AfD Censors Dr. Yeadon For Being Too Outspoken. Is Donor $ Worth More Than Integrity? Is Health Freedom Censorship The Great Enabler Of The Evil We Face?
We would ask AFD but they may censor us since Dr. Yeadon is our Chief Scientist and we agree with every word they censored, which must be made KNOWN AS TRUE IN COURT AND IN HISTORY. Dark to light AFD!
Remember giving Tuesday is tomorrow! For CSO’s like IoJ, this is how we keep going! From support like yours! We cannot do these difficult and amazing tasks like we do without your help! Let’s join together as a team and win this!
Interest of Justice and Dr. Yeadon are currently preparing 3 main cases in order to stop the COVID non vaccine biological agent attack, take the non vaccines out of the national vaccination schedules and declare them to be toxic experiments by design which must be taken of the market to protect the health and safety of the entire international community. The cases will be filed very shortly. Team IoJ, Dr. Yeadon and the other amazing witnesses are about to pull some legal moves which will expose these dark truths in a legal way which will allow us to confront and change many problems which we all face globally now and into the near future. Join us now to stop the attack on humanity by taking real legal action. We are 100% NON profit. Thanks for being part of the SOLUTION! We can still win this!
All funds go to the Super Attorney law firm we hired to clean up this mess and expenses to actually file a series of cases, FOIA’s and actions.
Dr. Yeadon expresses his disappointment and frustration at being censored by a prominent “freedom” group on “our side”.
First his public announcement about the issue, then IOJ’s thoughts.

By Dr. Michael Yeadon November 25, 2023
I may have mentioned that I had been invited to address a sizeable gathering in the German parliament, a couple of weekends ago?
A lengthy session arranged by the party of the admirably feisty MEP, Christine Anderson, the AfD.
They have something like 82 members of Parliament, mostly in the former East, and 9 MEPs. Not too shabby.
I was promised an audience of 90 elected representatives and 200 eager officials, together possessing a veritable alternative network that doesn’t rely on mainstream media for its communication.
They realised early that they were never going to get a fair shake by their media, so decided to not try to pretend to be like the other parties and simply represent those with no voice. Admirable stuff.
So, persuaded it was worth a shot, I prepared a short talk. I was surprised to find I had the last slot & looking at the people and topics, I thought, wow, I’ve got a chance to really get an impact.
I simplified and focused on the alleged vaccines. How there could never have been sufficient time to have done what was claimed. That even if the narrative was true, virtually nobody would benefit from it because they’re not at risk. That pregnant women have for 60 years never been exposed to new medicines, not even once fully approved.
Then I described rational drug design, and my career using it. The awful conclusion that toxicity was built into these agents. Five discrete mechanisms of toxicity. By the way, our molecular biology experts find an additional handful of mechanisms of harm, to do with nuclear entry, all superfluous to the notional purpose.
The conclusion is that we are under intense attack. That we can repel these evil people by sufficient of us simply refusing to comply with the campaign of fear. The economy may be decimated in whatever is coming but that we can recover as free individuals.
After I’d finished, there was a strange noise. It was the usual polite applause, but a roar that simply didn’t stop. I switched camera view on my screen. The whole place was on its feet. They were clapping like mad. It went on for an embarrassing 2-3 minutes.
Gratified, I mumbled thanks for the opportunity to speak to them and ended the link.
I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AfD had decided my opinions were too extreme and they’ve excised my presentation from the link to the session, which I understand has now been made public.
It’s very depressing and frustrating to find I’m being censored by what I thought was our own side.
I don’t think I’m going to get a copy of my own speech, either.
If you know anyone connected to whatever is going on there, we’d love to hear a perspective from the inside.
Best wishes,
P.S. Someone alleged that there had been a problem with the sound. I don’t believe that for a moment.
*CORRECTION Notice: readers noticed there was a [Americas Frontline Doctors] in brackets. It’s NOT Dr. Yeadon’s words or even true lol and the brackets been removed. It is NOT about them!!!!!!! Sorry for the confusion.
Lioness of Judah does an awesome job of getting Dr. Yeadon’s messages out there. Two days ago there was outrage after Dr. Yeadon announced he was being censored “by my own side”. Comments over there are worth reading and commenting.
IOJ thinks Dr. Yeadon was a bit naïve to think his truths can be shared by all in the freedom movement on our side.
See, there are not two sides of dark and light in the freedom movement - there are three.
Let us explain.
There are the first group of mainstream saddlers. “Normies” that dabble in bits of truth. They simply don’t believe the WHO and governments are lying to nudge us into harmful toxins. Thats way too crazy for them to buy into.
The second group consists of a hodgepodge of freedom movement grifters and they make a full time living now as celebrities - civil society groups, councils, assemblies. They are on every show and fly all around the world to speak about problems.
They KNOW Dr. Yeadon is right and its an attack - BUT - they have a lot of funding that relies on their affiliation with “normie” experts like Dr. Malone (Malone is in group 2 whilst pretending to be a “Normie” in group 1) which attacks Dr. Yeadon on Twitter whilst he also testifies its harmful and the government knows it - BUT - testifies he doesn’t believe its intended to cause harm by the government. Some call it controlled opposition. We call it helping the enemy downplay the horrible reality they are attacking us all. It’s not helping fix the real problem Dr. Yeadon is working so hard to expose.
