that doesn't work.. more fear... NO ONE IS SAFE!!! "Buy My BS Pandemic Treaty :) Pretty Please"
Intergovernmental Negotiating Body on a WHO Pandemic Agreement – 17-21 February 2025
Because we know that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if…. ALLEGEDLY
With only five more days of formal negotiations left, scheduled for April 7-11, countries agreed to hold informal meetings in March to try to find compromises on the trickiest issues.
As usual, IoJ will return with a new legal demand and angle to help everyone protest!
For now, lets discuss the WHO DG'‘s preposterous remarks to open last weeks WHO INB 13 (Intergovernmental negotiating body) meeting to push the pandemic treaty.
It is appearing to be falling apart, BUT, there are quite a few powerful countries urging to push it through by May, so let’s stay alert and vigilant.
It COULD STILL PASS. We can’t allow that to happen. Not on our watch!
Buy My BS Pandemic Treaty :) Pretty Please
17 February 2025
Our Co-Chairs, Precious and Anne-Claire,
Our Vice-Chairs, Ambassador Tovar, Ambassador Ramadan, Dr Viroj and Ms Davis,
Excellencies, dear colleagues and friends,
Good morning, and welcome once again to WHO.
Let me begin by thanking the co-chairs, vice-chairs and members of the bureau for your leadership and hard work.
Thank you for the text you have proposed, which reflects the different views of Member States, and balances those views with public health needs.
And thank you to all Member States for your continuing commitment to this process.
As you know, we are at a crucial point, as you move to finalize the Pandemic Agreement in time for the World Health Assembly.
It really is a case of now or never. But I am confident that you will choose now, because you know what is at stake.
You remember the hard-won lessons of COVID-19, which left an estimated 20 million of our brothers and sisters dead, and which continues to kill.
They are why we are here: to protect future generations from the impact of future pandemics.
Because we know that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if.
There are reminders all around us: Ebola, Marburg, measles, mpox, influenza, and the threat of the next disease X.
The catch-cry of the COVID-19 pandemic remains true: no one is safe until everyone is safe.
No country can protect itself by itself. Bilateral agreements will only get you so far….
[IoJ side note - um is this a threat?]
Prevention is the responsibility of all countries;
Preparedness is the responsibility of all countries;
And response is the responsibility of all countries.
Coming together, of course, is not easy; it was never going to be. But that is the power of multilateralism.
Last Friday, the 14th of February, the Government of the United States of America informed WHO of its decision to withdraw from the intergovernmental process. [IoJ - yay!]
Like the decision to withdraw from WHO, we regret this decision, and we hope the U.S. will reconsider.
Thank you all for your hard work and for the great progress you have made, despite the naysayers. You have found agreement on so many issues.
The finish line is in sight, to build a landmark legal framework, to help the world to prepare, and to prepare well.
Together with the important amendments to the International Health Regulations that you adopted last year, the Pandemic Agreement will make us all safer.
As always, we are grateful for your engagement and guidance, and we look forward to your questions, comments and support.
I thank you.
WHO DG Tedros the grifter selling the BS Pandemic Treaty
UPDATE for our tribe: We have been BURIED in completing the next round of legal documents, but we want you all to know we are not gone, just super focused and it’s a LOT on us time wise, and even emotionally, to to actually take all steps needed to successfully sue the WHO and all regulators. We know NO ONE yet has had success, but we have full faith in our grand multi prong plan, and a way bigger vision than most see, so we can’t stop…
We are getting damn close to finalizing IoJ’s 4 cases against WHO! It has been 4 years of fighting for humanity and our cases have gone from WHO Internal Oversight to the WHO Legal Department, and thankfully WHO Oversight finally stepped in and formally referred four of our cases to the National Authorities.
See, WHO “shall” settle all disputes, and they REFUSE to settle our disputes of law and science, leaving them open to be liable and waive their “sovereign” immunity (as if a treaty based international organization could EVER be sovereign, a laughable concept).
A Nuremberg Hearing was held on November 11, 2024, with the President and Health Minister’s offices, where IoJ, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay, and Dr. Leisha Martin asked Costa Rica to step in to STOP the null IHR Amendments, WHO-authorized EUL vaccines, PCR tests, and WHO censorship.
We are still awaiting a decision, and to stay proactive, we will be asking for a formal decision very soon, and we will ask for it to be based on the countries final analysis of each point we made.
Health Minister & VP, it’s time to shit or get off the pot—either act and decide or meet us in court! We have genetic experiments to stop!
If a decision is not made very soon, IoJ will take these four critical WHO claims to every semi-honorable National Authority—and, if necessary, to international court—to prove the TRUTH:
👉 There was NO emergency & the shots are unsafe unlawful experiments
👉 We will prevail.
👉 VICTORY is inevitable.
To our few but mighty supporters, you are true heroes. We are blessed to have your faith and support in this mission to free humanity from oppression and experimentation. You know who you are, and so do we. 💙🙏
Thank you for trusting in our work and mission. This is a crime against humanity, and we WILL prove it—no matter how long it takes. We truly believe that IoJ is further than anyone in the world in holding WHO and the wrongdoers accountable. It won’t take a lifetime—but they sure as hell don’t make it easy and we MUST fight.
This mission is for humanity. Period.
🔥 Love you all—IoJ family. 🔥
We are the crazy dreamers insane enough to approach the Beast and tell them its OUR world to co-create with sane awesome people and even sue the Beast system. You probably need to be an artist or insane to do this hard work lol. Thanks for being here.
Also Join us on Sue the WHO Initiative:
Pandemics aren’t a thing. In order to have such a thing, infectious disease would need easily to spread from person to person, also called symptomatic transmission or more alarmingly called contagion.
Others have known for some time what I only realised a couple of years ago. That this phenomenon simply doesn’t happen. I realise that almost all of us believe it does. However, the objective findings are that this is an illusion. It’s brought about in the context of respiratory illnesses because we each experience these quite often. Because we’ve been lied to & told we’ve “caught it from someone”, we think back & attribute it to anyone we encountered in recent times who had any symptoms at all.
But contagion is an extremely useful lie for authoritarians.
It’s all lies, to gain mastery of your life through regulations and FEAR.
Ignore these crooks. They’re not our friends.
I'm 78 years old and Covid was my FIRST pandemic. I know from being an informed person that does his homework that Covid was a lot of NOTHING. It was promotion, lies and misdirection. FAKE from start to finish. I hope fewer people are sucked into the next scam.