If the problems were actually solved by these “normie” first groups or the grifter second groups they would have no role or prominence, because fighting government corruption of severe evil is NOT their main role in life. It is supposedly the role of the “freedom movement” grifters who give out hope whilst doing NOTHING to go to the top and make a legal difference. More than a few groups we know of do brag of $250,000 festival conventions they put on with expensive tickets where the doctors all go to talk amongst themselves of the problems every year. They rely on funding which straddles the line.
Anyway, When the legal freedom groups file legal cases we notice they file single cases to tackle one section of one problem like a mandate, but wont challenge the Nuremberg or criminal biological attack, or ever use international law elements or go out on a limb to “fringeville” to be real about what we as society really may need to assess and address - such as the issue of an intent to harm us and FDA trying to hide damning trial data for 75 years to continue the attack.
Those people and groups need to stick to a certain narrative because they are not wanting to lose their semi mainstream funders (thats a huge reason) or get CREAMED by law-fare and government smear jobs. We would empathetically presume they feel like it may end up like the game of whack-a-mole, when they stick their necks out too far they may get bonked on the head by the boot of the man and need to retreat back in the hole. They aren’t willing to risk the big bonk legally, lifestyle wise, socially or something even more medieval.
The warrior creed of the 3rd group.
In the third group we find those children of light who find themselves at the tip of the spear, way ahead of their time and way more blunt with their words. Even the ones rooting for them don’t want to be associated because it means if they say it, it’s forever, it’s intent to do battle for TRUTH in a dark time where truth is very dangerous.
Why does Dr. Yeadon speak his truth, knowing his credibility is both at risk but also his credibility is also one of humanities best tools to cut through the lie spell we are under? He knows he is a tool of God’s divine work and here in this time and place with his background, to be positioned as a SOLE leader to shine light on dark.
Words are intent. We are creators. We build and we tear down. We lift up that which we resonate with and the freedom movement that knows its an attack but will hide that attack are not trying to tear down Dr. Yeadon or truth, they just hope the great pillar of truth and rule of law will spring up away from them lest there be a war.
They don’t resonate with the warrior creed of the children of the light like Dr. Yeadon who believe we are powerful enough to transmute the most powerful evil to the most powerful benevolent harmony. The masters know we need action to move the mission forward.
We act with our words and intent to slay the 7 headed beast of babylon. We are not going to play that game of pandering to babylon interests to censor us even more, otherwise we may as well be lobbied by Pfizer.
The 3rd group where Dr. Yeadon is (and where AfD is apparently not) is on a divine wavelength of crystal clear purity, simply wanting to expose the impure, downright demonic and evil, in order to to even hope for the opportunity to purge it.
Its like a feeling of uncomfortable silence falls over the discussion when the issue of “intent to cause harm” is addressed.
Are we all supposed to self regulate ourselves, including in the very movement we are supposed to use as a vehicle for a pure health & freedom message?
Some issues are just “too big” for some of these weaker groups?
Looks like it.
Big issues in society revolving around out of control EVIL and systematic global unprecedented attacks on our dignity, health and very lives cannot possibly be resolved by keeping secrets for our common down-pressers.
Mushrooms and corruption
Two things that thrive in the dark.
Global health procurement corruption is an international health security risk. In this instance we may seriously be putting all of the international community at risk if we continue to stifle Dr. Yeadon’s message, which is his protected opinion to say: “it’s made to hurt you - toxic by design - wake up!!!”
Remember giving Tuesday is tomorrow! For CSO’s like IoJ, this is how we keep going! From support like yours! We cannot do these difficult and amazing tasks like we do without your help! Let’s join together as a team and win this!
All funds go to the Super Attorney law firm we hired to clean up this mess and expenses to actually file a series of cases, FOIA’s and actions.
Also see what other children of light in the 3rd category have to say:
Interest of Justice and Dr. Yeadon are currently preparing 3 main cases in order to stop the COVID non vaccine biological agent attack, take the non vaccines out of the national vaccination schedules and declare them to be toxic experiments by design which must be taken of the market to protect the health and safety of the entire international community. The cases will be filed very shortly. Team IoJ, Dr. Yeadon and the other amazing witnesses are about to pull some legal moves which will expose these dark truths in a legal way which will allow us to confront and change many problems which we all face globally now and into the near future. Join us now to stop the attack on humanity by taking real legal action. We are 100% NON profit. Thanks for being part of the SOLUTION! We can still win this!
Remember giving Tuesday is tomorrow! For CSO’s like IoJ, this is how we keep going! From support like yours! We cannot do these difficult and amazing tasks like we do without your help! Let’s join together as a team and win this!
There are some of us who give generously to America's Frontline Doctors who are reassessing our gifts. Dr Yeadon doesn't ask for any assistance..... and he is a true Hero!
I don't know anyone's direct contact in that party but I found this online:
Here is contact info for the party: Zentrale:
Telefon: 030 22023-000
Telefax: 030 22023-009 | | | | | | |
Sprecher: Tino Chrupalla und Dr. Alice Weidel
I wrote them. I hope this helps. Maybe if enough of us write them, they will put the talk back.
I wrote: "I understand that Mike Yeadon's portion of the talk referenced in the link below has been cut. Unless this is an accident it is not in support of freedom of speech.
Please correct either the technical or ethical error and put the speech back in.
Thank you"